Thursday, May 08, 2014

Off Topic

Every drink tastes better with ice.


  1. Not milk or beer dude.

  2. No- what about milk?

  3. I agree with Reno. I'm not much for iced coffee either.

  4. @Reno true. My friend always puts ice in her beer! sacrelig. I loooove iced coffee but cant stand hot coffee or anything hot. Me and Anderson Cooper.

  5. And don't ever ever put ice in my PG Tips.

  6. ginger ale tastes sooooooo good with ice

  7. @derek, I don't like hot coffee either.

  8. When I drink, I dance like Vanilla Ice.

    1. @Charlie, I reckon we'd get along great so.
      I do a mean version of Ice Ice Baby when I drink.

  9. Bar Ice has more bacteria than toilets at those same restaurants.

    BBC Article on a recent study from 2013

  10. I wouldn't try it with cough syrup.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Hell, no. I hate ice.

  13. Mimosas do not taste good with ice. Chill your champagne and OJ properly!

  14. Apple juice and orange juice are gross on ice as is beer, milk, and red wine.

  15. No alcoholic drink tastes better with ice. Especially scotch.

  16. Anonymous11:13 AM

    Ice in everything 'cept beer

  17. My best friend drinks her milk with ice in it. I think it's disgusting.

  18. No. Back when I used to drink soft drinks, I even drank them at room temperature. I like hot drinks (coffee, tea) but prefer not-so-icy coolish drinks rather than ice-cold ones.

  19. If beverage cold no ice needed. My son and husband are all about the ice, yet sadly, tragically, they are unable to fill ice trays.

  20. @auntliddy loll my mom would always bitch at me for that.

  21. Nope. I put my Diet Coke (20 oz plastic bottle) into the freezer for just long enough so that it's like a Diet Coke slushie. Nectar of the gods! :)

    1. Ditto Cece!! I love my diet coke slushy. I gave it up for 3 years, and had a bad weekend and went back to I'm addicted again. I need to give it up again. Pray I can break this cycle and get back on just water. I know how bad it is for me...but I DON'T CARE, I LOVE IT!

    2. Melissa, try this: I MAKE myself drink water after a diet coke. I tell myself I can't have more diet coke until I finish a certain amount of water (usually 8 oz.) it just becomes habit. Good luck - I feel your pain! :)

    3. Cece, I totally appreciate this suggestion..I have been doing it. Im also getting back into drinking my black tea. That's how I got off of Diet Coke to begin with. I have been drinking a whole bottle of water. Thanks for this!!

  22. Not European wine, perhaps American (I have never drunk that) wine is, American beer is the only one which is better with ice.

  23. Don't feel bad AuntLicky, they don't seem to remember the recipe for ice at my house either.

    NO ice in beer. Just no.

  24. I only put ice in rum. That's it. Nothing else.

  25. My boxer loves ice cubes in his water bowl.
    My grandad used to put a little bit of chalk into his beer!
    He said it kept it aerated . I think he'd just had too many!
    Love ice in anything. Very refreshing .

  26. After having laser gum surgery and my teeth whitened I can't tolerate cold things very well. I drink a lot of things at room temp except for beer.

  27. What happened to the 24 oz. bottles of Diet Coke? All I see are the dinky 16 and 20 oz size. Is that because of Michelle Obama bitching about soda, and the companies caving in? Notice they don't dare try to get rid of the wildly popular 2 liter sized Diet Coke.

    1. I agree Studio, we blame everything on her, related to food and drink, including the price of meat, lol. We only have in our store, 20oz, the tiny bottles, reg cans, tiny cans and 2 litter. Where are the 240z? Our 20oz are 2 for $9. Still seems high to's all Obamas fault, as my 11 year old says..including her lunch lady (favorite) quitting. She said she can't handling the requirements any more 11 year old told me, Mom , she what Obama did now?

  28. @Melissa, thank you, those are the same sizes available where I live, so this was a decision made NOT by the public, but by pressure from Michelle Obama after she blamed soda serving sizes and said they should only be one serving size per bottle because of obesity. This has nothing to do with that. It's about ADULT consumer choice. The public WANTED the 24 oz size, like they WANT the 2 liter size. Mrs. Obama doesn't work, doesn't commute, and it should not be an edict from her that determines what sized soda the American people can purchase. NO ONE wants those rinky dink little cans and 16oz bottles that suddenly became available. I'm sure Coke and Pepsi pulled that size VOLUNTARILY, so as to not have the big hammer of government do it if they didn't act first. Public choice should be the determiner of the size and it was when the public said they wanted 24 oz bottles.

  29. Studio- this crap about drink sizes is so annoying. And i dont even buy them!! Maybe a person get 32 oz drink for the day. Maybe they share it with others. Maybe these is ice tea in cup, or lemonade, or diet soda.Or maybe its no ones fucking business whats in your cup or how big it is.
