Friday, May 09, 2014

Reese Witherspoon Can Be A Funny Drunk

Throw a few drinks in Reese Witherspoon and she becomes a totally different person. Gone is the actress who doesn't get along with her staff or who struggles for an hour with what to wear for her daily pap pic. The drinking Reese is the one who makes the greatest arrest videos of all time and offers sex advice in elevators while talking to models. NSFW language.


  1. I thought we all knew she was like this?

  2. I so wish she'd said "DeLasagna". That would have made my day.

    But Dee-la-vig-knee is pretty funny, too.

  3. I'm hilarious when I'm drunk. And then I vomit and fall asleep. My hilarious stage lasts approximately 2 minutes.

  4. Violet, you seem hilarious twenty-fo-seben. Your comments are my joy.
    That being said, I would pay good $ to get some drinks on with Reesie Piecey

  5. This video is everywhere. I don't think she is even that drunk and who does know how to say her last name. I was hoping cara would say it so we would learn something. Not a fan of Laura Poon but this is pretty lame attempt of showing her drunk. I am sure there are better ones.

  6. Zooey looks wasted. Sober Zoey annoys me to no-end. Drunk Zooey makes me stabby.

  7. Zooey seems more wasted than Reese in this, but no one is talking about that- she looks quite hammed.

  8. LOL @Violet.

    I'm an a-MAZING dancer when I'm drunk but when I see a video of this the next day it's obviously of someone else because they look like a total dork.

  9. @Sherry---like Elaine on Seinfeld ; ) ?
    That truly looks like the elevator to HELL

  10. Whisper my name in your pillow bitches

  11. Am I the only one who likes her less after seeing this?

  12. LOL. Reese wasn't all that funny, but that other girl was loopy.....was that Zooey D in the black dress up front who was TRASHED beyond comprehension? That is some funny shit.

  13. Eh. She wasn't driving anywhere.

    Isn't Reese mostly a producer now, as opposed to an actress? It might fit her skill set better.

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  16. Reese, the effects of alcohol are staring to show on your face. Oh, and you have saggy boobies.

  17. Lol y'all are harsh. She reminds me of a Southern Patsy Stone, much like myself on the rare occasions I imbibe. :D

  18. They were having fun! Looks like good times.

  19. reese to lets the bitch out
    enough with this hoity toity act

  20. There's two types of Southern women.

    Southern belles and Southern gals.

    I don't think anyone ever had any doubt that Reese is definitely a gal.

  21. This thread is dead but I'm sorry most drunk females are funny as all shit.

  22. Idk why this has exploded as controversial. She didn't fall down , didn't piss herself or do anything out of the ordinary other than that whisper comment being beyond stoopid.

  23. I think it is because Cara originally posted the video and then suddenly yanked it. Reese didn't want it out there for whatever reason. Only made it more popular.

  24. I love Reese, bitchy side and all. I can't help it, just do. Funny story for you guys: I actually met her at a frat party at Vanderbilt. I was like a junior (I think?), she was still in high school (she's from Nashville) and she and 2 friends came to the party. I had JUST the night before rented Man in the Moon, her first movie, so I recognized her and, buzzing pretty righteously at that point, marched right up to her and asked if she was Reese Witherspoon. She was tiny, pale, and very naturally pretty. They were SO obviously high school students and out of place, it was hilarious. She was a bit standoffish but once she confirmed she was RW and I told her how much I loved her performance in MITM, she lit up with that famous grin and was very sweet. She had just made that movie a year or two before so I've wondered since then if it's possible I was one of the first random strangers in public to recognize her. Maybe not, but the idea tickles me!

  25. Great story, thanks for sharing! :)

  26. I don't mnd that she seem like a big bitch if only she didn't pretend otherwise. I hope she gets well known as a powerful producer.
