Friday, May 16, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

September 11, 2013

This former almost A+ list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is also an ass. A big one. It is one of the reasons why he has moved down to the permanent B range. He rarely works and if he did not have that statue he would probably be a C. No one wants to work with him. For his last movie which was a big budget movie he was asked to do press. He refused. He was then coerced into doing an interview. He was asked about one of his former co-stars who also has a statue. He said how much she was a hack and then stopped himself and said he had forgotten that he had sex with her so she wasn't a hack, just a s**t. That was his last interview for the movie.

Richard Dreyfuss (RED)


  1. He's gonna need a bigger boat..
    for that ego

    (I just made myself cringe)

  2. I love What About Bob!!!!! I even bought my husband this shirt!

    1. Love it @Sugar!

    2. Sugar--where did you get that shirt?? I need it!!! I live in Hollywood and I'm constantly harassed by tour operators when I'm walking down Hollywood Blvd. I'm always shouting "LOCAL!" to their insistence that I take a tour of the stars homes.

  3. No way!! I don't believe it. I loved Richard Dreyfus! Oh wait, I'm mixing him up with Dustin Hoffman, who is amazing. Totally possible. As you were.

    Wouldn't this kinda be a Middle Aged Hollywood blind, not quite old enough for an Old Hollywood?

    1. I think Dusty is an ass too, at least according to Meryl Streep on WWHL.

  4. I liked him when he was younger. Wouldn't give him and his ego the time of day now.

  5. He has a huge ego and short stature. Shame because he really is a fine actor. However, he's been a steadily working actor so someone is willing to put up with him.

  6. Love that shirt @Sugar

  7. You know, he may be a prick but I just saw a print interview he did for Red and I can't say I disagree with this quote:

    "Since he was being so forthcoming, we asked about the film's box-office prospects. "I think the people that run Hollywood are completely befuddled about how to get an audience so they're grasping desperately to the old people," Dreyfuss told us. "Hollywood has always been good at grasping to what has worked in the past and bleeding it of every last drop of worth."

    1. The quote seems entirely valid, @Bacon. Add to Hollywood acting this way - the entire movie industry (I hate the MPAA), and most of the music industry.

  8. Anonymous9:51 AM

    Richard Dreyfus an ass? Moon Over Parador indeed....

  9. Napoleon Complex

  10. He slept with Helen Mirren then?

  11. I was on a train with him once, an Acela Express. Train was slowed or stopped or something and he had a frickin hissy-fit meltdown because, unlike the other people on the train, he's an IMPORTANT person and it was IMPORTANT, ESSENTIAL, even that he get where he's going ON TIME.
    Because, you know, thousands of people take the week day Acela between Philadelphia and Washington for recreational purposes, not for IMPORTANT shit like his. Most people who've ever been within 100 yards of his physical presence know he's an utter asshat. And overrated, in my opinion.

  12. Ha, I was thinking Fonda CoBe but I like your guess better.

    Looking at his IMDB he's been doing TV.
    Looks like the last movie he did was Red, before that he did the under appreciated fantastic work of art that was Piranha 3D.

    1. In my mind, it'll be Henry Fonda then. Just to make me happy.

  13. Yeah,,,who was the co star? That's even worse than belushi, ain't no woman admitting to that one,,,!

  14. Who did he sleep with, Borgnine?

  15. Wow that's funny, everytime I see his scenes in Red all I can think of his how wasted he is. He coulnd't even stay sober long enough to do a couple days of shooting. He slurred every line. I kind of felt bad for him. Until now. He looks like a drinker though, so karma's catching up a little.

  16. I can confirm Mr Holland is indeed an a** of epic proportions. The only bigger one I've ever met was William Hurt. They are artistes, true thespians, unused to mingling with the unwashed plebes who must use things like purchased tickets to get into movies and plays, barely tolerant of extras and background players who don't appreciate the literal star power shining in their midst.

  17. He's always been a huge entitled douche. I read that Robert Shaw couldn't stand RD's whiney little ass and jeered at his pretenses throughout the filming of JAWS. Heh.

    Another reason to love Robert Shaw!

  18. Bacon a reviewer in London commented on how badly he screwed up his lines in a play. Due to memory issues because of heavy drug use, he can't remember his lines so he has someone feeding them to him through an earpiece. The critic said, "He's gonna need a bigger earpiece".

    Looks like Danielle knows he's drinking instead of drugging these days.

    And hell YEAH Hurt is an ass. Didn't he also knock around Marlee Matlin? Or so it was rumored I should say.

    1. Ooh SNAP, Sherry! That's hysterical.

  19. He fucked a Dame?

  20. Eh, Dreyfuss a self absorbed douche is as unshocking as if someone outted a LiLo hooker ad on ErosGuide.

  21. That was Spot On TTM-hilarious 2x

    TTA @Bacon, that quote hits the mark

    Niiiice dish!@Kno Won Uno (NO OFFENSE MEANT, your name's clever and all, but ironically difficult to remember how to spell...and by ironic I meant annoying as f#ck) I alone in that?

  22. Maybe Richard is just cranky these days because his "shark" isn't working.

    William Hurt is a fine actor, but you'd pretty much need a PhD to understand anything he is saying.

  23. I love the story of how Harrison Ford and the other male cast members of American Graffiti were all drinking one night and threw Richard Dreyfus into the pool. He still whines about it to this day.

  24. Saw Dreyfuss speak at an event, he admitted in 2013 that he was diagnosed with bipolar disorder later in his life. He was mainly manic during the earlier part of his life and add cocaine to that but after his first divorce he went into a deep depression for several years.

    He however still seems rather angry at the world.

  25. Hurt is an ass but he has better manners than Dreyfuss. Dreyfuss is an ass but he is funnier (and smarter) than Hurt.

    Dreyfuss played the best evil Dick Cheney anyone's ever seen.

  26. I agree Bacon Ranch, RD in his perpetual anger, makes some very good points about the world.

  27. Hurt is an woman hitter. Marlee Matlin exposed this and he didn't deny it.

  28. I like it when you meet a movie star and they act as big a jerk in real life as they sometimes do in the movies. It's like they stepped off the screen to give you an encore performance.

  29. A lot of his problems stem from being Bi Polar. I love him and his movies.

  30. Yeah, hes alotta work, but i dont have anything to do with him so who cares?

  31. Loved him in Close Encounters.

  32. @Bacon Ranch - Thank you for making me laugh!

    I love Richard Dreyfuss and don't care if he's an ass. Meryl Streep is rumored to have slept with all of her costars back in the day, so I'm guessing he is referring to her.

  33. he's certainly not a great thespian. in fact, reading back over what i've seen him in, i can't remember being blown away by him.

    william hurt is a huuuuuge jackass. but at least he can act. he can really move you.

  34. omg I hope What About Bob is on Netflix tonight :D Bill Murray rules!

  35. omg I hope What About Bob is on Netflix tonight :D Bill Murray rules!

  36. Anonymous1:18 PM

    It says "former co-star," so it does not have to be Mirren or anyone else from Red.

    Robert Duvall just gave an interview to Esquire where he goes on about what a great guy Hoffmann is.

  37. I always wondered why he doesn't work much. Now I know. Disappointing.

  38. He's an AWESOME actor, but yes, a shitbag.

  39. Old news. Bill Murray had nothing nice to say about this guy and neither did Marsha Mason.

  40. @califblondy
    Dustin Hoffman an ass? Nope. I know this because he almost hit me with his orange Porsche in Westwood when I was 17. He was beyond kind. I've also only read truly kind stories about him, and he has always been honest about how anal he is as an actor. He even called out Robert Redford about lying about liking him. He said point blank Redford hated his guts. He is also rumored to be the only man Streep did not sleep with. She's just bitter because he turned her down.

    On an interesting note, The Goodbye Girl was actually inspired by Hoffman's true life story of his first marriage and getting the part in The Graduate. He did adopt his first wife's daughter too. Neil Simon loved Hoffman's story so much that he wrote it for Marsha Mason. Hoffman did not get the part of himself though, Dreyfuss did. I will never believe anything bad about Dustin Hoffman.

  41. I adored Dreyfus in Jaws, the Goodbye Girl & What about Bob. He's a master of deadpan humor.

  42. So he was just playing himself in The American President

  43. A lot of intelligent, extremely witty people are gigantic assholes. My dad, for instance. He even looks much like a tall RD. He's hilarious, but a whiny asshole.

  44. Wow, can't believe none of us guessed Dreyfus. Verrry interesting!
