Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Shakira looking lovely as she makes her way to Extra.
Tyra Banks poses with Chrissy Teigen before
Chrissy sticks her tongue in Padma Lakshmi's ear.
You probably won't see Tina Fey sticking her tongue in
Amy Poehler's ear.
Seth Meyers and Judah Friedlander would probably like to watch though.
Taylor Swift seems to be increasing the number of security who surround her.
A rare burst of color from the usually dressed in black, Victoria Beckham.
Her husband was in Miami watching the Heat.


  1. Shakira 4 one of the blinds

  2. hey shaki lookin fine

    I don't know why but Chrissy's face makes me feel stabby
    30 Rock reunion!!! Knope! Hey There, Becks!

    1. Chrissy T is a huuuuge twat. Super huge.

      Shakira looks freakkng great!

  3. Tina looks absolutely lovely!

  4. Shakiras hips nevah lie.
    Chrissys keeping it classy I guess.
    Tina and Amy both look lovely
    Posh looks kinda posh.

  5. I would so wear Shakira's outfit! Must find.

    That dress is doing Ms Tiegan's girls no favors.

    Tina! Amy! Becks! I hope someone is hearing my bat call!

  6. Lately, Taylor S. has always bruises in her legs. In past pictures were even more visible.

  7. I love Chrissy T on Twitter. The only model i have ever liked (jealousy is a bitch).
    Sandy, Posh WISHES she was actually posh.

  8. shakira's body is awesome.

    tyra and chrissy are so annoying. there are much better, more interesting, etc models out there. yeah classy move licking the biggest golddigger around. padma looks old.

    posh's outfit is really cute but a bit warm for the weather.

  9. Posh was gorgeous in white at the Met, Enty.

  10. Posh is officially my good luck charm! Whenever I see her pic, good things seem to happen.

  11. Never taste anyone's ear. Ew. Waxy.

  12. Tyra back in her runway days.

    Chrissy Tiegen relaxing on the beach.

    Padma having a bite.

    Taylor's the one that needs to have a bite. She's too skinny. With her fake boyfriends and constant papping and revolving door of besties and buying houses all over the country and that truly moronic face painting she is so fond of, sometimes I think Taylor's not quite right in the head, so maybe some sort of eating disorder isn't out of the question for her.

  13. Taylor legs look skinnier than Posh... certainly time for a decent meal when Posh is bigger than you....

  14. I heart Judah and his random hats.

  15. I wouldn't mind seeing Tina Fey put her tongue somewhere in Amy Poelher. Dunno about the ear though :p

  16. Is the security guy carrying Taylor's purse??

  17. P: Shakira

    M: Swift

    B: Fey - She don't strike me as a Brazilian Wax girl, so I would probably start off with some grooming.

  18. Count, interesting comment about Tina. I love grooming girls ... I live for it.

  19. @Harry: It is an extra way to spend quality time w/ the fun parts.

  20. Shakira can do no wrong. Chrissy tiegan is overrated.. Meh
    Posh is wonderful! And David looks hot- just no talking!!

  21. "You probably won't see Tina Fey sticking her tongue in
    Amy Poehler's ear."

    Well the day ain't over.

    @Di - I believe that about Chrissy. She annoys the hell out of me. I hear Cameron Diaz is annoying as well. Almost Goop levels of annoying.

    Say what you will about Padma but she has one sexy voice.

  22. Hello Shakira! Very hot.

    Tina and Amy look great. Total MILFs.

  23. Swifty looks like an ice princess.
