Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Charlie Sheen Sold Denise Richards' Home

Charlie Sheen threatened to sell the house where his two (possibly three daughters) live and his ex-wife Denise Richards and now it has happened. According to Radar, Charlie sold the house in the same community as him to a friend of his and is giving Denise until the end of the school year to move out. To make matters even worse he is also trying to reduce the monthly child support he pays from the current $55K. He says that since he isn't allowed to see the kids that he shouldn't have to pay as much. I'm thinking he is going to end up paying the same amount and in a couple of years when he splits with Bret Rossi and he is paying her child support and unable to see those kids because of something he did to Bret that he will start paying Denise more and buy her another house. Meanwhile, Brooke Muller's payments have been increased to $55K because she is letting Charlie see their kids together. I'm guessing she provides other services to Charlie too. I'm definitely on Team Denise when it comes to this. The things she put up with during and after their marriage and the things she did for his other kids with Brooke should give her a free pass with him forever. The drug addicted wife beater though wants his way because he is like a spoiled 5 year old. If Two And A Half Men had not come along he probably would be sleeping on a couch in his parents place in between trips to rehab.


  1. Charlie Sheen is a straight-up piece of shite and I hate that he still works.

    Good morning, all

    1. Totally agree. He shouldn't be allowed to breed. :(

  2. What an arse - and no Charlie your child support payments, CHILD SUPPORT, is not correlated to how many times you see your kids as if you ever make an effort when you had the chance. And if you care so much about those kids that you are upset you can't see them why are you selling their home and therefore disrupting their life. Because this has nothing to do with your faux concern for your children but your overblown drug adled ego. Grrrrrr. Somehow kharma still really hasn't given this guy the kick in the teeth he has earned 1000 times over.

  3. In all honesty she'd be better ditching anything to do with him - money included and live off her own income. Better for her and her girls mental well being. Any way I hear there's a roaring trade to be done in prostitution these days.

  4. How stupid can any one person be? $110,000/mo for child support because he's a loser and eternal litigtions against him because he doesn't have any bility to think straight. Plus whatever diseases he's acquired over time from his hos. And his monthly legal and illegal drug bills. (maybe he needs the extra cash from selling the house who knows? Denise will find a nice place I'm sure with her monthly cash)

  5. And we can all guess where the other one is spending her child support payments.....sniff......

  6. I hope Charlie has his estate planning in order. Given his lifestyle, it's only a matter of time before it's Goodbye, Charlie. I would hope all the kids are properly provided for.

  7. Why didn't she own the house herself? Living in an ex's house is just asking for trouble. Sometimes I think Denise likes this drama too.

  8. Charlie Sheen is a waste of a human being. Denise should have bought a new house ages ago, though. I don't understand wanting to live in a house owned by a drug-addled asshole who could evict you at a moment's notice.

  9. What a vindictive prick. Shame on him. Martin cant come forward and buy the house for his grandchildren?! C'mon!! And charlie sold it to a friend? My ass, prob fronted the guy money so he cld just get her out. Ugh. If they go to court, i eonder if judge wld void the sale and let denise and kids stay living there? Any lawyers out there- besides enty, lol- care to weigh in? Im pretty sure he goes to court he's gonna get crucified.

  10. I hate reading this. There's a good person inside Charlie I just hope to god he gets fixed before his lifestyle destroys him.

    1. Ooh Kat no. In your own inimitable words, I think the good person in CS left the building a long long time ago.

    2. He's not a person. He's an emanciated drug pig with a diseased peen

  11. Evicting your own kids. Sure she can get another place, but that was their long term home, That's about as shitty as it gets. Taking away your own kids home. For the record, I fully agree with her not letting the kids see him. He probably turns up drugged up, out of it, trying to cause trouble and with some equally low life porn star on his arm. Why the hell they give him parts on tv I don't know, I won't watch him.

  12. it IS the end of the school year. she has a week to move out? what a prick.

    hope karma gets him and brooke, and i hope denise can find all the resources she needs to handle taking care of all the kids.

  13. Cosign Violet. The coke ate anything decent left inside him.

    Denise should totally get her own place and let her lawyers deal with Charlie.

  14. Hey, hey, hey! I thought we agreed to call him Chuckles? Or specify that Charlie SHEEN is a dick. I scan through and get all cringey, even though I shouldn't.

    Morning All

  15. Charlie Sheen you are trash!

  16. I don't think Denise is s Saint. But in relative terms - whoa yeah.

    Charlie can be endearing in the same way I have heard people talk about the occasional bikie they know being 'a nice guy.' They may be nice and amusing in a random social interaction. But bottom line bikies are violent criminals. And so is Charlie Sheen.

    NB: I walked into a conversation recently with acquaintances, and they said this about bikies. It's not the only time I've heard a conversation go like this. I said that if they're bikies, rather than people that just like motorcycles, that they're violent criminals. Hence that simile.

  17. Oh, and - evening, chaps and chapettes!

  18. I like the chaps greeting right after the biker comments. Witty!

    1. I love a pun Vera L, and live for making them. But this one was 100% unintentionally amusing and 100% yours for picking it :)

      You go and be awesome today! Go on now!

  19. Why oh why was she still living in one of his houses? She had to have been living there for free. Or he bought the house as a present and then they never changed the ownership name. Not smart Denise, not smart. Well hopefully this will now allow her and the kids to be free of him forever. Good luck girlfriend!

  20. Yeah, I don't think Denise's head is screwed on too tight either for living in a house where an ex can kick you out.

  21. I hope she's put away a lot of that money!

  22. It still makes me sad that he was clean and sober for so many years and then went back to this. I thought he would be a success story.

    Fingers crossed that RDJ stays on his clean and sober path.

  23. I don't understand why he feels the need to punish his own kids. Feel bad for them having such an unstable ass wipe for a dad.

  24. Exactly. He's just punishing his kids. Loser.

  25. Denise should have negotiated the house for hers. She didn't somehow and it was a matter of time before he threw her out. I feel sorry for her but she has a family too. Why does everyone think HIS parent should help? Because he's famous and by extension possibly wealthy. Loads of people raise 3 kids on under $100k a year and she can too.

  26. why should the kids have to live in a manner that he does not live in?

    does he live on less than $100K a year?? I seriously doubt it.

    I tried to explain this to my "father" once when he was so proud of himself for having his child support payments reduced for my still minor sister. While you think you are winning against your ex wife-your children are losing. Is that really your goal. He just looked at me like that never occurred to him.

    Those are Charlie's kids and thank the lord Denise has custody of them. He would make a shitty custodian.

  27. and nice is as nice does.....he is not a "nice guy" in any sense

    if it ever existed-it left the building a long time ago...he's a drugged out loser

    agree with Violet

  28. her Father has helped her a lot btw

  29. Her mother passed away when she was younger. I think her dad has been more of a constant in the kid's lives than Charlie has been. The one positive thing that I got out of all of this, is that Charlie doesn't see his girls. I would imagine he would fuck up their lives more by being in it.

  30. Denise is smart. She's probably lived there for free. I'm sure she's not broke. I'm sure she would never buy a house anywhere near Charlie. Why would she want that! Free, sure. Happy she saved her money. Hope she moves on with style and grace. And keeps those girls safe and away from Charlie and their "brothers"!


  32. I hope in a decade Sam and Lola take control of their father's welfare and finances. They can stick him and Brooke in a drug free old persons home with nurse ratchet. You should be nice to your kids chuck, because elderly abuse is rarely investigated in these high profile situations until years later.

  33. Denise is probably conspiring with Kruppa as we write.

  34. I heard that it was Charlie who wanted Denise to move closer to him so that he could see the girls more (when HE want to see them). She had her own house before all of this. She probably went ahead because it was closer to the kids school and did it because at that time, Charlie and her were getting along (at least then) and she probably wanted the girls to see their dad. HE freaked out when she would not drop everything during Christmas and let him see the girls exactly when he wanted.She never said he couldn't see them, but not at that exact time and he freaked. We all know what a vindictive prick he is. He is a 5 year old with temper issues.I do think the idea that people who become famous stop emotionally growing at the age they became famous has merit.But there is something to be said that she should have seen it coming. He has done this to all his ex's.How many times has Denise and Brooke been buddies with Charlie and one of them does someting he doesn't like and he right back at calling them names and berating them to the media. It is a pattern, just like the Two and a half men drama with Chuck Lorre.

  35. She knew the score. She is seeing tricks at Charlie's house and trying to withhold the kids to get more money out of him. I don't know why y'all get surprised when whores get treated like whores.

    Couple pap shots with a stroller and you think they suddenly regrew a soul? "Oh she took in them other kids." Yeah, out of the kindness of her heart or for the bump in pay? How about when she went diving for Sambora's cock and wallet soon as he split from her close friend?

    I am closer to being an Eskimo than she is to being a victim.

    1. Oh count. My disappointment at your comments know no bounds.

  36. I almost hope that he doesn't voluntarrly pay his child support to Denise. That way the Judge will just take the money from his oversized paycheck to Denise and the judge will throw Chuckie's useless ASRE into the pokey. Where he might get poked

    Just deserts for a scumbag.

  37. I'm assuming they have to drug test in custody cases in CA? Why doesn't she just take him to court and insist on a drug test? If it's clean (yeah right!) then he can see the kids and she can keep his money. If not then she will just have to get a job! Those kids do need support but they are 9 & 10 not newborns, where she can't work. He will have to pay support no matter what, but she's lucky to get that much! If regular people have to work full-time while getting child support because they need more money, so should Denise!

    1. She does work, check imdb.

    2. Also her youngest daughter is 3 or 4.

    3. The youngest is also charlies or did he forget that too. Stripper baby oops said what.

  38. This comment has been removed by the author.

  39. One can understand some times why ex husbands/fathers get upset because it does often appear that the ex-wife is spending all the child support on herself and not the kids and sometimes that is pretty much the truth but most of the time it isn't.

    What is more amazing is that some men would rather go to jail than pay one penny of child support - sadly not enough of them get put in jail. I had a friend whose father was hiding all his money and assets and he would not disclose his information so the judge threw him in jail for contempt and he didn't care. The mother's lawyer however was able to uncover some of his stash. And he cut himself off from his kids and seeing him do all this doesn't give kids a warm fuzzy feeling that he ever cared.

    At least Sheen paid it but with him everything must have strings attached, icky strings.

  40. Sorry Count, even if the ex is a whore, your kids are innocent third parties getting hurt by your actions, the kids you claim to care so much about. And wait until the kids are older and they understand everything. But yeah Sheen will be on Family #5 by then, provided he doesn't spend all his money because at the rate he does even with all his money, we've seen bigger fish go belly up. I hope his accountants are keeping those tax payments and returns up to date.

  41. By definition if Charlie could sell it then it was never "Denise's house" to begin with. Don't get me wrong, with all of the things that she's done for him over the years I think the woman is practically a saint, but this is just another perfect example of why no woman-or man for that matter-should EVER allow themselves to be financially dependent on an EX-husband/wife. Denise is a healthy, strong (questionably) talented actress. I find the whole notion that she ever allowed herself to end up in this position to be incredibly embarsssing. There is absolutely zero reason that she should not own her own home as a 40-something with plenty of money of her own on top of what she receives in child support and alimony from Charlie. The world knows that Sheen is unstable, herself probably more than anyone. I can't feel bad for her at all about this one.

  42. I would like to see Denise go back to school, like Elin, tiger's ex, did. No one is perfect, but I think she has a good heart. Even Maya Angelo was a dancer in her early years, but she never believed the labels they gave her her whole life. Denise has the potential for many things if she chooses.

  43. I would take a cut in child support and live in section 8 housing if it meant my kids wouldn't have to visit without supervision.

  44. No judge is going to reduce her child support. And Charlie Sheen is a huge pile of nasty crazy shit but $6M in tax free child support annually ought to be enough money for a family of four to live on. How many millionaires is Sheen going to produce this way before he runs out of sitcom $$$? (While veterans rot in the VA system, what a world!!!)

  45. Oh jeez PJ. Denise is a talented actress? Come on now. She is Alba, Biel level, maybe a rung better. Her best acting was probably done while convincing a drug addled mental patient to wife her and knock her up.

  46. Here's an idea. Get your own house.

  47. So, I'm in the child support field. It's based on his income, her income and visitation. The less the visitation the more the child support.
    When she had Brooke's boys she declined the additional child support.
    In CA a wage withholding for child support is mandatory. She gets her cut before anything goes to him.
    I'm sure she had a contingency plan before she moved into the house.
    She also (allegedly) makes a bundle from her escort activities and she gets residuals plus pay for anything she acts in. I don't think she's hurting for money.
    If he wanted visitation all it would take is a visit to the police station with your court order and they would come with you to get the kids. At least they do that in Northern CA. I have a feeling he would get arrested for drunk and disorderly if he tried that.
    Good luck to her and her girls in the future.

  48. I don't think she cares about the house anymore. I think she's finally cutting all ties with him. She knew of his threat and let it happen, because she knew how bad it would make him look and now she owes him nothing. She can afford a new place, but why buy one when you're still living in the old one? I'm glad she's done what she did, those children should be nowhere near Charlie Sheen. I want to believe that she is done with him once and for all and now everyone can see him for what he is.

  49. What a mean little shit he's being. Your children live in that house. Shame on you.

  50. Why doesn't Charlie just charge her $25K/month rent for the house, effectively reducing his support payments?

  51. I think there needs to be a set of checks when child support is involved. They need to see how much of that money is really going toward the kids. It's not alimony but a lot of people don't see the difference. It shouldn't be used so the mother can go out and buy designer clothes and trips everywhere. I've known too many people who have had to pay outrageous child support payments while the kids are dressed in rags but Mommy has whatever iPhone is out or whatever the newest hot bag designer has out.

  52. Words are insufficient to describe how destructive Charlie's warped version of parenting is.

  53. His vindictive eviction puts her in a stronger position during their custody/support hearing. The judge isn't going to overlook the fact that Sheen did this to his own kids.

    With his income, he'll probably be ordered to purchase a house for Denise and the support payments will stay approximately the same.

  54. This is the end of the school year; he's giving her and his children only a week or two. Even evictions done by a court give the people 30 days notice before the sheriff shows up!

  55. Rowdy, I also believe that child support systems should allow for receipts, etc...

    My hubs ex gets a ridiculou$$ amount for two kids and they are dressed in rags. Her hub doesn't work at all, high school dropout and their kids are dressed appropriately while my stkids have suffered teasing, wearing dirty clothes, no underwear, no bathing, no electricity or water at times, but there's nothing we can do. It's been over 10 years with this same story but even worse than all I've listed.

    Child support is not alimony, but the children should have the same lifestyle at both households.

    Don't procreate with crazy people.

  56. She had a house before. Either she sold it and has that money, or she still has the house. If she's rented it out though it may be occupied.

    This isn't a finance issue as much as a douchenozzle one. And she can take that to court.
