Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Michael Jace- Bankrupt And A Wife Beater

Michael Jace is sitting in jail right now, charged with the murder of his wife. According to court documents filed by his first wife, she should be feeling lucky that she escaped the guy. She says that Jace routinely beat her and did so in front of their child. So, Jace probably continued the behavior with his current wife. Jace was also suffering from severe financial problems. He filed for bankruptcy back in 2011 and things have not got much better for the actor. After his run on The Shield ended, he had trouble finding a steady paycheck and his income dropped to a fraction of what it was when he was working every week for years. His home was about to be foreclosed and the only steady income the family had was through his wife's job with the Los Angeles Unified School District. Her salary was less than $2,000 a month. The thing is he probably kept thinking he would get another high paying gig and everything would be great. What he should have done is swallow his pride and get a real job to help support the family while still hoping for another big break. Working on shows here and there is not going to provide the income they needed. I'm sure that as the process plays out, we will learn more, but all I can do is feel sorry for the wife's family and those two kids who had to witness what they did.


  1. We actually dont know he didnt try to find work to tide him over Enty (the economy hs been really bad since 2009), but that doesnt excuse what this POS did.

  2. So sad, those poor children :(
    I read elsewhere that the police were furious that it took CPS over 4 hours to come get them. How traumatic all the way around.

    RIP April

  3. Anonymous6:33 AM

    Aemish was right. He was in Forrest gump but he was the head black panther.

  4. And seeing as yesterday's post garnered a lot of clicks, here we go again. Hope it's more civil today.

  5. "In the US it is perfectly legal to discharge your unpayable debts via the Bankruptcy laws," said the attorney to me in 1995 when I filed BK!
    Now, beating women because you are angry is another matter all together. He needs help fast!

  6. Wow. 4 hours?!?! That's ridiculous! See, these are the things that we need to fix in our society. And Pronto!! My heart goes out to the two little wee ones.

  7. I can tell you that actors are woefully unprepared to enter the normal workforce. By the time your shelf life is up (old) you've had zero experience and not a lot of people want to hire you. Not to mentioned that you've gripped the dream of fame so tightly you've got nail cuts in your palm.

    I swear I could make a ton of money helping actors transition. Been there done that.

    1. Go for it. You could get written into contracts and have clientele in NY after Broadway shows close. Skype is your friend.

  8. As life gets more stressed and complicated incidents like this with become even more commonplace than they are now. Eventually they won't even make a gossip blog unless the individuals are C or above.

  9. I hope they put him away for life.

  10. Never heard of him, looking at IMDB he's a supporting actor, gets steady work, was probably not living within his means & saving money though during The Shield, but none of that justifies a wife beater, child abuser, & murderer.

  11. he definitely needs to be locked up forever. it's sad to me. i was a huge fan of 'the shield' and he was very good on the show.

  12. @Sherry, maybe you should look into that business venture...seems like more than a few need help transitioning...
    I'm sure surrounding yourself with sycophants does help either :/

  13. No one deserves the end the way the wife got, but it goes to show you everything the first wife alleged was truer than not.
    People who have problems with using their hands in ways they shouldn't, have many deep deep issues.

  14. Show business seems like such a terrible way of life. The chances of making it, even as a steadily working but not famous actor, are virtually nil. Those that do make it invariably seem to lose their moral compass, and become involved in the most hedonistic lifestyle - drugs, alcohol, meaningless sex, sham marriages. It amazes me how many people would trade anonymity and freedom for a beautifully appointed prison.

  15. Epiphany, don't let the gossip blogs make you think all actors have lost their moral compass. There are quite a few who work in smaller markets and are "big fish in a little pond" and that works for them.

    They also write and do theatre, industrial films, voice over, the whole gamut. Evan Rachel Wood's father has been the artistic director of a small theatre in NC for 30+ years and makes a decent living albeit not on "movie star" level.

    That works fine for a large portion of actors. I used to think I would have "made it" if I earned $20K a year for my efforts. So long as I was acting.

    Also loads of NY actors who despise the depravity of H'wd and just avoid it working out of the NY market.

    I wanted to give you hope that it's not a total soul sucking industry. Loads of very good people out there. Dan Lauria did acting classes and he always talked to the pretty girls that the casting couch IS NOT the norm. Only sleazy guys do that and you won't get the part. Good guys don't make it to a gossip blog.

    That's probably why we keep hearing about the Real Housewivees of Nowhere.

  16. Oh, nice! @Sherry I suppose I never thought of it that way...

  17. Yeah, so lets make a bunch of stupid anti-gun comments!

  18. Yes Sherry there is also a difference between actors who love the craft and actors who are just using acting as a route to fame and fortune.

  19. Apparently he is right where he belongs.

  20. Such a horrible situation. Very strange, too, that he called the police, himself, and stayed on the phone with dispatchers until they arrived.

  21. Yay! Jay is here!
    Said no one ever.
