Friday, May 02, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Kevin Spacey is in the new Call Of Duty. He looks good digitized.
Lily Allen continues her efforts to get supplied with free Chanel for life.
Lena Dunham takes the always popular I blinded myself looking into the sun while taking a selfie.
Lindsay Lohan continues her sobriety in London by bar hopping. Really working hard to get that Oscar.
By contrast, Liv Tyler looks delightful in NYC.
Mariah Carey in Times Square celebrating her album launch.
Meryl Street got an award last night for best scarf. Or is that a shawl? A wrap?
Martha Stewart in all black. Still waiting for her to come bake for me.
Naomi Watts escapes the heat by hitting the beach in Santa Monica.


  1. Jeebus, I thought Lohan was Sarah Ferguson!

  2. Wonder who Lindsay stole those Beats from

  3. Lena sees herself on the screen and still insists on taking a selfish she must be as blind as she is fugly.
    I lived on Meryl Street once I think or passed out on it.
    Nice Lindsay!

  4. *selfie* but selfish also works for that cow.

  5. I fucking love Kevin Spacey.

  6. I wonder when Lindsay will just disappear and we don't have to see her pic daily. Why do the paps keep following her, I don't get it.

  7. Lindsay is a fucking idiot.

    Love Naomi Watts.

    Wow! Mariah looks EXACTLY like her album cover! (heeheehee)

  8. Lindsay, you are truly pitiful. If Okrah can't help you, tell Dena to start saving the change from her wine purchases for your funeral.

  9. Oh Lena... You're attractive. I've SEEN you be attractive. Why do you insist on wearing clothes that fit you like a llama trying to wear a dress??? I don't get it... Yeah yeah, don't give into Hollywood standards, blah blah. Having a good sense of what looks good on your body does NOT mean you're caving to "the man" mmmmk?

    Back off my Meryl - I have always loved her, always will.

    I like Naomi's outfit for once!! Minus the hat, but I'm not a hat person...

    Mariah... I just... Isn't she embarrassed?? I mean, if I put out a pic that was so heavily edited like that, so OBVIOUS, I would hide in my house until I actually looked like that... At this point, she's just making a fool out of herself. And it's so cringeworthy it's almost sad. If she weren't a gazillionaire, I would feel sorry for her...

  10. Yeah, Lindsay told Leno she'd have an Oscar in 5 years. That was 3 years ago. Tick, Tock, bitch.

  11. Allen for the shop lifter blind?

  12. I think Lena Dunham is wearing Dansko clogs. They're fugly but OMG they are so comfortable. Restaurant workers and medical professionals all wear them to work - if you have to stand on your feet all day they're great. You don't have to break them in, either. (Dansko Professional is the style.)

  13. lindsay needs a long nap. she looks exhausted. look for a hospital stay for exhaustion soon.

  14. Liv Tyler continues to look lovely.

  15. Meryl Streep is a (acting) goddess who can do or wear whatever she wants now and forever as far as I'm concerned ☺️

  16. P: Liv Tyler - has she aged since 1991?

    M: Blohan

    B: Watts

  17. I think Mariah designed some posters and got some other people to hold them.

  18. oh my goodness...Lindsay's hand O.o they look so....old...

  19. I actually hesitated and asked myself, "Do I really want to see what's behind this link?" The answer was "Fuck it, sure". He has a nice-ish bum, if you're into bums

  20. Lindsey looks like she's seconds from passing out in that picture.

  21. The way those signs look for MiMi, you just KNOW her publicist showed up and handed them all out to people saying, "hey, hold these up and act excited." Oh, Mariah. Come on.

  22. Perhaps Lena is showing off what she got at a yard sale.

  23. Why is Liv wearing a coat and sandals?
