Tuesday, May 06, 2014

Met Gala Photos Part Four

Chloe Moretz
Victoria Beckham
Elizabeth Olsen
Lake Bell
Maggie Gyllenhaal
Gabrielle Union
Kate Upton
Sarah Jessica Parker


  1. So, so much I could say. But I won't - and that's accepting that my own fashion sense is a bit disputable at the best of times.

  2. P: RiRi

    M: Preggo Bell

    B: Olsen

    I would go through SJP for those 3 and Upton.

  3. Oh SJPeePee how I love thee

  4. Gabby no. Upton rent girl chic.
    Looks like Maggie gylenhal. Found Kims leftover drapes that went with kins sofa.
    Posh looked like the cover of Vogue USA
    Riri wins

  5. bwahahaha Kate Upton looks like she is wearing a Halloween costume...

  6. Victoria is really making a name for herself in the fashion world, still not ALIST but very nice, luv what rihanna is wearing

  7. Kate Upton serving Monsters High Mae West realness...

    1. She looks like Operaetta crossed with Ghoulia!

  8. Jake was there with Maggie. Lainey's write-up about them was weird, like a blind item is to come or something. Maybe Maggie and Peter are breaking up.

    1. They have been fighting a while now because Peter supposedly kept begging jakeypoo. To get him work and Maggie told Peter to get it himself! Way harsh Tai!

  9. WTH is Kate Upton wearing?

  10. Red on a red carpet is not dramatic, it just blends in.

    RiRi does look good, but could've worn that any where,

  11. Nice job Riri. Upton wtf ?! Did you mistake this for the Derby??

  12. Victoria. So lovely.

  13. Gabriel Union looks like cross between a hula dancers and one of those little crocheted dolls that used to cover my grandmother's toilet paper rolls. Why why why? She's a beautiful woman. Kill your stylist, Gabrielle.

    Posh's dress is lovely. Wish I could afford to buy her clothing line. Makeup is awful, though - as @sugarbread says, she looks like KK looked on the cover of Vogue, with eye makeup like a a Bulgarian wrestler.

  14. Now here are the costumes!

    Love Posh's look and even her pose.

    Rhianna's surly look - she's made that they wouldn't let Cara hold her.

    Oh dear, Maggie G, I love you but that dress looks like my gran's scrapbooking paper.

    You go, SJP!

  15. SJP is channeling Carrie and it's fabulous. She looks great.

    1. That was my first thought too - she's being Carrie! I love her style and attitude here.

  16. Nice nips, Elizabeth. Who knew Lake Bell was prego? And what in the holy hell is Kate Upton wearing?!!!!!! Did she let someone who hates her dress her?!!!!

  17. Rihanna is the armpit of those photos.

  18. I also think V Becks looks fab

  19. Whoa, rhianna looks good. Poor MaggieG and her butterface. Bless her heart

  20. Whoa, rhianna looks good. Poor MaggieG and her butterface. Bless her heart

  21. Uptown looks like a Frontier Land princess.

  22. This is a nice mix of gorgeous and hideous.

    Victoria and SJP - amazing!

    Maggie - I wouldn't use this fabric to make drapes with.

    Elizabeth Olsen looks a bit out of place. I don't like the purse with that dress. Looks like she bought shoes at McDonalds.

  23. Elizabeth Olsen thought she was performing in the Ice Capades.

  24. First Reactions:

    Kate Upton: What the...?!!!

    Gabrielle Union: Huh? Wait. WHAT?!!

    SJP: Wow. Check out Andy Cohen's date!!

  25. SJP looks great. Rihanna and Victoria are too casual. Chloe is adorable (bet she would hate that, but it's a compliment). Upton looks like a saloon gal from Gunsmoke. Gabby keeps trying to happen, and it's not happening.

  26. Upton looks like a reject form Le Miz. RiRi looks great. Posh looks good, but boring. SJP is rockin' the look, even if I don't like it.

    No comment whatsoever on poor Mags. Jesus.

  27. Somebody tell Olson that the ice rink is closed for the season.

    Love Maggie's hair. (This is my version of "if you can't say something nice...") (I do love it though...)

    Can't figure out what the hell Upton is even wearing. There's no cohesion between the outfit and the jewelry and the makeup. I didn't think Lima, Kloss, or the other one looked outstanding either, but at least it's not this Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman goes to the barn social getup that seems to be happening here...

  28. I'm going to try saying nice things this time...

    Chloe M.'s hair looks really pretty.

    Victoria Beckham keeps showing again and again that it's totally fucking bullshit that the Kardashian Kash Kow got the cover of U.S. Vogue before she did. Anna Wintour is stupid.

    Elizabeth O.'s shoes are cute.

    Lake Bell looks... very Lake Bell like.

    Rihanna managed to to cover up all of her lady bits!

    Blake Lively's back looks really good in that picture of Maggie G.

    Skipping Gabrielle...

    Kate Upton's... necklace looks nice?

    SJP *killed* in this gown. Ahhh-mazing!

  29. love SJP here-fits the event

    no to Gabrielle U.

    and love Chloe-but no to that too

  30. Lake Bell is gorgeous though

  31. Looks like Kate and Beyonce got their dresses off the same rack.

  32. Agree with everyone else - SJP is rocking that dress. I can't help but really love her.

    Upton dress is horrid and from the look on her face she knows it.

  33. Now, see…I kinda like Chloe's dress. It is age appropriately modest and actually interesting. I also like Maggie G as a blond.

  34. Yep Victoria is definitely the best in that lot if not one of the best of the night - Keep it Simple Stupid works for fashion as well as most things in life.

  35. Clearly a lot of stylists were not earning their money last night - were the designers not being generous or co-operative?

  36. SUP looks beautiful. HOWEVER... what you're not seeing is the HUGE "Oscar de la Renta" splashed across the bottom back of the dress IN RED. It's incredibly gauche.

    1. Thank you, pugstermom. All that fabulousness had to be wrecked because somebody couldn't stop himself from writing his autograph on a skirt.

      I thought it was beneath de la Renta. I was wrong.

  37. Gabrielle=hoochie mama

  38. Riri's dress reminds me of this


  39. Anonymous9:41 AM

    Chloe: age appropriate...cute

    Victoria: NICE

    Eliabeth: first pic that makes me stabby

    Lake: ((YAWN))

    Rhi: Uh huh..((nods head in the affirmative))

    Maggie: I actually like this dress. Is it for the MET....NAH

    Gabby: Chile PLEASE..NO

    Kate ((laughing hysterically))

    SJP: I want the colors to be reversed so badly. I dunno...

  40. SJP - Perfection. She just does it right. I so wish she was the editor of Vogue. I would renew in a heartbeat. She is hands down the best dressed at this whole thing.

  41. @Brea Lowe I thought the same exact thing. All I can say is I think we found the Olsen that lost the bet. So precious. (code for fuggsly)

  42. "Upton looks like a saloon gal from Gunsmoke." THIS!

    Still not liking the SJP dress. RiRi did okay and VB looks good but boring.

    HATE Chloe's dress. Too much trying to happen there. At least it's age appropriate I should say.

    Nothing Olsen is wearing matches or brings this together. Shoes look comfy though.

    Contrary to what others have said here I just don't like blonde on Maggie.

  43. Kate Upton broke the first rule of journalism: "Never bury the lead". If you're Kate Upton and you hide your ample bust there's really no reason for you to be a celebrity anymore.

  44. Lake bell looks AMAZING. SJP and Maggie's dresses are interesting. Never in the history of anything have I seen a hotter mess than Elizabeth Olsen at this Gala. She looks like an ice-dancer with McDonalds colored shoes. Her bag doesn't match at all and her stylist (she probably doesn't have one) needs to be fired. Such grossness! Well, at least she isn't wearing the glorified Birkenstocks her sisters are so fond of.

  45. Kate Upton looks horrifying. Her people played a joke on her!

  46. We'll, I'm reading this backwards, so to me it's getting worse. Was this the get dressed without a mirror ball? Or the you're blindfolded, you pick out a dress and just get in car. ?

  47. SJP for the win! She looks like a stah! This is a fantastic representation of the theme. Not really loving the signature on the back but I can see how you could look at that dress and say "it's a work of art, Oscar dela Renta, can you please sign that masterpiece for me". I think she looks like she just stepped out of the black and white Ascot scene in My Fair Lady.

    I love Posh's dress (it's her own design)but don't feel it's a great fit for the theme of this event.

    Lake Bell looks great but Elizabeth Olson is a big fat fail from head to toe! If a stylist did this to her, she needs to fire that person.

  48. Well, I refuse to be nice after this visual assault. These women were too desperate to be seen there. If a designer offered a crap design, they should have walked out the door, they paid $50k to be at this awful event.

    Chloe trying too hard to shed the "dating her brother" rumors.

    Victoria is Fine. At least she more than belongs there, unlike the majority of contestants.

    Elisabeth Olsen, who?? Is she an off strip Vegas hooker that someone brought on the cheap and she snuck out of the room?

    Rihanna looks like a dirty skank. No fault of the designer in this case. I just can't with this idiot.

    Who the Hell is Lake Bell? She looks nice in that dress.

    Maggie & Gabrielle, both of you, just stop it.

    SJP for the win! The red signiture was classy for this event. It would have been gauche for any other red carpet.

  49. Oh, and how could I ever forget Kate Upton? Easy.

  50. Kate Upton reminds me of an old time saloon working girl.

  51. Kate Upton's dress...DEAR GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!

  52. Kate Upton's dress...DEAR GOD KILL IT WITH FIRE!!!

  53. How can the Trollsons look younger than their younger sister? Elizabeth Olson looks like she just escaped from her high skating competition and put on the wrong shoes. Everything is wrong on that Olson. The make-up sucks, the shoes are beyond fug, the lack of a pedicure. The list is just endless. At least her older sisters pulled themselves out from under their bridge to clean up.

  54. Where to start?
    SJP's gown from behind looks like she had an "accident". You ladies know what I'm talking about.

    Kate Upton.

    Gabrielle Union thought she was going to the annual West Indian Day Parade on Eastern Parkway in Brooklyn and wore her best Carnival outfit.

    Maggie Gyllenhaal.

    I don't like Rihanna's Stella McCartney. It fits. It's well tailored. Even the shoulder pads work. I just don't like it.

    Posh's makeup is horrible and takes away from the gown. I think she wore white better than Rihanna though.

    Elizabeth Olsen.

    You know how your mother told you if you can't say something good don't say anything? I'm working on that. I partially succeeded.

  55. If you've ever been to Carnival in Trinidad you know what I mean about Gabrielle Union's "dress".

    Saloon working girl chic is the best way to describe Upton's attire.

    This is why SJP's gown isn't a winner.

  56. Gabi, you should have worked harder to find a matching top, a heart shaped bodice in black sequin that matched the skirt would have made hootchie, stunning.
    Ms Upton, you should never have did whatever you did to that " designer ". Hopefully, your abject humiliation was payback enough. Gotta admit, this guy was good. From the black foreskin eating her legs to the matching " crown" mobcap, this guy gives Good Revenge.

  57. SJP looks amazing per usual. Wtf is Kate uptown wearing? She looks like an old timey funeral director.
