Monday, May 05, 2014

Bryan Singer Sued Again

A new lawsuit is being filed today by the same attorney who previously filed a lawsuit against Bryan Singer claiming he sexually assaulted a teen. The victim in the new lawsuit was a 17 year old teen in London who accuses Singer and Gary Goddard (who was also previously sued) of sexually assaulting him in a hotel room. They began touching him and when the teen started to refuse another man was brought into the hotel room who started beating the teen so he would comply. The teen says Singer assaulted him and molested him but never actually had sex with him. He says that he finally ceded to certain sexual demands of Singer because he didn't want to be raped. Singer's lawyer denied the charges brought against Bryan Singer and says, like he did before, that this is simply a shakedown. I guess he will keep saying that until there are a whole lot more people who come forward. I wonder if there will be a trial or if this will settle and go away quietly long before we reach that stage. The longer this goes on, the more names will come to light.


  1. How is this shithead not in jail?

  2. I bet there will be many many more people coming forward, my guess is just that this guy (and the other guys involved) were all smart enough to cover their bums enough, legality-wise for it to become a money issue.

    And now I wonder what happened to Kevin Clash. Off to ask the Google

    1. He was actually cleared of all the accusations. Sad that he lost his job for it

    2. Clearer because of statute of limitations. Doesn't mean it didn't happen.

  3. Molestation News Monday. Thanks, Enty.

    Morning, campers!

    1. Morning, Wigs! How was your weekend?

  4. This is going to be a huge payout for this perv.
    Where this is smoke, fire and all that.

  5. Feliz Stinko Drunko de Mayo!

  6. He will be brought down - whether legally or not is another question. There have been a number of UK 'celebrities' who have recently been charged with sexual offences dating back to the 1970s - it's amazing the amount of people who have come forward with their stories - once one starts they all follow.
    And even the ones who have been found not guilty have been tainted with the public knowledge of their sexual activities. If anyone's interested google Jimmy Saville, Max Clifford, Stuart Hall, Dave Lee Travis, William Roache and Rolf Harris to name a few.

  7. Jimmy Saville what a POS. And he was knighted too

  8. Sandy - the shiny tracksuits should have given him away. No normal adult wears a shiny tracksuit.

  9. I don't think there's any question that Singer liked boys just slightly over the age of consent, and that at least in recent years he's been smart enough (or well enough coached) to make sure IDs are checked.

    The question is whether or not violence was used. Sexual violence is usually part of a pattern. Does he have a pattern of violence?

    It's hard to tell. Were these two men victims of violence, or are they grown twinks looking for a payday? I'd really like to see the evidence presented in court.

  10. He was beloved though no one would have suspected he was a monster. (Jimmy Saville is Britain's Dick Clark)

  11. Nutty - check out Max Clifford - he's just been sentenced to 8 years for sexual assault in the UK. He was a big agent/promoter - he promised these girls the earth (showbiz wise) in return for sexual 'favours'. Doesn't mean he didn't abuse them - as he's just found to his cost.

  12. If there is even an iota of truth to all this, then I hope Singer and his pals get everything they have coming.

  13. Here in Oz a famous actor, Robert Hughes just got convicted of child molestation dating back to the 80's...ironically he was the star of a sitcom called 'Hey Dad'.....
    His wife was the publicist for Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman for a while, she is still a huge player in Hollywood, it remains to be seen how it will affect her career....

    1. Oh, Mr Kelly... *shakes head*

      I can't believe his wife has been publicly defending him through all of this. I sincerely hope she was never privy to his perversion, and turned a blind eye.

  14. Hi All, long time lurker, first post so please be gentle!
    @ Violet - did you ever watch Jim'll Fix It? I wrote a letter asking to sing with Adam Ant, which I asked my mum to post for me. When the whole Saville story broke, she told me that she'd thrown my letter in the bin, as she always thought he was dodgy, mainly due to the track suits and hair!

  15. Hi Smadger - Jim'll Fix It WAS my childhood. Him, DLT and Rolf have managed to ruin all my happy memories.

  16. Hiya Smadger Badger! Don't forget to pick up your Welcome Gift Basket!

  17. This is not looking good for him at all.

  18. I'm sure he's guilty of some of this but it's getting awful crowded…some of its bull..

  19. BeckyMae, the wife of Robert Hughes reps Cate Blanchett. Cate Blanchett who worked with Woody Allen, thanked her rep while Robert Hughes (her rep's husband) was being tried for the child sex abuse he was found guilty of, and now is the face of the Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal, with the Salvo's stating that any money raised won't be going to pay compo to victims of sexual & physical abuse at their homes. This shit is the reason why Bryan Singer & his ilk get away with things. The Salvo's have acknowledged these things happened, have not paid compo, have consulted with the Catholic Church to minimise any negative media fall-out due to this, and still Cate represents them. I hope all the fucking abusers get caught, tried, & convicted with preferably life sentences the same as they gave their victims.
    On that note, it is after 11pm in Australia & I am going to bed. Good night CDaners.

  20. I hate sexual predators. Hope he goes to jail.

  21. His face screams child rapist

  22. @Violet, Max Clifford sounds like a bad guy, but that doesn't mean Singer is also a bad guy.

    I know it's not the popular opinion, but I have no problem with celebrities exchanging favors with groupies over the age of consent, having once been one of those groupies. As long as there's no threats or force, both sides get something they're looking for.

    Sexual violence, of course, is another matter entirely. I'd like to hear these guys tell their stories and face cross-examination, like any other accuser. I don't think it's fair to presume Singer guilty before we've heard the full story.

    @Feraltart, Blanchett's agent's husband sounds like a bad guy. But was the agent herself in any way involved? It she wasn't, why should Blanchett fire her? That's like Jennifer Garner getting banned from the Hard Rock Casino.

  23. @Nutty_Flavor
    I'm with you

    As long time as everyone is legal and consent ,i don't care what they did

  24. About time the dam burst open.

  25. I wonder if someone kept any evidence like his splooge on their shirt or something.

    1. Texas Rosie-love love love 'splooge'!!!!! My new fav word!!!!!

  26. I am 100% against sexual predators and if all of this is true, I hope they get what's coming to them.

    But why didn't he call the police? Or scream help? The "finally ceded because he didn't want to get raped" just doesn't ring the right bells.

    1. @ Seven, there's a part of you that doesn't want anyone to know what an idiot you are. How many times was I told, don't do/go/be with and I blew them off because I knew the score....I knew Better. :-\
      Don't, Don't , Don't... Tell...

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. @Steampunk, I am a derp! I completely read that wrong and thought you were calling me an idiot, and then got all confused-like. I'm sorry you were in that position. :(

    4. @Seven, just a lot of liquor under the bridge. Its all good :-)

  27. Rolf Harris? Nooooooooo.

  28. London huh. Would this ban him from entering the UK or other European countries?

  29. This man thought sleeping with Singer would make him a movie star. It didn't. He doesn't deserve a financial judgment for that.

  30. Well, I guess my skepticism about the others being a money grab didn't pay off here. He's looking more and more guilty.

  31. He looks like he had discount drive-thru plastic surgery at a former Chinese restaurant. He looks cauc-Asian.

  32. @Nutty sorry for the late reply, ben sleeping!
    I initially thought the same about Robyn Gardiner but there were people on the set of Hey Dad who approached with concerns about Robert Hughes' behaviour as early as 1990, which she chose to ignore. She was also told to "keep her husband away from the children" as many were speaking about his inappropriate behaviour at that time.

    He was a very powerful man in TV then, as was she in movies which is why many did not say anything at that time. A little bit of my love for Cate died in that speech, she did not need to mention her at all but she did...

  33. This comment has been removed by the author.

  34. Still no evidence ???
    Just a he said she said.Something is off though.People will beleive. Him though thats just the warped Society we live in.
