Friday, May 16, 2014

Mr. X Blind Items Part Three

11) Which stage mom from hell is pimping out her two youngest daughters to much older businessmen?
12) Which neo-soul singer who projects a down-to-earth image is one of the most difficult people in showbiz to work for?
13) What Oscar winning actress got a new facelift for the press tour of her latest movie?
14) Which B-list singer is thinking about releasing her next album only in Asia? It seems that she still has a fanbase there.
15) Which multiple Grammy winning singer/songwriter's husband is going to be gone for awhile, leaving her to possibly cheat on him... with women?


  1. Good morning! We'll these are kinda boring.

    11 is obviously PMK. That's all I got.

  2. 11) Mama Kar
    12) Badu
    13) Kidman
    14 & 15 -nada

    1. Oh! I think Badu is a great guess!

      I'll go w/
      11) PMK
      12) Badu
      13) Granny Kidman as Lainey calls her
      14) Avril
      15) Swiss Beaks/Harvard Business School/Alicia Keyes

  3. Enty said these postings were a test run for Mr. X who was considering his own gossip site. Well...after a few weeks of these I can honestly say Mr. X should consider another calling...I hear the Sheridan is hiring for elevator security :)

  4. 14. Can it be Avril pls?

  5. 11) PMK - I would like to read the reviews
    12) no clue
    13) Kidman
    14) Gaga or Avril
    15) Keys

  6. Jenner

  7. 13 cld be nic k. Wld explain bizarre face. She better stop, shes getting into michael jackson territory. Ooo! Just thought of good new show! Actors go on show and face off with panel of plastic surgeons. Using photographs of past and present, actor tell how they've had no surgery, while drs pore over pics and out them!!! Only problem? Getting guests, lololo

  8. Yeah auntliddy, that face is out of control. I find myself looking for the Hasbro symbol on her neck these days.
    Such a shame, too. I thought she was beautiful to begin with.

    Love your show idea!

  9. 12. Erika Badu 14. Avril or Assle

  10. Erika bday not known as being down to earth..she's known as being a freakin weirdo..
    It's john legend

  11. Poor Nic. She was so beautiful. I wish she didn't feel like she had to mess herself up.

  12. His wife is a raging bitch as well

  13. 15. Yolanda Foster

  14. 11 - Jenner
    12 - John Legend
    13 - Nicole Kidman
    14 - Avril (Her careers tanked and only sells in Asia hence her latest awful single)
    15 - A stab in the dark - Mariah?

  15. 12 - wtf is "neo soul". but Adele?

    14 - is obviously Gaga or Avril.

    15 - Gotta be Alicia Keyes, surely?

  16. Don't think it's Kidman...Cannes is different than a regular "press tour"'s Cannes and would state that I I think.....
    It's Angie and malificient..she looks very waxy, more than usual

  17. After seeing Kendall in Cannes I figured she's a new Yacht Girl…

  18. Mark B, I had to look it up.
    Obviously a specific style of soul but I wouldn't be able to tell the difference in a taste test.

  19. Swiss Beats is more of a producer and rapper. He is NOT a singer song writer...(I think)

  20. @Derek: Blind say dude married to Grammy winning singer songwriter.

  21. I don't think it's Nicole. She looks like she has had fillers not a lift.

  22. yeah I need some coffee. I am all blind-itemed out already...

  23. If #11 is Kris Jenner, then I have to ask: where the hell is Bruce Jenner in all of this???? He is the youngest girls' father (so we're told); has he NEVER tried to intercede and protect them from such sickness????

  24. Damn you haven't heard the HUGE news? Bruce Jenner and Cher are a couple now!

  25. Anonymous9:06 AM

    12...Jill Scott has a reputation for being a raging bitch. Mr. Sis saw her somewhere and wanted a pic or autograph and Jill sucked her teeth gave a "bitch please" look and went on about her business. Lol my sis was butthurt.

    1. Anonymous4:37 PM

      Yeah, I was thinking of Jill too. She was supposed to duet with Anita Baker for a VH1 show and refused to rehearse with her. I forget what her reasoning was, but it made me chuckle

  26. Anonymous9:08 AM

    #11 Pimp Mama Kris. Looks like one of her daughters (can't remember one K from another) has been hired out as a yacht girl at Cannes.

    #13 Angie who is on a press tour for her latest movie.

    #14 Arvil

  27. I'm pissed those Jenner girls keep getting invited to places and are now becoming k Krap 2.0
    The girls are going to be hosting the much music awards here in toronto this year because what young girl wouldn't want to aspire to be a kslut

  28. Anonymous9:18 AM

    11. Kardashian. Ugh.

    12. John Legend

    13. Sally Field looks amazing, but this is probably Nicole Kidman.

    14. Kesha

    15. Alicia Keys

  29. If it is PMK, I'm sure Bruce would come on here & be his usual lovely supportive self. I miss him!

  30. #11 - Kris Jenner

    #12 - Sade or Kravitz

    #13 -Nicoel Kidman

    # 14 - Avril

    #15 - Alicia Keys

  31. 11) Pimp Mama Kris
    12) John Legend
    13) Jane Fonda
    14) Avril Lavigne
    15) Alicia Keys

  32. If could be that Bruce and Cher are bonding over plastic surgery tips. Or he's asking her how Chaz's sex change surgery went.

  33. I was just about to say Jane Fonda for #13 and Meredith done scooped me. Your list is perfect MR! DEF gotta be Avril for #14 and that latest video proves that.

  34. 12 or 15 could be Keys, but her husband is a big cheater also
    13 is Kidman, geez does she look terrible! Gonna look like the cat woman soon!!!

  35. Lordy, if Nicole PAID for that face I hope she kept the receipt!!

  36. 13) Charlize, she looks 'off' lately, but maybe that's because of the leather purse that stands beside her most of the time lately.
    15) Aguilera comes to mind, but I don't see a reason for her man to be gone for a while since she is heavily preggers.

  37. 11 I don't think it's the Jenner girls - they're being pimped out in the metaphorical sense at this stage, imo. Not that i have another guess.

    13 I think this is supposed to be Nicole Kidman, but I'd be surprised if she'd had a full 'lift,' rather than 'procedures.'

    14 Pleasebeavrilpleasebeavrilpleasebeavril

    I keep trying with the MrX blinds, but I'm not goign to lie - it's uphill.

  38. 11. Obviously PMK
    12. My first thought was Maxwell but I can be convinced about it being John Legend.
    13. Kidman or Fonda. And if Kidman I agree I hope she kept the receipt
    14. I'll go with Avril on this one
    15. Obviously Alicia Keys
