Friday, May 09, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Part Two

6) What Oscar winning actress says she's sober, but she's really been drinking herself silly? Time for rehab!
7) What star of that '90s teen sitcom was worrying fellow diners in a restaurant when she began having an entire conversation with herself? Somebody's been off their meds...
8) Which reality show sibling is courting a possible deal from NutriSystem, saying he'll drop a ton of weight for a price? If they only knew how he gained that weight in the first place *puff puff pass*
9) Which barely-hanging-on to A-list actor and franchise star lent his private jet to his longtime bff and Svengali even though they haven't spoken to each other in about a year? Hmmm...
10) What former A-list pop diva's right hand gal/drug supplier posted a shocking pic of herself to Instagram which showed the true effects of her crack addiction?


  1. 7- Lisa Turtle

  2. 8 - Rob K, obviously.

  3. 6) Tomei
    7) Lark Voohies
    8) Sock Mogul
    10) Rihanna and her friend Melissa or whatever. Or Gaga

    1. 9) I'd say Lautner and Bryan Singer but I doubt he has that kind of money. Sounds like one of Miscavige and Cruise

  4. Sven-jolly. That is all.

  5. Lookit Kristin go!. I'm just gonna stand here and say "Yeah. What she said"

    Eye of the tiger, baby.

  6. @Violet RDJ is A+++.

  7. 9 - Is TC and this powerful man in Scientology


  8. 7. Lark Voorhies
    8. Rob K

  9. 6) GOOP
    7) Lark Voorhies
    8) Rob K
    9) Jeremy Renner and...
    10) Melyssa Ford

    1. 10 could also refer to Gaga's or Kesha's old assistants

  10. 9) Tom Cruise and David Miscavige. He used Tom's jet to go to an opening in Australia.

    1. Bingo. I wonder why they haven't spoken in a year. Cruise is a mystery these days, more than usual. No public appearances except for that weird, puffy outing at the Empire Awards in March. Something's up with him.

    2. Nutty, yes and is he seeing suri? I hope sp under the radar for her sake. Also read suris burn book for good laugh.

    3. I think all the negative publicity and lawsuits have Tommy backing slowly away from the Cult, but he can't be too obvious about it. They have years of auditing files on him.

      I'm of two minds on the topic of Tom visiting Suri (not that it's really my business or I have any say in it, but oh well.) I hate to think of her feeling abandoned and unwanted by her father. But he's hardly a positive influence in anyone's life. He has a lot invested in the cult and he sure as hell had no problem letting Marty Rathbun turn Connor and Isabella against Nicole.

    4. I did see a great candid shot of Tom and Suri fairly recently - not a pap shot, but something someone appeared to have taken on a camera phone without their consent or knowledge, ie it wasn't posed. It was the two of them running around in a woods in upstate New York. It was only one shot, not a series. Anyway, can't remember where I saw it, but it seems to have disappeared now. My guess is that he is seeing Suri.

      Tom Cruise is a career obsessive - which is one of the ways you get to be a movie star for 30 years - and he can see that his ties to Scientology are harming his career, particularly in the U.S. and European markets. If he's trying to get out, I imagine that's the reason. Also, in the more accepting world of 2014, auditing files from 1987 - "I think I may be gay!" "I think Sumner Redstone's a jerk!" are going to seem a lot less shocking.

  11. Ooh! Are wee tiny Tommy and his completely heterosexual life partner squabbling? I assumed there would be Suri fallout, but that was already 2 years ago. Hmm. Off to dig deeper!

  12. go tommy run from co$
    lark vohrie
    gonna have to find melissa ford instagram

  13. Goop admits she loves her wine though.

  14. 6/reese witherspoon( Mr X read the news to write his blinds?)
    7/ ?
    8/robert kardashian?
    9/cruise and the boss of scientology?


  15. 6. Tomei
    7. is for sure Lisa Turtle! Sad.
    8. Rob but I thought his weight gain was from more than just smoking a ton of weed. Maybe pill bloat too?
    9. Tom Cruise
    10. I just looked up Melissa Ford on Instagram, she posted a pic recently but doesn't look too cracked out. But her hands appear really that a thing for crackheads?

    1. Yes to the dirty hands because they are either smoking with cigarette ashes or burnt brillo

  16. 10 is probably Laurie Ann Gibson...she was Gagas friend and choreographer. She posted a pic 2 days ago and she doesn't look good...her ig name is boomkack if you wanna check it out

  17. Lisa Tuttle and Rob K for sure. Tom Cruise and Miscavige is a great guess!

  18. svengali means rapper on urbandictionary... why this word choice?

    1. Because this is what it means in the REAL dictionary -

      1. a person who completely dominates another, usually with selfish or sinister motives.

      Millenials...I swear to Gah...

    2. @Aeol, bahaha! Give Cuz a break, we're all learning. :)

  19. I just looked at Laurie Ann Gibson. Yeah her face does look a bit spotty. Hmmm.

  20. 6 could be Renee but probably Reese.

  21. The phrase "somebody's been off his/her meds" is among my top five least favorite. If you're not that persons's psychiatrist, you shut the fuck up about it.

    Pardon my grouchy but this bothers me so very much.

  22. #9 has got to be 100% Cruise/Miscavige. If he is finally trying to slowly cutting ties with the CO$ then that is not only wonderful news for him but little Suri as well. That said, no one as high ranking and valuable to them as Tom would ever, EVER be allowed to sever ties completely. Tom knows too much, and is in way too deep as he himself has allegedly been quite the beneficiary of Scient*logy work camp labor to maintain his homes, private jets/motorcycles and provide free labor whenever he desired. He is hardly any innocent here and much like I feel about Katie Holmes getting out (she allegedly moved up in rank very quickly by ratting out the "secrets" of fellow "friends" like Leah Remini in order to become a favorite herself) I would feel about Tom: Glad you finally wised up but you did a lot of f**cked up sh*t to A LOT of people while in. Having a sudden awakening does not absolve you of those wrong doings. I think people gave Katie Holmes far too much of a free pass; when girlfriend was in it and at the top of the world (money! fashion! cars! constant publicity & gifts!) she was IN IT.

    1. PJ, huh? Katie was giving secrets about Remini? Huh?

  23. There was some kind of scandal that Miscavage laughing at transcripts of Cruise's audits or something wasn't there? Seems like that was about a year ago.

  24. #7 is really really sad

  25. Regarding Cruise and Miscavaige, wouldn't the threat of releasing Cruise's auditing just be a threat of mutually assured destruction? I mean, Tom must know where the bodies are buried, so to speak. Tom could bring down a multi billion dollar empire. I would think that if anyone is doing the threatening, it would be the other way around. Unless he is that brainwashed that he doesn't know this.

  26. For Enty, hopefully you do a blind on what drugs Rob Kartrashian is in rehab for, or should be in rehab for. Also on POWERFUL people like David Geffen, Diller, the gay mafia.

  27. Re: Tommy Boy, I don't think it's a good idea to let him speak to any non-CO$ earthlings without a heavily edited script. When he does do that, he says things like his job is like being a soldier in Afghanastan, and all women with post-partum depression need is to walk in the sunshine. Tommy's "thinking" wasn't too bright way before CO$ became the scapegoat for all things Tommy boy says and does.

  28. Tomei
    Rob K
    TommyBoy & Miscavige (interesting, tell me more!)
    Gibson (Lady Gaga choreo)
