Mr. X Blind Items Part Two
6) What Oscar winning actress says she's sober, but she's really been drinking herself silly? Time for rehab!
7) What star of that '90s teen sitcom was worrying fellow diners in a restaurant when she began having an entire conversation with herself? Somebody's been off their meds...
8) Which reality show sibling is courting a possible deal from NutriSystem, saying he'll drop a ton of weight for a price? If they only knew how he gained that weight in the first place *puff puff pass*
9) Which barely-hanging-on to A-list actor and franchise star lent his private jet to his longtime bff and Svengali even though they haven't spoken to each other in about a year? Hmmm...
10) What former A-list pop diva's right hand gal/drug supplier posted a shocking pic of herself to Instagram which showed the true effects of her crack addiction?