Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Off Topic

If you ever wanted to see Daniel Tosh dressed as Brad Pitt from The Mexican, tonight is your chance.


  1. Ah so Enty is saying he went to Tosh.0's taping which airs tonight, I assume?

  2. Replies
    1. Howzit going, Lady H??

    2. Hello everybody! It goes ok. What a mess this is though, people must have went hard on the tequila last night! What. The. Fuck is all of this fuckery?!

      I have no idea what this OT is supposed to mean regarding Tosh. Let me ask around...

  3. Brad Pitt was smoking hot in that movie. That and Ocean's 11!! His prime years right there.

  4. Daniel Tosh is a grade A scumbag. George Carlin would have squished him like a bug.

    1. George Carlin crushes EVERYONE like a bug 7! I was lucky enough to see him in Chicago before he died. One of the greatest memories of my life. I hated Tosh until two of my friends started to work for his show. One of them is openly gay and set me straight about a lot of my ideas about who he was. Either way, I agree that a lot of his skits are concerning and they definitely make him look like a dick. But he likes that.

  5. "I'd fuck that baby" -Tosh

  6. I find Tosh way more interesting and do-able than Brad "unshowered" Pitt.

  7. Did anyone see the granny swinging (swinging as in swinging her round and round)clip he did??

    I did, and laughed, and sealed my fate for bad girl hell!

  8. @Heisenberg Is he gay? I never can decide.

    1. From what I understand, he likes women but wouldn't surprise me if he liked both, but I don't think he is gay. however, he is extremely nice to his LGBT staffers, and arguably likes/treats them better. Daniel is just the kind of guy who likes to troll and push the line as much as possible. He is a huge ham and does not like others out shining him lol

  9. Hi TTM, Lady H, Wanton, Bacon, Sandyboo, Reno (NC gal!!)JoElla, NaughtyN, Snootches, Topper, Seven Folly,Jessi, Ray, Hairydawg, Brea and Wiglet...
