Saturday, May 24, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

October 18, 2013

This A list celebrity/singer/reality star doesn't seem to care if anyone notices him cheating on his A list celebrity/singer wife. Well maybe a little since in public this week the affection was confined to hand holding and hugging with his latest mistress before they headed back to her place that night. He never takes anyone to his place.

Blake Shelton


  1. Bwahahha, I read that as Hand Hugging! The Kardashians have infected my brain!

    Sorry, I mean, that sucks for Miranda


    1. And the countdown to Day 73 begins...

    2. No, I think they'll split in November, probably on Election Day, in an attempt to bury the story.

  3. Paging Courtney for a TN beatdown.

    Miranda knew he was married when he used to take her to hotels, so she really should have seen all this coming.

    He's an ass.

    1. @baconranch Courtney reporting for duty!! Haha seriously much as this sucks, Miranda was the gal he cheated on his wife did she expect would happen when she married him?? Karma karma karma kiddo. But yeah I'd still beat him down as he needs it.

    2. Marrying your mistress just creates a job opening.

  4. ---TTM--jinx! Great minds think alike---well um mostly haha

  5. Mazel tov, Kanye!! (I will always love your music even if I think you're running an elaborate Andy Kaufman-esque scam because I.don'

  6. @TTM I USE to love his music---he needs to work a little harder on that Andy Kaufman routine though---and take the mother-in-law with ya!

  7. I'd do him :)
    I love me a tall man that won't stick around...
    sorry, Miranda.

  8. Replies
    1. @Seven, i'll wear my Hartz collar choker lol

  9. Yay Courtney. Somehow I picture you with a baseball bat that has PEACEMAKER written on it (ala Silver Bullet).
    I just hope Blake's first wife was well taken care of. That whole thing must have been humiliating for her. She is obviously the winner in this whole thing, though. Good riddance to bad rubbish.

    1. @baconranch hahaha!! All 5'2" of me! A hell raising peacemaker...I love it! What's that cake song? " with fingernails that shine like justice and a voice that is dark like tinted glass."

    2. No Blake was still not very successful when he dumped 1st wife.

    3. But I wonder what kind of deal she walked away with...he's successful now and she may (I don't know) get something from that. I dare say she got something considering the circumstances and the awful publicity of it.

    4. I read in Kneepads, or some like-minded magazine, that she's a school teacher living in Texas. She got screwed in the divorce and lives a very private life. Pretty sad. She seemed like a decent woman, and the kind that would get so satisfaction from the current reveal, just pity.

  10. Yes Bacon she who laughs last laughs best.

  11. For real, the ex wife come out smelling like a rose. I'm sure it was a horrible experience but she's rid of that now. I hope she's found all the happiness in the world.

  12. I've give it 2 years tops--and Kim with be white knuckling it.

  13. I am sure Blake's ex-wife is saying "Pay back's a Bitch, you bitch" LOL

  14. I think marrying Miranda gave Blake cred with country music fans. She was ahead of him and now they are almost equal in name but she is still bigger.

  15. He posted a picture of miranda today on twitter. I think they are circling the wagons since her album is coming out soon and both have tours...


    Is it just me or is Blake getting old?? I look at him next to Luke Bryan and cannot believe they are the same age!! Seriously, they are 1 month apart. Crazy.

    With her hot new bod, how long before Miranda moves to greener, less manured pastures?

  16. @Emma Jackson...I noticed how much older Blake looks than Luke. Pretty clear who is swimming around in the bottom of his Absolut and who is not.

  17. Typical when a woman loses weight she has a new lover. IF her marriage is in trouble I have heard statistics imply. Betcha Miranda might possibly have some exit strategy of her own. Maybe some other married man? Seems her MO.

  18. i get the feeling blake and miranda are the new jayz bey..
    just in it for the brand and don't ask don't tell
    worth more together than apart
    show p 2 support each others projects and then go back to their own separate homes

  19. @sherry the best place for a country artist to hide their lover is called the "opening act"
    not sure who miranda's is but if she is going on tour soon take a peak at who is hot and got swagger on the opening roster.. oldest trick in the book for hiding your lover

  20. Isnt that the way Miranda got Blake from his previous wife? Being a mistress too?

  21. Blake's wife #1 did very well in the divorce - a lot of cash, a nice new house, and a new pickup truck. This must have been in exchange for keeping her mouth shut, because she could have spilled plenty of dirt.

    I know for a fact that wife #1 was NOT a nice person, before or after they married.

    I agree that Blake's drinking is ruining his looks.

  22. @Jade. Really? That's too bad. Wife #1 was much better looking and did get him through the trying-to-make-it years.. Ah well.

    I think if he got himself on hand he could be super hot again. But miranda is too focused on herself to get him in line, and he's way too deep in the bottle to do it without help.

    My hope is he falls for someone new with a brain, dumps Miranda, and new girl helps him straighten out.

    That, or he'll drink and screw himself until he looks sixty five. So another five years or so,

  23. "I think marrying Miranda gave Blake cred with country music fans. She was ahead of him and now they are almost equal in name but she is still bigger."

    Um, no. Blake had several hits and at least one #1 before Miranda even released her first album or was on "Nashville Star." I knew who he was -- he was billed as one of the "hot new guys" in country, blech -- for several years before I ever heard of her.
