Thursday, May 08, 2014

Jada Pinkett Smith Thinks We Are Pedophiles

Jada Pinkett Smith was confronted by cameras as she left LAX and was asked about the photo of her 13 year old daughter in bed with a half naked 20 year old man. Instead of being concerned or that she should pay closer attention to her kids or even put her daughter in school, Jada said that we are all "covert pedophiles" for thinking the photo is inappropriate. Umm, I think she should be looking at the 20 year old guy and asking him that question rather than the world who seems really concerned for the welfare of a barely into her teens girl. Willow has said previously that she doesn't really go to school because of her parents schedule. She also said that her tutoring is not really a daily thing. I think maybe the kid needs some structure in her life and that should start with a parent that doesn't look to the world as an excuse and should look in the mirror. I'm sorry, but if you don't have any concern at all about that photo then you are not a good parent. You just aren't. There has to be some kind of little alarm that goes off in your head. Even if it is completely innocent, your first reaction should not be to blame the world for your own shortcomings.


  1. U right. They boyh have abandoned those kids. I just dont understand their plan for kid raising. And ohh! The book she will write!!!!

  2. Jada should really go to school alongside her children and learn what the word peadophile actually means.

  3. This post is too sassy for me this early in the morning.

    I've always found it kind of funny that willow is named after Will andlooks identical to him, while Jaden looks i identical to jada.

  4. I don't think that word means what she thinks it does

    1. TTM, love the picture. You look beautiful!

  5. Anonymous6:08 AM

    Jada looks good there.

    I got no comment though. My rage-o-meter is in the repair shop.

  6. It's not like she's raising the kids anyway. The nannies are, Will and her can't be bothered with such inane matters like raising kids. They have $CIO and all that other important shit like careers that come first.

  7. Those kids don't need to be ignorant in life, and they will be without an education. Makes me sick that they don't care about that. They'll be rich, spoiled, and ignorant. Nice combo.

  8. No lies told here. Jada needs a reality check.

  9. Holy cow, Willow looks like Carlton in a wig!
    Will and Jada have never been Gooplike when it comes to parenting and bragging about it. They seem to prefer discussing how much sex they have.

  10. She'll be getting a "World's Most Self-absorbed Mother" mug on Sunday.

    1. Presented by Kris jenner and dina lohan

  11. Yeah, we're pedophiles. And you are a poor excuse for a mother. Go sit your ignorant ass down. And remember all of this when your kids end up in therapy.

    1. No therapy. Psych are evil! ElRondo said so, thus it is so.

  12. Hey roosters and chicks!! Willow won't think white hair is so fun when it's there for good. OMG Jada. I thought she was sensible all these years.

    1. Anonymous6:24 AM

      She IS sensible. WE are a bunch of assholes. Lol

  13. Morning all. Is it wrong to be reading CDaN on my phone during a boring ass meeting? Should I be paying more attention to my colleague's droning?

    1. Anonymous6:30 AM

      No sudden laughter!

    2. @Charlie, tell them you're paying attention with one eye open. :b

    3. Cocoa, I snorted once, but covered it with my lingering cough.

      Seven, shhh, that is suppose to be a secret. I close my good eye and leave the bad open. Nap time for Charlie.

    4. Anonymous6:59 AM

      Yeah about that lingering cough, Charlie... Dammit, I've got the sneezy version of YOUR bug!

    5. Charlie - it's better than covertly masturbating.

  14. @OneEyeCharlie No, as long as you're sort of paying attention it should be Ok.

  15. Charlie I'm sat at my desk trying to while a way my last 15 minutes. You're in good(?) company.

  16. You know years ago, back in Independence Day/Men in Black days, I really did like Will Smith & thought he seemed a genuinely great & fun guy amidst all the Hollywood craziness & stupidity. And when he & Jada got together I thought they were a great couple. Years later I can't believe how far my opinions on him/them have changed.

    I actually prefer Tom Cruise to Will Smith these days. It's that bad.

  17. What idiots! I'm shocked that Will doesn't care considering his mother is an educator.

  18. So I wake up this morning & my car got broken into!
    Fuck yeah!
    Cleveland rocks!

    1. Aw, WareCat, that sucks. Tell me what gif would make it all better!

    2. Anonymous6:37 AM

      Crap, sorry to hear the WareCar was vandalized, WareCat! :-(

    3. What part of Cleveland?

    4. West side, Tillie.
      About 10mns from Hopkins Airport.

    5. Sorry WareCat! I work close to Ohio City. It can be pretty bad sometimes!

    6. The only time I felt legit fear while walking around a city at night was in Cleveland. Sorry bout your car boo!

    7. Warecat - that can happen in any city/town/suburb in america.

    8. U ever check out the Christmas Story house, Tillie?

      Thnx #booRay!
      make sure u make it home before the street lights come on, u'll be ok then.

      Great info, texas!
      Does that strictly happen in states
      Or other countries as well?
      I must live under a rock!

  19. A lot of people in the post yesterday agreed people were looking too much into it. {kanye shrug}

    For the seventieth of eleventieth time, they are Scientologists. How do Scientologist kids grow up?

    These three ex-$cio kids can tell you

    And this article can show you why the Smith kids' education is flexible and has a subject focused on controlling other people.

    The real-life Hogwarts? Inside the secretive 'Scientology school' where students are taught through clay modelling and staring matches

    1. The former is a blog, the latter a DM article.

  20. @WareCat What an awful way to start the morning. It can cast a pall over the whole day. :(

  21. I am probably the minority here, but I guess when I saw that photo yesterday my brain didn't really immediately go to how inappropriate. I more so looked at it like two kids hanging out. I mean the boy is a boy, and boys take their shirts off, right? Why is it all of a sudden an immediate thought that they are doing something non PG. Maybe I'm just being naive.

    I do think that the parents are idiots though as far as raising their children.

    1. As a father of a 13 yr old girl, Jessi, if I walked into my daughter's bedroom and saw that scene... You would be reading about the after effects in USA Today's regional news.

      Also, he's 20 years old. He's not a boy, he is a grown man. A grown man half undressed in bed with a 13 year old.

      I'm not criticizing you; just giving the perspective of a fairly normal father.

    2. Yayyyess, Charlie! My girl is 13, and that boy would run/limp/crawl his ass outta my house.

    3. As the parent of another 13-year old girl, there'd be a new tree planted in my backyard.

  22. @fancy That *is* a totally nice look for Jada. I like her with long hair.

  23. At least Willow had on all her clothes. I'd probably freak if it was my 13 year old. but hasn't Willow declared herself a lesbian?

  24. Whats normal for one family may not be normal for others but I dont like what they are doing to their kids, they want to be the cool parent but that usually ends up with a screwed up kid. They need to go to parenting workshops and begin giving their kids some normalcy

  25. I legit lol'ed @ WareCar.

    Every gif from Seven makes my day!

    On the bright side, I cldn't take my ghoul to preschool & it's a gorgeous day!
    We'll be @ the park!!!

    Have fun, everyone!
    Check ya later!!

    1. I'm totally setting up my IKEA wine rack right meow!

      Shld take me a good 4 mnths.
      See u in September, Seven!

  26. Well I work at Child Support Services and we see a lot of pregnant minors, some younger than Willow.i will bet she is sexually active snd it might have to do with getting parental approval. It bothers me Willow doesn't get an education. Her dad was smart enough to get accepted to MIT so her genes for intelligence are there. She's going to be the age of a freshman in high school next year. She shouldn't miss the HS experience especially if she's smart enough to take honors classes or some early college classes. A new learning environment might take her mind off of going to Miley-ville.

  27. Will & Jada are trying to make their family into a HW dynasty. Instead of being recording artist/movie stars their kids will end up more like Jason Davis & Paris Hilton.

  28. 13 is a tricky age. This guy is too old to be hanging out in the bedroom with her.

    I can't believe she isn't in school. To place no value on an education is a real tragedy. I guess they just socialize with other scientologists who also don't think school is all that. Tom Cruise never graduated from high school if I recall correctly.

  29. I wonder if in the near future, we'll find out this was all for a photo shoot, and that's why Jada was so blase about the whole thing.

  30. why isn't child protective services called?

  31. @Jessi I'm with you. There is no evidence of anything inappropriate going on. In fact, it looks like they're listening to someone else talking who is to the left of the camera just out of the shot. Obviously, someone else took the photo. It's just not an intimate moment in any way.

    And yes, 20-year-old men DO spend time with 13-year-old girls without there being anything sexual going on at all. In fact, sometimes they are viewed as members of the family, view the young girls as little sisters, and are extremely protective of them (i.e. friends of older siblings, etc.)

    I'm feeling really bad for this guy being slandered as a pedophile for something as innocuous as this.

    1. I dint think he's a pedophile. I think that a 20 year old half undressed male being on a bed with a 13 year old can lead to big time trouble. I've had to deal with issues like this. If they want to hang out then go to the living room or media room where there are more impressive electronics. Being in a bedroom is inappropriate.

  32. I am with Topper and Jessi. Nothing to see here. I think some of you have been spending too much time in CDAN land where everyone is a pedophile yet no one does shit about it but complain about how awful it is. What type of world do we live in when we jump to these kind of conclusions? They are not even touching! He is probably a family friend and she is waking him up...

  33. I completely agree Topper. Very well said. It's unfair to assume he's a perv.

  34. I wanna hang-out in a media room

  35. If they had been alone, it might have been inappropriate--or he might just be a long-time family friend, or he might be gay for all anyone knows--but they were not alone!

    Someone was taking the picture.

  36. i just dont get these two at all

  37. I get that in CO$ there aren't rules for kids (unless you human traffic your kids into Sea Org at 12 yrs old) but Tom seems to be the exception. Those older kids had a really strict upbringing from what I understand. You didn't see Bella and Connor running around like these Smith kids at their age.

  38. I saw a picture yesterday of him and some guys hanging out with her older brother. Is it possible he is close family friend and slept over with the older brother. Younger sister comes in and plops down on bed and social media addicts like they are someone has to take a picture and post. Someone smarter then realizes how it might look and deletes it. This really could be just an innocent scene involving family friend or older brothers friend. If it is then this has been blown out of proportion and maybe Jada has a point. If they slept together or has sex then they have a problem. I would suggest that the first scenario is as likely as the second and we cdan readers have no clue which is correct.

  39. NICE MUSTCHE WILLO!!!! lol


  41. @jessi, I don't think it's so much about what the picture captured but more about the situation that it reveals.

    What do a 13 and a 20 year old have in common? Why would they be friends? When I was 20 hanging out with someone even 16 would be weird. When you are that young just a couple of years makes a big difference. I was a lot more frown up at 21 then at 17 and graduating high school.

    Who knows if she has even hit puberty.

    1. Rose - he is buddies with her older brother. Not really a fan of the smithdouches but think they might be getting a bad deal here because everyone wants to hate on them.

  42. He's a friend of the family and we have no idea of the context so I don't see the big whoop.

  43. I'm sorry I don't care who he is. I don't care if he is a friend of the family. If my father saw a picture of a shirtless 20 year old on the bed with me and I was 13, sh*t would have hit the fan. Why does his shirt need to be off? Why do they need to be in a bedroom?? Put your damn shirt on and get off the bed.

  44. Obviously Jada is not even capable of teaching her daughter what a depilatory is.

  45. Willow looks just like her Dad, especially between her upper lip and her nose.

  46. What a thoroughly fucked up family.

  47. What interest is there for a 20 year old guy to socially hang out with a 13 year old? At 20, 13 year olds didn't register on my radar as even existing. I'd have rather done just about anything than spend time with any teenager at 20.

  48. That is a really unfortunate looking girl.

  49. Damn that kid looks stoned.

  50. It may be an innocent situation but when a minor is molested or raped it's usually by older family friends or family members.

    Any adult lying on a bed with any 13 year old is something that should be looked into by a responsible parent. There is a reason people have boundaries with kids.

    Turning everything around and laying it on other people is a classic Scieno defense tactic.

  51. Oh, please, overdosing on Oprah and Dr.Phil has made Americans become so paranoid and hysterical about sexual abuse and "paedophiles". Jada is right, what you chose to see in a picture says more about you and your own obsessions and desires than it does about the people in the picture

    1. Fred- i dont totally agree. The crux of this situation is the mother finds out about the picture from the press. Getting off a plane. Why isnt she home with her child??!! Who is taking care of her kids? As for her statement that she and Will think shes very mature-this was at 11, mind you- is beyond idiotic. I think of do many dangerous jerky yhings i did as a kid, and so im sure can all of us. This is not the time to be unsupervised!!!! Whether or not this incident was/ pedaphile like, dont know. But all of us know a young, lonely, unsupervised teen is prime pickings for all sorts of predators out there- pediphiles, cults, thievery, - etall. And please fellow cdaners, dont say shes ugly. She truly is a parentless lost little girl. She has enough to desl eith.

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  54. Jada is one butt ugly Butch
