Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Off Topic

Sunday and Wednesday nights are tied for my favorite nights of television.


  1. Sunday. Hands down. Neeeeext

  2. ohemgee me too, Enty! We're like, totally tv twins!
    Survivor/American Idol Wednesday (dont' judge me, betches)
    Amazing Race/Mad Men Sunday!

  3. Hbo and Showtime makes Sunday night Tv worthwhile.

  4. Sunday - Amazing Race (but I do miss Downton) and Wednesday - Survivor. Who thinks Tony will win??

    1. Califbondy - if Tony is in the finals (and it seems he will be what with that all powerful Idol he has) he should win. He's been playing hard from the start and even though he's not my favorite, I always appreciate a player. I like Spencer or Tosha for the win even though Spencer can be a big whiny baby sometimes.

  5. Sunday for sure. The minute Games of Thrones appears on the stream, the dishes are abandoned.

    Everything else, I usually wait until the next day or so and watch while I'm multi-tasking. GoT seems to be the only show I can sit still for.

    1. I like someone who abandons dishes for some good Telly.

    2. @7 everything stops 4 got. It's the one show I have to pay full attention 2. I dvr. Mad Men and watch Monday morning because I can't pay attention to the slowness of it after the rush from got.
      I stay up for Revenge 2. Wednesday is million dollar listing nyc and nashville.

    3. Sunday 2 is Selfridge or downton.abbey

  6. Was Sunday and Thursday now Sunday and Tuesday.

  7. All about the GOT!

    I'm finally done with finals so I can catch up on Fargo!

  8. Here, Sunday = masterchef. As well as Wednesday. Aside from that, it's downloads for me! Thanks Offspring seasons 1-3!

  9. Fargo is BRILLIANT. I love martin freeman.

  10. Monday now for "24" and I love my Wednesday evening Property Brothers - me and every 40 something in the US, it appears, as I just saw a commercial this morning that they will be doing a Property Brothers & Buying & Selling marathon this Sunday for Mother's day! :)

  11. I'm waiting for GOT to complete so I can watch it in a block. Not patient enough to wait each week.

  12. It doesn't matter to me. I have on-demand! So, any night is the night to catch up on what I missed!

  13. I wish I had on demand....

  14. Sunday AND Wednesday. I'm all about the Amazing Race, Believe, GoTs, and Turn and Arrow, Survivor, Nashville, and the Americans!

  15. Enty, what are your favorite shows on those nights?

  16. Why is Amazing Race never on demand? That has always irked me. But now that the Cowboys are out, it's hard for me to pick who I'm gonna root for. Maybe, Dave and Conner. Anyone but the Brenchels -- blecchhh

    1. Right??? Looks like the Afganamals are out as well although the running with the bulls had me snorting my drink.

    2. I DIED laughing during the running with the bulls part! Rachel was such a baby about it! I'd like to route for the country singers b/c they are 2 girls but they really haven't done much on their own to rally my support. They've relied on luck and everyone else to help get them through and I just can't cotton to that. I was routing for the cowboys but since they're gone now i guess I'm behind the Afganimals. The father and son team got too whiny and vindictive about the U turn and using the "i'm an old man' excuse bothers me too. That 'old man' is a very viable competitor.

    3. *root* *rooting* sheesh.

  17. HAs anyone got good references for tv shows? I watched The returned, which was amazing. And watching Offspring. Next, Doctor Who. But Mr Eccelston makes me vom a bit in my mouth.

    1. I was loving "The Returne" until I read the book. Hopefully the TV series follows a different track, very unfulfilling after starting with such promise

    2. Cleo, I'm
      Sposed to be in bed, but alas, sleep alludes me. I haven't read the book, but the tv show (albeit subtitled) is amazing & I don't want to know what's coming next. The promise of another season has kept me going: I love it.

    3. Bee, House of Cards(US version) is excellent! Orphan Black is also great. Eccelston is only in one season of Doctor Who, the other seasons/doctors are pretty good.

    4. Ooh Pip - my husband has downloaded (legally) both Orpham Black AND house of cards. I find that Mara girl a great deterant.

    5. I LOVE David tennant (check out This is Jinsy = pure brilliance). However, I find Billie Piper (as Rose) quite off putting. Us it worth watching her mouth full of marbles? Cos I Already watched the call girl series. She looks like she was smacked in the mouth with a sock full of rubble

    6. Love me some Orphan Black, I just finished a marathon of Spartacus. I highly recommend ot and Arrow.

    7. Chris is the worst Dr. Start with Tennant. & work to Matt Smith. Island Daughters love Smith I love Tennant, agree with you about Billy. Love Sherlock, Downton, Mr Selfridge, Orphan Black, Turn, and totally AMAZING 24!!! I'm totally in Love! #IgotMyJackBauerBack!

  18. I'm a Sunday and Tuesday girl.

  19. I just binge watched season 1 of The Americans -- OMG, one of the best TV shows on right now. So I'll have to take Wednesday night (The Americans + Survivor) and Sunday (Mad Men + Amazing Race). I can't be bothered watching any other tv shows live. Once Big Brother comes back on (don't judge, beyotches), I'll fill the rest of the time with live feeds -- better than any soap opera or drama.

  20. NFL Sunday gets me jacked up.

  21. Game of Thrones & Mad Men Sundays are the best.

  22. Not sure. Love game of thrones till they started screwing up all the characters from the book ones.

  23. Sunday. I just fell hard back into Once Upon A Time and I'm haunting the internet looking for spoilers and sneak peaks (and considering biting my nails.) But by the time season 4 (hopefully) starts, I'll be disinterested until around mid-season and kicking myself for not DVRing it because only the last five eps are on OnDemand and

  24. Mad Men better hurry the fuck up and show me something I can hold on to! They only have 3 episodes left!

  25. Tuesday for Fargo.

  26. I'm a Netflux person (Sherlock Holmes RULES!) but you know another great thing to do on a Sunday?? Book Club! And kwityerbitchin, it's OT and errythang.

    I hate to say it, but it really looks like Gone Girl is the choice. I am also gonna throw up a Fight Club post, same time, for anyone that wanted to participate by watching a movie. Woo hoo!

    Date again is: May 18
    Time: 6:30 Mtn time

    hope to see everyone then / there!

    1. I'm going to try and make it this week. I've been wanting to, but the kidlet has objected ;). Also, any excuse to watch (arguably) the finest version of my Brad is good enough for me!

    2. That's awesome, MovingOn!

  27. Thanks for all the site improvements Enty! They are duly noted and appreciated. Grammar improvement alone means a lot. Keep up the good work. Enjoyed the scrolling lessons!!

  28. The Good Wife??? Sunday RULES!!!

  29. Ent, how can you say that when Monday is now 24 night again?!

  30. @TTM 9 days till the next book club? Imma have to bow out, that ain't long enough for me to get thru the book, sorry!

    1. Sorry, Becky! It was crazy here lately and I am SUPER late at posting the book. We can push it back a week, it just seemed like everyone wanted less time in between because they were forgetting the details of the book.

  31. I watch a couple of things most nights of the week, Sunday through Thursday. Mostly sitcoms. Hardly anything that's being talked about here! Weekends are for watching movies.

  32. Monday - Castle
    Tuesday - POI
    Thursday - TBBT

    everything else is either OD or on DVR

  33. Sundays - Amazing race and GOT
    Mondays - 24 and Blacklist
    Wednesdays survivor and the Americans

    1. Amy!! Thrilled to find fellow Americans watcher!!!!! Sun and wed it is!

  34. All good TTM! Don't push it back just for me, but thank you! I might have to pass anyway as have a few big things coming up like EUROVISION this weekend, WOOT!!
    Then we are off on a trip where I'll be in a semi-decent time zone to post heaps earlier, double-WOOT!

  35. I must be a LOSER! I knew it was Sunday, but I thought for Once Upon a Time, Revenge, Nurse Jackie, etc.

  36. @TTM we probably need our own Drag Race thread next week....finals, gurl!!
    Courtney won't win...sad but true...there is so much hate for her online, I don't get it!

    1. I'm almost caught up, Becks!! I think Courtney is GORGEOUS, but my heart still belongs to Adore and Bianca. Don't tell me if they are still there! Watching another tonight. Let's meet at Lame Video to discuss from now on!

  37. Sunday! Sunday! Sunday! Turn, Mad Men, Mr. Selfridges, Silicon Valley, that British guy's show and the cherry on top GOT! I'm busy Sunday night's all year-round. I don't answer the phone...period. It's even worse during football season!

    Every other day is just blah, except Tuesday's with Justified or Fargo.

  38. It's a date TTM! No spoilers here...I just think that Courtney's confidence and straight forwardness makes her appear arrogant, maybe she is a little bit but she is way more polished than Adore....I dunno I think Bianca will win it based on how she has inadvertently mentored some of the younger queens inc Adore...

    I normally get it about 12 hours after the US so would be TUE your time...

  39. This comment has been removed by the author.

  40. Love love love The Americans. Can't wait till The Bridge comes back fir season 2. So Wednesday's it is for me.

  41. Game of Thrones, Orphan Black and Msd Men. My Sunday night dance card is full! Growing up, Sunday nights used to be the worst for television, but now they're the best. And I don't care about Wednesday's.

  42. That would be "Mad Men". How I wish Blogger comments had an "edit" feature.
