Sunday, May 04, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

July 3, 2012

What singer that never releases any records; prefers being an actress and is really good at it got tired of not making any money off her pap photos. Beginning about a week ago she has someone who travels with her and takes photos of her all the time. She then sells the photos to agencies. She says she got the idea when she was at the White House and saw the photographers that follow the President.

Jennifer Hudson


  1. She must have sent them over to work for Reese and Hilary because we almost never see any of her.

  2. I like her. She has class. Needs a new agent though.

  3. Ah, a girl who knows how to monetize! She nust be an economics major.

  4. Huh. Really good at it. I saw her in a couple of things,from what I remember,as an actor she was a really good singer

    1. And TTM from what I remember of her singing U'd prefer she not do it. She screams every note.

    2. I'd prefer. Dang fingers.

  5. Anonymous9:35 AM

    Sounds like a good idea. Controlling your own press.

  6. I don't remember to see her in some paps pics and i saw her in 2 movies

  7. She sucked in SATC. Hard.

  8. Love Jen but it seems everyone that's had an encounter with her says she has a nasty attitude.. Not sure what to believe!

    1. That seems to be the prevailing attitude S.Joy. Maybe she should be nicer to the paps.

    2. Sherry I agree! A kind personality will take you much further than a nasty attitude.

    3. A survey was taken amongst Hollywood insiders, hotel clerks, waiters, etc., said JHud and Terrence Howard had the absolute worst attitudes of anyone in Hollywood. It was for an Af-Am blog. Can't remember which one.

  9. Smart. They all call the paps anyway.

  10.! <3

    I only know Jennifer Hudson from those commercials where she shrieks "I'VE GOT THE POWER". After the first five or so times (thank you, ABC app, you suck) it was like nails on a chalkboard. But good for her for controlling her press.

  11. Not very successful at it then, you hardly see pics of her. The pap thing is about the publicity,,,so I'm not sure if this is a fail or not. No point selling them if no one is buying,,,

  12. I loooo'ved. It when Oprah called her oot. For being 7 hours late cause she flew to Dallas the night before her interview and couldn't get back in time and kept miss O waiting. . Haha

  13. I'd never paid much attn. to Jen H. before but I saw her in "The Inevitable Defeat Of Mister & Pete" @ Sundance & she was really good in it.The movie's exec produced by Alicia Keyes & Jordin Sparks's in it too & not a note sung amongst them.Alicia was EXTREMELY warm & friendly(& naturally sooo pretty)as was Jordin.Jennifer was very distant&reserved-not unfriendly- but definitely not as approachable.In her defense & not knowing the timeline,she went thru a horrific time in her personal life & I give her Kudos for doing ANYTHING publicly or professionally for a very long time if at all. on a sidenote the young actor,Skylan Brooks,who played Mister was amazing & definitely one to watch-he's THAT good.

  14. She was filming a music video in Chicago on Friday so she must have an album coming out at some point.

  15. Good for her! I like her!

  16. This must be the best thing Barack Hussein has done for American economy, allowing this lady hire someone and getting herself rich with this.

  17. Anonymous2:09 PM

    "...prefers being an actress and is really good at it"??? Seriously?? Did you not see Dreamgirls?? This is one of those times when I feel I have awakened to an alternate reality, like when Gwyneth Paltrow was chosen Most Beautiful Person of the Year.

    1. JoeInLA

      I think everyone that lives in this crazy thing that we call 'the real world*' woke up with that same feeling when Gwyneth won Most Beautiful Person of the Year.

      * Gwyneth doesn't live here.

  18. Only saw her in SATC and she was not that good. She was really obnoxious on American Idol and that was before the tragedies in her family.

  19. I just wonder where her boyfriend/husband is. He's still with WWE but I haven't seen him on a show in about 2 years.

    1. Wasn't he in the Andre the Giant memorial match? If not, yeah. Haven't seen him since he did the movie with Halle Berry.

  20. I'm kinda astounded by all the knocks to JHud's acting. She IS an Oscar winner. I know it doesn't count for much (see Julia Roberts), but I've always thought she was plenty good in everything I've seen.

    1. Secret Life of Bees was the best thing I've seen her in.

  21. @JoeInLA - You wrote exactly what I was about to write. One of the biggest Oscar mistakes EVER. Horrible in SATC, too. I don't think she's that good of a singer, either. (She's more of a screamer, if you ask me, and I just don't call that "singing.") Overall, I just don't get her. (And I don't believe that she lost all that weight with WW alone, either.)

  22. If she wants to do this she should hire a stylist. That bondage looking get up she had on the other day was horrible. I wonder if her personal pap took the red carpet pics?

  23. JHud thinks she's on the same level as the President of the United States?

    Really Jennifer?

  24. She should go back to singing, because her acting sucks.

  25. Jennifer Hudson is "really good" at acting? No. Oscar aside. She is a fabulous singer, but that singing is the only reason she got that award.
