Thursday, May 01, 2014

Blind Items Revealed

December 19, 2012

This C+ list television actor has been in this space before. Apparently things have got so bad for the actor and his jealousy issues that he gives his significant other chores to do while he is out of the house so that she does not have time to do anything else. One of her only friends is worried that this is turning into a Star 80 situation and is getting progressively more scary.

Columbus Short


  1. He sounds like a great guy...not.

  2. When has Columbus Short been in this space before? Sounds like the answer was changed to fit current events.

    1. Nobody guessed him for this blind- BAG was popular guess.

  3. Oh, hello, BI that happens to fit with a current headline! Wanna get some coffee? A bagel? Brian Austin Green's buying!

  4. I don't even have to click on the link to guess that NObody guessed this particular mess. Maaaybe VIP because she is a ninja-awesome guesser

  5. Anonymous9:26 AM

    She's no Dorothy stratten. Star 80...I think not.

  6. ??? Columbus Short's girlfriend is famous? Who knew Short until recently?

  7. Did anyone know who he was 18 months ago?

    1. Anonymous10:16 AM


      Yes...he danced in some dance movie kids liked...and with Britney.

  8. The Star 80 reference is just plain stupid, Enty. She's no playmate, and I didn't read anything about a sex chair.

    1. Megs - it was more of a sex bench as I recall.

  9. I think Enty just meant obsessed control freak boyfriend situation with the Star 80 reference.

    I still don't know who this guy is.

  10. Who??

    I think I may have to stop reading books and spend more time watching crap TV.

  11. Is this the day where you talk about people nobody has heard of?

  12. Anonymous10:13 AM


    Just busting Entys balls as per usual. I'm the pissy teenage daughter to Entys flustered parent. Tehehehe

  13. How very "Sleeping with the Enemy".

  14. what does star 80 mean??

    1. @Sugarbread: It was a movie with Eric Roberts & Mariel Hemingway about Dorothy Stratten, a Playboy Playmate that was killed by her obsessive ex-husband who then killed himself. Peter Bogdanovitch (Cybill Shepherd's ex, and the guy who played Melfi's shrink on The Soppranos) wrote the book the movie was based on. He apparently had an affair or thing for her, and after she died, he married her sister.

    2. Anonymous11:09 AM

      Star 80 was the auto-bio of playmate Dorothy stratten. He husband (I think they were married) was controlling and jealous. When Dorothy started to become famous she wanted to rid herself of his controlling ways. She split from him but one day he asked her to come by. She went. He strapped her to some sort of sex device/chair and rapped her I think and blew her head off with a shot gun.

  15. Man, this guy really took a rocket ship off the rails.

  16. @Tru I'm with you. So often I find myself needing to google these reveals and still not knowing who these "famous" people are.

  17. @Melanie: thanks for that. Ironic to see a Star 80 reference on CDAN, where Eric Roberts is dissed in a way that makes him sound like a failed 'relative.' Apparently he has issues a lot deeper than the naturally sweet Roberts temperament that warped his career path, but IMO, he's the one with the heavyweight acting chops.

    A fun movie starring two guys w/Issues is Runaway Train--Eric Roberts AND John Voight. Think it's based on a Kurosawa film; great acting & direction.

  18. I've done a show with dude, albeit a loooooong time ago, a VERY few members of the cast and crew could stand him. I wouldn't have predicted all the things that have occurred lately, but it doesn't surprise me at all, either.

    Also, his real name is Keith. I mention this only because I find his choice of a stage name to be pretentious. :-)

  19. Columbus Short was the answer to a blind about Britney Spears.

    He seems to have serious mental issues and now that he's been fired/killed off from "Scandal" I hope he'll take care of himself.
