Thursday, May 01, 2014

Cameron Diaz And Jimmy Fallon Photobombs


  1. Anonymous11:18 AM

    Not it!

  2. Just to recap,good meeting yesterday, ladies. High fives all around!

    Two sets of boots on the ground, one potential meet-up, several areas of interest identified.

  3. OK. I took the bullet. It's actually very cute! Lots of silly poses and they get the giggles, share a hot dog and startle some people.

  4. Anonymous11:25 AM

    Thanks, Reno! You got a good one, lucky you!

  5. You're welcome! I not only took the bullet, I also dodged one! LOL

  6. Fine, nerds.
    One has-been starlet and meerkat faced talk show host take an overplayed joke and use peasants as the target.
    The full bushed starlet and shovel-faced host pose with Pharrel hat, piggy back, phallic sandwich, and other lame jokes in the background of the peasants' tourist photos.
    They find it funnier than the audience, could have potentially caused irreparable damage to civilians and MY EYEBALLS.
    SNL should burn any documentation that implied Meerkat Fallon is funny.

  7. Dammit!!! This is the second time i recapped behind someone! Does it still count?

  8. Anonymous11:30 AM

    Did you two watch the same thing?

  9. Yes. But Reno has a heart made of gold and I'm cold on the inside? Hakuna Matata.

    1. Just two different, equally valid opinions. I lub you all

  10. Anonymous11:47 AM

    I love Reno's heart of gold. She always has something nice to say.

    1. Anonymous11:49 AM

      And I <3 your cold insides (?) too, of course.

    2. Thanks, Cocoa :) Love your insides too. (that sounds gross)

  11. 2 annoying, contrived A-Holes. How did AnnE not get in this pic too?

    1. Anonymous11:51 AM

      Did you not read the synopses?!? There were two reviews to choose from and you could have avoided watching! Tsk.

    2. Oooooooh, count's here! Bum to the wall, Cocoa!

    3. Anonymous12:00 PM

      And drink covered, TTM, thanks for the heads up!

  12. @Cocoa: I didn't read or watch, just saw the headline.

    @TTM: What is this bum to the wall stuff? If I am going to regale you with my wit, you should at least let me view the booty as a thank you.

    And I would like to make it clear that I would only drug a chick with her knowledge and consent. Too many medicated broads floating around to have to worry about drug interactions.

    1. Um, there may have been some talk at book club, but I'm sure I couldn't say for sure

    2. Anonymous1:06 PM

      You put the Grease song on the juke box and offered me a Roofie Colada!

  13. Anonymous12:46 PM

    I see, OK.

    I will enjoy your wit and you can enjoy my Amanda Bynes-like booty as I leave the room. With my drink.

  14. @Cocoa: What did I do to make you leave? I don't smell that bad, do I?

    And Bynes-like booty, now you are just twisting the knife, trying to torture me :( Chicks can be so mean.

  15. Anonymous1:11 PM

    I'm pretty sure you start each day with a shower, so smell-wise, you're okay.

    You have made me laugh so in return I will not object if you watch my ass leave the room. That's as good a deal as you'll get from me. :-)

    1. Cocoa! Standards!! We talked about this! Ask about whether he has his own room first!!

  16. Anonymous1:28 PM

    Count, have you met my friend TTM?

    [pssst: bodacious booty]

    1. Cocoa! That's not even true! I'm all boobs! Also, I already have a site boo (holla Rowdy!) plus I'm up to my ears in HiddleStalking. Nice try, though

  17. @TTM: So Book Club is the female version of meeting the guys at the bar for a football game?

    @Cocoa: OK, I understand the Grease thing, I am not a fan myself. Roofie Colada was a joke though. I can't afford bar prices for Roofies.

    Could you at least drop your car keys on the way out, and maybe look at me in disgust while picking them up?

    P.S. Well played with the shower reference.

    1. Anonymous1:52 PM


      Oops!! Dropped my keys.....

    2. Bend.... and SNAP!

  18. @TTM: Have my own room? WTF? Yeah.

    @Cocoa: I've met TTM. She scolds me from time to time, but she's cool. Haven't seen the booty. Maybe her next avatar...

    1. Count, you wouldn't even know it to see it. It's all freckles. Looks like a road map gone horribly wrong.

      wait, why am I talking about my butt?? Cocoa!

  19. You guys are too funny! And very sweet, thank you for the compliments. Somebody's gotta defend the Katy's, Lea's and JLo's of this world yo!
    TTM I am also all boobs! Boobies!

  20. I'll take one for the team tomorrow. I'll leave it to y'all to sort out if I mean the count or whatever horrendous video Enty is punishing us with.

  21. Anonymous1:44 PM

    Count, have you met my friend Sugar?

    [psssst. I've seen her photo. She's CUTE!]

  22. TTM, curse of the fair skin redhead. My shoulders look like a map to Amelua Earhart's whereabouts.

    Sugar, you're on for tomorrow. Don't embarrass the rest of the group like I did.

  23. * Amelua is Amelia's cousin. Or something.

  24. Wigs, your recap was just fine! I think I may just be a total dork. Ha
    Amelua is her sister-in-law btw.

  25. The teasing and the laughter may be too much for me. I don't know if I have blue balls or I'm going to pee my pants.

    1. That right thur is EXACTLY the state I like my men in. ^5 Cocoa, good job!

  26. Anonymous1:59 PM

    There you have it - the real reason Amelia Earhart and Fred Noonan have never been found. Kristin's been hiding the map!

  27. I think Cocoa is trying to pawn me off on a friend so she can hear reviews, to see if I am worth seducing.

    What do you have on in the bar Cocoa? Jeans, Skirt, Yoga Pants?

  28. @TTM: LOL! Confused men make poor decisions, just like confused women. I like the way you think.

    Well played all. I think I'm feeling woozy. I asked for a lime in my Corona, not a Xanax.

  29. Anonymous2:31 PM

    [also: Kristin is like an Olsen twin only much more attractive and likeable. Reno's pretty too, with lovely boobs]

    Xanax in your drink - how did that happen???

  30. Maybe someone dosed me while I watched you deal with your keys.

    I hope it wasn't a dude.

  31. Anonymous3:23 PM

    Not a dude, trust me.

    Here, have another Corona....


  32. If yer buyin, I'm flyin, Cocoa. Just do me a favor and get me into a seat in your car. If I wake up on the drive to your house, I'll want a cigarette, and it is hard to smoke while locked in the trunk.

  33. Anonymous3:57 PM

    E-cigarette and I'm dropping you off at YOUR house. No, sorry, I can't stay. Just wanted to make sure you got home safely.

    Thanks for the laughs, good night!

  34. Dang. You just keep teasing me up to baseball bat my knees.
