Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Matt Damon out with his wife.
Mia Wasikowska and Tom Hiddleston film their new movie with
Charlie Hunnam and
Jessica Chastain.
Sarah Silverman and Michael Sheen make their way back to Los Angeles.
Also making her way from Sydney to
Los Angeles was Nicole Kidman.
At the opposite end of the country were Rachel McAdams and her sister.
Amanda Seyfried walks her dog without Justin Long's help.


  1. So THAT is where TTM is today!!!

  2. Snidey Met Gala blind reveal re: Mike, Rachel and Sarah.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. wow charlie looks like heath... had to look at it twice.

  6. Mreep, Mreep! Even Enty is doing recon for the Hiddle Vigil.

    1. There's a vigil for hiddleston? My gay for Hidds will
      Be so disappointed!

  7. Tom = ??
    Sarah - nice catch as far as adequate thespians go, despite his pronounced upper lip thing.

  8. The biggest star in this collection of pics is Amanda Seyfried's dog! I want that dog!

    1. Ditto! I wonder if it catches frisbees.

  9. I wouldn't mind rolling on the grass with Charlie.

  10. Gotta comment on the photos before Seven posts my favorite HuminaHunnam video and I lose 30 minutes watching Jax Teller get it on with someone who, tragically, is not me.

    Always loved Damon's wife's hair.

    Love Rachel.

    That's pretty much all I have to say about this set. Whew!!!

  11. Oh, this movie looks so interesting. Mia's belt is fascinating.

    That better not be TTM under the hat next to Charlie. Guuurl.

  12. Nicole is NOT ours. She wasn't born here, hence we claim no ownership. Partics of her "Grace Kelly"
    Nose dive.

  13. Wait...Sarah Silverman and Michael Sheen?? Didn't see that one coming.

  14. Mia's belt is creeping me out.

  15. Well, @Seven, since you went to all the would DEFINITELY be rude of me not to watch... Mmmm hmmmm... Quite rude... :P

    At least I got my comment out before so I wouldn't have to go back and look at pics again to even remember what I was going to comment in the first place!!

  16. Ladies! Woot! Thanks, Enty! Only two more sleeps and then the Hiddlestalking goes live! Thanks to Dizzel we've got a starting point...

    Seven, guuuurl, you know I'd wrap it up and call you??

    1. TalksTooMuch : where are you? I'd camp out for Hiddleston any day!

    2. Woo hoo Dizzel! Surfer will also be with us!

  17. I didn't know Sarah was dating Sheen - wonder why he dumped Rachel (who I love)?

    Nicole ♪♫"I wear my sunglasses at night"♪♫ Kidman. Crazy.

    1. Sunglasses after dark (google it)

  18. Yay! That lured out TTM!!!

    1. It totally did, Lady H! I am running late, flipping through and screeched to a halt at the Hiddles. Woo hoo! How's the day been? it looks a little, um, chatty

    2. Oooh I have been popping in and out sporadically, doing the daily overview right now. Should I be afraid?

    3. Oh...that. RIGHT. We should all make cupcakes with Hiddles and Hunnams decorations!

  19. Jessica Chastain contemplating something.

    Sarah Silverman getting herself all squeaky clean.

    Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise getting sexy.

    Rachel McAdams underwater.

    Amanda Seyfried and her lovely hair.

  20. Okay, Hiddleston, Hunnam, Chastain and whoever the fuck else is in this movie. Last Tues or Thurs (I can't remember) I was driving home from work at 910 pm. Streets were closed off at Queen and Main And King, and had to drive around the Scottish Rite building. I figured it was this damn movie, and roads were closed or hard to traverse (lots of hot cops around directing traffic). Honey wagons and white trucks full of equipment everywhere.

    Anyway, my point is that I managed to get a very good look at the lighting they did at the Scottish Rite building where they were filming. I am no fool when it comes to lighting effects, but damn it looked fucking creepy, and that just appeared to be them setting the lights up as the dark was coming. So I guess it is safe to say that I will be going to see this flick when it comes out.

    Oh, an TTM, a friend of a friend got Hunamams autograph. From all reports, the male actors are very friendly.

    1. Basil!!!! Where have you been??? We could a used this intel! Get in the HiddleVigil!

  21. Anonymous1:18 PM

    Great recon work, Basil! Hear that, TTM? Male actors = Very friendly.

  22. P: McAdams sisters tag team

    M: Mrs. Damon

    B: I would dive into Kidman's icehole.

  23. I take it they are filming in Canada? Wow talk about dodging a dog Hunam. Hmm do Fifty Shade o Shite or a movie with respected actors.

    PaintChips I believe Rachel dumped Michael cuz he's a cheating dog.

  24. I looked up the movie and it's supposed to be a kinky horror film. I'm in!!! Don't know how to do clickies but here's a link on the film. Sounds interesting.

  25. @Seven Yessssss...manners finally paid off... I don't think that reward is what my little Polish grandmother had in mind when she drummed them into me, though...

  26. Basil - you're in Toronto? How did I (we) not know this?

  27. Sherry, she's too good for him.

  28. My friend went to the set where Charlie, Tom, and Jessica are filming and met the 3 of them. Said they were amazingly sweet, personable, and took all the time they could with fans.

  29. I want Amanda's dog.

  30. Hamilton. Scottish Rite is a Masonic building that looks like a castle right there, so they had all the streets blocked off because there was so many crew vehicles. 2 weeks ago they filmed around Bayfront and some dude got hurt (crew member) and it actually made the Hamilton Spectator. This is the biggest movie shoot in town since Robocop, The Hulk before that, and Long Kiss Goodbye with Geena Davis.

  31. Oh, and that Pic link someone posted of MIA, is most definitely the Scottish Rite building.

    So Jax is supposedly Charlie Hunnam? Tell him I remember him getting rimmed by Petre Baylish aka Littlefinger.
