Friday, May 23, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

March 1, 2014

This foreign born B list athlete/celebrity/model and frequent dumpee of other celebrities was getting paid a lot of money to meet people the other day. Our celebrity was getting paid almost $50K for an hour of meet and greet but refused to take photos with fans and after the first ten fans came by refused to even pose for any more photos by herself. She said she didn't feel comfortable and would need to be paid more. She was the biggest pain in the world.

Maria Sharapova


  1. Why would they pay her if she didn't do she was meant to turn up to do?

  2. Ungrateful twit.

  3. Ah, that original BI was the day the music died. :/

    Was she doing a meet and greet with Shaq? Because I hear he pays almost $50k, too.

  4. Maybe it was that time of the month.

  5. Bad hair day? We all have them,

  6. Shark week! She'll be begging for that when she's no longer relevant.

  7. Should have asked her to pose with cute women.

  8. It isn't her fault that the media tried to make her into the new Anna Kournikova, but I can't stand her and don't think she's attractive at all.

  9. I hate crap like this so much. She should be grateful that people want to pay her to stand around for a bit & meet fans. People like this should be smacked & not paid. Do your job or don't do meet & greets. It's really that simple. I'd be so happy that people gave a crap about me enough to pay all that money that I'd hug all of them. Even the stinky, no deoderant wearing idiots.

    This witch & Averil can both take a seat.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. The charitable part of me would like to think maybe she was shy and unsure of interacting one on one with all those people but most of me thinks she was prolly just being a spoiled brat. Sorry, Charitable Works, maybe next time

  12. That's a Russian broad for ya.

  13. Well she'll never work for Shaq

  14. That is why B is as high as she will ever be.

  15. Canadians on this site are so generous to greedy lazy overly rated Enty celebrities :)

    One hour of pictures. With fans. That's IT!

    1. Perhaps we just wanna see the good in EVERYONE! Woo hoo!! You'll get it, you're coming here, right?

  16. Idiot. I bet no one is paying her ass now. Dont agree to the job if u dont like it, dumbass.

  17. So world be forwarned if you feel the need to arrange a meet and great with Maria Sourpuss and why would you pay to meet her anyway, I could think of 100 tennis players including dead ones I'd rather meet,
    if you are crazy enough to pay this chick, she only gets half until she fulfills her commitment.

    Maria get no charity from me unless this has been misreported. She's been in this long enough, if you don't need the money or don't like meet and greets DON'T DO MEET AND GREETS.

  18. Anonymous4:07 PM her defense.

    poor people sink. ((shrug))

  19. Anonymous4:08 PM


    ...bad joke FAIL! :^(

    1. @fancy, I HATE it when that happens. In comedy, timing is everything.

      There there.

    2. Anonymous7:38 PM

      Im still licking my wound. Lol

  20. TTM, I see the good in real, everyday people. As I get older I'm far less star struck, not that I was ever less than practical about celebrities. They provide an entertainment service and if they avail themselves to greet their fans they better slap a fucking smile on their stupid faces and suck it up.

    You say it so much better though.

    1. Anonymous8:43 PM

      thanks for the info on that other thread about which countries to avoid. I bookmarked your response but couldn't respond to u cause my tablet overheard sometimes and acts weird.

  21. By the same token she stays after training and matches to sign for fans for free. I don't mean when the camera is on her at the court, she signs for fans outside the venues too. I got a shirt signed and she wished me a happy b'day when I told her it was the day before :)

  22. fancyscreenname, apparently rich people can stink, too (Levi Strauss CEO advocating freezing jeans instead of washing? Does he never sweat or fart?)

  23. Anonymous8:28 PM


    That has been ALL OVER the news this week. While I think they have a point. I'd LOVE not to wash my jeans to maintain their integrity. I simply HAVE to wash them. Rich people, apparently, don't get dirty and/or have a MASSIVE wardrobe.

  24. Anonymous8:47 PM


  25. Blogger fancyscreenname said...

    Im still licking my wound. Lol

    Aint that yer husband's job?


  26. Anonymous10:16 PM

    U r one dirty bird. Lol

  27. I'm glad you lol'd. There may have been some artificial additives that went into creating that post ;)
