Friday, May 16, 2014

Four For Friday - She Stalked Her

It is Friday and thankfully I am inside in the air conditioning. Yesterday I had to go outside at one point and it was like an oven. I noticed yesterday that we like to complain in LA about weather. If it is not 75 and sunny then we aren't happy. When it is hot we like to complain about how hot it is even though in the rest of the country 99-100 in the summer is nothing. When it rains three days a year we complain about that to the point where you think Noah is going to knock on your door. The thing is, this is the only city I know of with the exception of maybe San Diego that no one actually watches the weather. What Steve Martin did in LA Story could happen and no one would notice. The only time we do watch is when it is really hot and when it is raining. I hope everyone has a great weekend and I will be here blogging away. If you would like to follow me on Twitter, I am @entylawyer

Most of the time you hear about men stalking women or women stalking men, but there is one fantastic story of a celebrity female stalking another celebrity female. It went on for years. It started innocently enough. A former A+ list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee and probably is still A list just because of her name. She ran into this celebrity who is really well known, A+ list in her own world of the entertainment business. The celebrity immediately developed a crush on the actress and took her out to dinner and began sending expensive gifts to her. The actress was flattered but was not all that interested. The celebrity wouldn't stop though. At one point, the celebrity started flying to LA once or twice a month and would show up on the doorstep of our actress. Probably not the best idea when it comes to this particular actress. Even when our actress made it clear she wasn't interested in any kind of sexual relationship with the celebrity, and at this point not even interested in a friendship with the celebrity, it didn't end. It was only when our actress had her lawyer send the celebrity a letter advising the next step would be a restraining order that the celebrity finally gave in and quit stalking.


  1. Just for the hell of it Jane Fonda and Liza. Liza being the stalked.

  2. "In her own world" Is she a singer, model, actress policitician? ARRRRGH I hate when Enty does this.

  3. *wrong choice spelchek stalker*

  4. Female Keanu! Just for the mental image lets say the celeb is Posh Spice and the actress is Meryl.

  5. I'm changing the guess Liza being stalked Anna Wintour the stalker.

    1. Like the Anna Wintour inclusion - how about KimK stalking AnnaW?

      "Just one party invite - promise you I'll behave!"

  6. Navratolova and Cher???

  7. Replies
    1. I could see Drew Barrymore as the actress too. Both Drew & Goop in DM today

  8. Cameron and Ellen,,,,,,,

  9. amy adams and jessica alba

    1. that was my guess too, saycheese.

  10. Billy Jean King and Fonda?
    I don't know why I am picking lesbian tennis players, go figure lol

  11. Judi Dench and Oprah. I could play this one all day.

  12. Angelina Jolie and Michelle Obama

  13. The actress is Jodie Foster

  14. This MUST be Jodie Foster and Patricia Cornwall. Cornwall was obsessed with Foster for awhile and I am pretty sure Jodie got lawyers involved.

    BTW Cornwall is an A list author, and her excuse was she wanted Jodie to play her main character in a movie.

    1. Ooooh, Basil, that's an EXCELLENT guess! Cornwell also has a history of substance abuse and weird domestic (read:v young so lots of throwing her money around) sitches

    2. Like this guess too. Is Cornwall a New Yorker? I'm guessing, literary crowd so yes.

    3. Good guess! I cosign

    4. Omg, Jodie would be perfect as Kay Scarpeta. She doesn't look Italian, but she would be great.

    5. That's an awesome guess, @Basil! Addresses every little aspect of the blind. Nice one!

    6. Foster isn't the first person Patricia C has stalked.

  15. Linda Perry, Joan Jett or Ellen for the celebrity

  16. Stalker: Bacon Ranch
    Stalkee: TTM

    Easy easy

    1. Stalker: Kristin
      Stalkee: Bacon Ranch

    2. The burn that burned all burns.


    3. Lol wanton! Don't forget the parenthesis. "(Wiglet)"

    4. It's the little things that keep me lovin' you, Kristin.

    5. I need a complete set of "you're so bad" reaction gifs for today XD

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. ROFLcopter!!!! Was not expecting that guess. Hahahaha

  19. Like your guess Basil.

  20. Never heard of this till I googled it and I think Basil's got it! Way to go!

  21. Basil finished it for me..
    It is absolutely foster/Cornwall

  22. Basil nailed it!

  23. Jodie foster and Patricia Cornwell is a really good guess. I'm jumping on that train.

  24. Jodie Foster and Martina Navratilova

  25. I was going to make a crazy guess of Jenna Jameson stalking Kim Basinger, but Basil's guess makes much more sense. People just love stalking Jodie.

  26. I like Basil's guess.

  27. I get no props here..I got JOdie and was returning for the cornwall..just wanted to remember her 1st name,story was sensational....years back.
    She drowns her sorrows in her Bloody Mary....(no joke)

  28. Yeah that's fantastic Basil. I think you nailed it.

  29. Ah I wasn't here Tricia good job.
    and extra credit for one very original answer up above that isn't really a blind.

  30. Is the celebrity is Oprah?

  31. Great guess Basil.

  32. Lets share the glory Tricia.

  33. Basil's guess is correct, you can even google it, foster did indeed take a restraining order out against Patricia Cornwell.

  34. Muah Basil:))))
    Thx sandy...
    Feeling needy

  35. Anonymous10:41 AM

    Thanks Basil. :^)


    Poor Jodi. Wtf. She does strange this to the unstable.

  36. Jessi said...
    Like your guess Basil.

    as do I! nice work!

  37. Basil, You nailed it!

  38. Madonna stalking some young actress, in a desperate attempt to get into the fountain of youth between her legs.

  39. Billy Jean King and someone?

  40. Proof

  41. What is up with Jodie Foster and stalkers???

  42. @Basil - I was going to guess Cornwell (she is a really odd duck, but I have enjoyed a few of her books). I think you've got it!

  43. Replies
    1. Err, is that a sequel to Silence of the Lambs,' @Seven?

  44. @Katie she doesn't seem that particularly interesting other than the actress part that i'd think anybody would wanna stalk her! lol

  45. I'll never forget seeing a sign/bumpersticker in John Waters' office (via Rolling Stone) way back in the day. It said, "I DID IT FOR JODIE". To this day, it makes me choke-laugh. I'm with Basil.

  46. Jodie Foster stalked Queen Latifah.

    Nailed It!

    Don't Rain(bow) On My Parade Bitches.


    "After the incident with her FBI lover, any number of stories were printed about Cornwell. It was alleged that she had become a stalker herself, harassing Jodie Foster. " Bunch of bullshit stuff! It was denied by my office, it was denied by her office." But was she upset when Foster turned down the chance to play Scarpetta? "That was a long time ago, almost 10 years ago. We had a cup of coffee some place and she wasn't interested in it. I wasn't upset . . . my feelings were hurt and I was very disappointed, but that's showbiz."

  48. ...and Fundamentalist Thor - god of Thunder & Lighnting, canceled Dingle's all inclusive parade of love, peace, and acceptance, with an Academy Award winner/nominee stalker as Grand Marshall...and the crowd quietly dispersed.

    *Removing the nail from the Winner's Board*

  49. Congrats to Tricia AND Basil. Looks like someone on Enty's staff is doing research on something.

  50. @Bunni, I was thinking the same thing, Jodie would be perfect as Scarpetta, and if it took off, she could have made a lucrative franchise out of it. My guess is she said no because she did not want to have to deal with Cornwell for years on end. Shame really, because it could have been a great set of movies.

  51. I agree with Basil. This sounds like the Jodi Foster/Patricia Comwell situation. It was actually written about in Page Six at the time.

  52. I love the Four For Fridays that have only one or two people in the blind.

  53. Awesome guess @Basil!

    Cornwell's Scarpetta books used to be so good. Her latest one was absolutely terrible - I couldn't even finish it because the plot was so ludicrous.

  54. Thanks Basil. I picked Jodie Foster for the stalkee but had no idea who the stalker was. Cornwall makes perfect sense.

  55. The Foster part was obvious to me after the "probably not the best idea when it comes to this particular actress" -- her John Hinckley/Reagan shooting stalker experience. Didn't know about Patricia Cornwell though. Interesting!

  56. Thanks for all the kudos guys. I usually suck at guessing blinds, namely because I "guess" and don't use google or whatever (not that there is anything wrong with that, but I just like to see if my memory is still good). Anyway, this wasn't a guess, and I am surprised it is even a blind (though it is a fun one Enty) I work in a library and Cornwall is hugely popular, so this was pretty shocking news to people (not the stalking, but that Cornwall was gay. Jeez, even I figured that one out after reading her first couple of books), so that is how I remember this.

    But I feel I should defend Cornwall here. She may have had a crush on Foster, lots of gay women do, but I think what she was trying to do is what most writers, producers or directors do when they want a specific actor for a role: they try and woo them. Or at the very least, wear them down until they say yes. Probably Jodie is much more sensitive to that sort of thing given her history and read Cornwell all wrong and panicked. We will never know, but Cornwall herself has admitted what she did and why and it does sound to me like less of a stalking thing and more of a courting thing.

    Anyway, I seem to be doing pretty good at this guessing thing lately. Got the Rachel Zoe and her broccoli stem right, and this one right (though Enty hasn't confirmed), so you might want to start paying attention to me instead of a certain VIP blonde. (lol). Actually, don't. She has a much better track record than I. Now I am off to watch a movie called Scorned. It looked pretty good and I love a good revenge flick.

  57. Weren't Patricia Cornwall and Greta van Susteren an item at one point also?
