Friday, May 09, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 27, 2013

This former A list mostly movie actress who doesn't work much despite the Academy Award nomination/win had been dating a guy who told her he wanted her to look less like a traditional movie star and more like a porn star so the actress went up almost two sizes. Now the couple is on the rocks because he has a wandering eye for real porn stars.

Renee Zellweger


  1. Come on, Renee! Go up a few more sizes & play Bridget Jones again!

  2. She has had A LOT of surgery. She is basically made of plastic. Anyone see her in Reality Bites? She is in it for 1 minute and has like one line but looks like a completely different person...

  3. Maybe he likes that tattooed skank @Count listed on the Jenelle thread. In any case Renee has issues with self -esteem I think.

    1. You think Sandy? If this blind is true then I would say that's a given.

  4. RENEE IMPRESSION I was actually at the tapings for this...

  5. I don't like what's she's done to her face. I miss her squinty eyes

  6. nooooooooooo i loved her when she was so cute and natural... dangit... >.<

    i wish women would look how they themselves want to look like, instead of how dudes what them to look like. naya rivera.

  7. @T.E. but that was my point from my other post. Most people have never seen her actually natural. By the time she was in Bridget Jones etc. she looked like a completely different person than when she first started out...

  8. I don't care. My love for her is like my love for Charlie: unwavering, unrequited and totally creepy.

    You rock those robo bazooms, Renee.

  9. I think Renee is pretty much unknown to anyone under 20. It's entirely conceivable that she may never have another hit movie.

  10. I agree @Nutty_Flavor.

  11. What is wrong with women who get plastic surgery for a guy??? Do it for yourself if you want, nobody else! If he doesn't love you for who you are then he's NOT worth it.

  12. did she already have stuff done when she did Jerry Maguire?-genuine query-

  13. @roloto---yes TONS


  15. well aint that abt a bitch

  16. She pulled a Meg Ryan with her looks at too young an age.

  17. She's always too damn squinty.

  18. i know @derek. i can see the appeal in "fine tuning" a few things but i liked her unique features she had while she was in chicago, new in town, etc.

    i dont like her new eyelid surgery, and if she is manipulating her weight for a guy, that just makes me sad. i know she likes/feels more comfortable being lean and slender, much like myself. if a guy told me i was too skinny, i'd go find someone who appreciated my body the way i want it to be.

  19. I would swear--SWEAR--that I heard her say in an interview once that she was allergic to anesthetic, but I can only find references to being allergic to adhesive (like bandages). She's already proven she can go up and down in size (and with that, her rack).

    Wiglet, I am with you. And Erin B. Though she is too young to play the 51-year-old Bridget in the third book.

  20. ...and Heywood basically demonstrates why women get so fucking insecure about their looks.

  21. @Snapdragon - I know, but they could change the age. They certainly changed enough plot points from both books in the films. They could change that. A girl can dream!

  22. Any broad who would get her tits done for a guy she is dating got way more problems than the guy she is dating.

  23. NO!! I really wanted her and Bramhall to work.

  24. @Erin B: True! And maybe not, you know, off a certain character. I'm still in mourning.

  25. This is actually really sad, she was great in Jerry McGuire and still natural in Bridget jones. Where did it go wrong for her? What happened? She had it, in the palm of her hand, how do you snatch defeat from the jaws of victory like this?

  26. I remember when I watched the second Bridget Jones, I couldn't stop staring at her face, and not in a good way.

  27. I used to love Renee's look. Now she is incredibly generic. She pulled a Jennifer Grey and made herself unrecognizable.

  28. Anonymous4:06 PM

    i thought she was supposed to be in a good relationship for once?

  29. She was so cute in Empire Records. She had a real sex kitten thing going on with the pouty lips and then she went and started getting work done on her face and lost it. It's a shame she made herself so unrecognisable, I think she's a fairly decent actress and could have landed herself a lot of good roles. She was great in White Oleander.

  30. She's clearly had work done on her eyes, but I don't see any huge boobs in recent photos of her.

  31. This is why you find a man who is happy with the way you look in the first place.

    I always wondered about a blind from long ago, in a tabloid before the explosion of the internet. Never knew if it was a joke or not and I can't remember the other more identifying details.

    An actor who was uncircumcized was dating an actress who did not like uncircumcized peen so he actually got circumcized for her, they broke up, of course and the next woman maybe a model? preferred it uncircumcized so he got that procedure. Naturally that relationship also broke up. Hope he is not still aiming to please so hard.

  32. shes still sad about jack white and who wouldnt be. the one that got away.....
