Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Four parts today.

Madonna wanted to wear this to the Met Gala. When Anna Wintour said no, Madonna stayed home.
Orlando Bloom arrives at the premiere of his new film.
Al Pacino and his maybe pregnant girlfriend.
Prince William sitting in coach.
I'm pretty sure that bread will last Ashlee Simpson two weeks. Ashlee and Evan Ross are in Paris.
Susan Sarandon on the way to the movies.
Shailene Woodley was on Letterman before heading to the Met Gala.
Also, earlier in the day, David and Victoria Beckham hung out in NYC.
Nothing strange about a guy blinded by the bright lights at a hockey game. Right Zac Efron?


  1. Does Anna have approval over everyone's outfits? Since when does Madge listen to anyone?

  2. Ugh. Madge, STOP trying to be relevant again. You reek of desperation.

  3. Maybe Efron saw that pic of Madonna mummy titties from hell? they could be prescription shades to cure the consequent corneal damage. And with this, my eyes and ears are now fucked for the day, Enty.

  4. why would she go topless? the whole point is clothes.

    posh is a very pretty lady.

  5. Madonna has the best tittays

    I'd like the "Royal Tag Team" special stat#

    Zac better get his shit together...

  6. Wigs, I thought the same thing! Do they have to send her photos of the outfit?

    What in the holy gift wrap paper gods is Shailene wearing?

  7. Madge should have came on top of a horse a la Lady Godiva

  8. T.E Cruz two possible explanations.
    a) she's a rebel!

    b) she wanted to make a statement about vapid materialism/consumerism in the post modern era.

    short answer she's an a-hole

  9. um maybe zac just doesnt wanna be scene? wtf

  10. The Beckhams were my fave Met couple.

  11. Thank God for Anna Wintor (words that have probably never been spoken before) nobody wants to see Madonna in whatever the hell that outfit was.

  12. Madonna scares the shit out of me and I know that if we ever locked horns I would get my ass kicked from here to Timbuktu but I really wish mean ol' party pooper Anna had let her wear that thing last night. I'd still be jerking off.

    Orlando on a European sissy bike. What are the odds?

    Fucking Pacino just turned 74 and here he is knocking up babes .... I know damn well when I'm 74 I'll be dragging a colostomy bag around with me and wondering what I did with my bus pass.

    Shailene Woodley smiling seductively ... but not at me :(

    Not 100% convinced Zac and his team aren't trying to pull a fast one with all the coke and booze talk. He gets an awful lot of PR out of it and it makes him look like such a big boy.

  13. Who did shailene sleep with to go from abc family to major overnight star.

  14. Oh. EW! Old lady boobs!!! UGH! Blech!!! Patooooey!!

  15. No idea who Evan Ross is and too lazy to google but I thought he was Ricky from My So Called Life. Loved that show so much.

  16. I know where Ashlee can stick that loaf of bread!

  17. But does Prince Harry fly Coach class, too? That is the question.

  18. Madonna is pathetic. As if anyone wants to see her plastic boobies. You've got 4 kids, for heaven's sake, grow up.

  19. The woman with Al looks a lot like Liv Tyler, no? I wonder if the woman might be his oldest daughter, who's 25. His other daughter is only 13. Per Wikipedia.

  20. Madonna may be a pretentious asshole, but she really does have a great body for her age.

  21. shaileen's dress there is way better than the one she wore to the MET

  22. 1. I've seen a lot of people say that Madonna was basically being a wiseass, nothing more, which sounds good to me--I don't think even she would wear that in public.

    2. Shailene's been a very busy young actress the last few years--I don't remember if she got an Oscar nomination for The Descendents or not, but she did win other awards for her performance; she was in another movie last year, the full name of which eludes me (The something Now, IIRC), and got some pretty decent reviews there as well. She's also going to be starring in The Fault in Our Stars, the film version of the very popular John Green YA novel about a couple of teenagers w/cancer who fall in love, and, of course, there's the whole Divergent business. Granted, it's kind of Hunger Games lite, and she's being seen as "the new Jennifer Lawrence" (crimony, people, Jen is only 23 herself--is she even old enough to have newer versions of herself?), but she seems to be a decent actress and overall a pretty good kid, so I'm rooting for her.

  23. Anonymous4:51 PM

    Madonna didn't want to go.

    Zac is giving good "over it".

  24. Thanks for the comments about feminism, Shailene, because we needed to be reminded that you are basically just a teenager. Hope you read all the columns and open letters directed to you, and get a clue.

  25. Lol @skimpy. SW bugs me and I don't understand why she is popular. She is not a great actress or even good of you go by her ABC Family show.

    That haircut and dress do nothing for her either.

  26. From what I understand, Anna doesn't expect everyone to send in pics of dresses for approval; except 'certain' people. I.e. KK, Madonna, etc. She's a control freak, but there isn't enough time in the day to check off every attendees outfit. And Anna's dress, this year, was fucking HORRID!

  27. Zac is starting to chunk up.

  28. What kind of drugs is Madge on, that she thinks anybody wants to see that? And can I please have some?

    Glad I'm not the only person who finds SW insufferable.

  29. P: Woodley

    M: Pacino's broad

    B: Asslee

    I wouldn't bone Madonna to get to any of the broads in this set of pics. Maybe Asslee, but I'd have to hear what she's willing to do, and then what she is willing to do if I give her coke.

  30. I think Madonna should take her look the other way (like Diane Keaton did) and cover up for an edgy look. She's already done the half/full naked thing to death. Time to stick that in mothballs honey. Seriously why doesn't she try some real put together fashion. I have no idea why she thinks wearing a grill in 2014 is cutting edge or new or anything. She aught to get whoever styled Kate Blanchett & Kate Beckinsale for The Aviator and do some modernized Katherine Hepburn or Ava Gardner style fashion. Not full on retro but something with some honest to god style. BTW I too cannot stand SW. I can't figure out why they're so eager to cram her down the public's throat. She's not that great and that copycat haircut sucks. She most definitely is NOT Jennifer Lawrence. Not by a long shot. That is all.

  31. @Lula - You are my new favourite person. Dead on about Shailene Woodley, it's like you read my thoughts. And I couldn't agree with you more about Madonna.
