Saturday, May 17, 2014

Blind Items Almost Revealed

December 22, 2013

This former American Idol Top 2 finisher/winner with A list name recognition was sweating off her makeup and had her wig on the ground as she hoovered up line after line of coke at a club this past week. One of her breasts came loose from the outfit she was wearing and she didn't even care. The only thing she cared about was the free coke someone was sharing. Our Idol finisher/winner didn't let anyone share. She did beg the guy for more. It was quite the sight.

At least she didn't overdose like she has in the past.


  1. Replies
    1. Sweet LadyH. When I posted it looked like I was FRIST so no one had commented just to clear that up as well.

  2. Ghetto fabulous fantasia

  3. I got here too early. None of the smart people have arrived.

  4. Fantasia fo real! Poor tasia.

  5. I just pictured someone's breast completely falling out. Not erotic! Weird. What about the Jessica girl? Or is she still in jail?

  6. Is Mcpheeeeeeee wiggin?? (Clay doesn't do blow or wigs.).

  7. How many lines of coke can a person 'hoover up' before they die? My drug experience is limited to Nurofen Plus twice a year / or a spinny head when I have a double espresso.

  8. Don't even get me started on Fanny Mae!

  9. Someone got a BJ in the shithouse. If he held out a lil bit, probably a tossed salad too.

  10. @Sherry don't worry babe I am here and now the IQ level is through the damn roof ; )

    1. Thank God for you Derek. I so wished you lived in SF. You'd be my GBFF!

  11. I think I might just pull off my wig and get a boob out myself. It is just that sort of day.

  12. She's a on Broadway right now, she's screwed

  13. If, by IQ level, you mean pack mentality then yes its here now. Oh to be so proud.

  14. I am definitely in no pack around here! One lone wolf trust. and I am still not afraid to call a spade a spade bitch. If your so angry at people not liking you and being so negative--Get a CLUE and leave. You bring stereotypical angry dyke stereotypes to a whole other level.

    1. Hahaha go on wit your bad self lone wolf lol insecure faggot

  15. Calm down everyone! Sherry was clearly calling ME the taterbrain...ay ay ay I should back the fuck outta this post now

  16. No one wants to deal your stupid bitch fights.

    Every time you do this, you look like a bunch of assholes.

    1. Borebee, you still think we care what you think of us?

      That's adorable.

    2. There's my (Mali)Boo!


  17. @Lady--yeah a bit confused about that...I am sure she was NOT referring to you---but I am not in a drama queen mood today so I shall back-off this thread. But those that are having a rough go please continue on --other peoples conflict can be fun to read

  18. This is obviously Justin Guarini.

  19. Rosie, I rescind my "you look like a bunch of assholes" in this case because you're a homophobic cunt.

    1. Nobody cares what you think- havnt you noticed that pattern? Eat a dick bitch.

  20. well I did call her a dyke but who cares what she says. Next she will be bragging about being hotter and better than us like usual...

  21. Please be Kelly Clarkson. Please be the boring self absorbed Kelly Clarkson.

    That said its the shameless talentless Fantasy Burrito. (Auto co stays.)

    1. @Queen, that might be one of the greatest autocorrects I've ever seen!

      I'll take a Fantasy Burrito with a coke, please. Do you have somewhere I can leave my wig while I eat?

  22. I am relatively new here but not to the interwebs, but it seems when people like rosie, otherwise referred to as trolls, show up for their regular rile ups if you ignored her that would hurt more than anything one could post?

    1. Yes, trolls are people with opinions different than most. So what if I think its a circle jerk? I don't mind saying it. Troll it is. It doesn't hurt, I can assure you. Thank you for thinking of my feelings tho

    2. I agree, Tina. That is why I have ignored the Borderline Rapist Pig for quite some time now. There are people worth arguing with, because they are intellectually stimulating, and there are people so far down the evolutionary ladder that they are too stupid to realize they are hypocrite morons.

      You know, like someone who would label a poster as "misogynist" and then talk about getting college girls high so they could get in their panties.

    3. Oh count, I never used the word "misogynist" -I can barely spell it. I did say borderline pedophile tho.
      And for the record, ive never needed drugs to get into panties. I was in the state medical trade at the time, super high quality smoke. It just opened the door up to meet that many more lovely a cherry on top of an already yummie sundae. Speaking of drugs, Hows that meth workin out for ya?

  23. @Tina---meh- true. She is like Herpes---never goes away...

    1. Oh derek, its sweet to think of your cdan friends as close enough to disclose your status to- have you tried valtrex?

    2. Since Ray's not here ATM, I'll do the hono(u)rs:


  24. WEll well well if it isnt derek harvey in another bitch fight!! #not surprised
    @Rosie play nice or just try fight once a month

  25. @ Sherry that iq thing wasnt nice at all, sometimes people are new and not savvy with the blind guesses

  26. oh trust sometimes I wished in SF! lol

  27. This comment has been removed by the author.

  28. So on weekends when there's no random photos we can fight wherever we want? Cool!

    1. LowKey owns the internet today!!!
      What did Enty think would happen if he posted no photos OR blinds?! WTF?! Let's RIOT!

  29. FTR. I was dissing myself because I rarely guess until others do unless they're labeled easy. Truly, I stink at the blinds but I love the commenters.

    I don't care for name calling however. This is supposed to be fun. Let's all skip and play. Where's the mimosas?

  30. haha yup complete anarchy

  31. I forgot to fill up the ice trays...

  32. Tasia for sure.

  33. Sherry I took it as a good natured joke. I laffed. it took forever is slow. that's why everything takes forever with that bitch.

  34. @sherry you should know things can get vicious round here without proper explanation, all is well again

    1. Yes Dr. forever. You are correct and I didn't think your admonishment was rude either. Good natured rubbing allowed. Nasty meanness can go the hell away. 😘

  35. Hairy the thing that make joke funny is timing. Clearly my timing was off for my intended joke as I was to be the butt of it. Never occurred to me that others would get a post in ahead of me so then it looked like I was insulting Rosie and Lady H. To be clear that wasn't my intention.

    1. I thought it was funny!!!!

    2. See that's why we love you. Mwwaaah!

  36. @hairydawg my blog name is in reference to how long it took my first comment to get posted, i kept getting kicked out.

  37. @hairydawg bwahahaHA --your the BEST

  38. @Hairydawg, yes when i was in school things did take long for me to grasp and comprehend but once i got it , i never forget. Yes some people has a slower processing skill. BTW hairydawg thats Dr. it took forever bitch

  39. It really didn't Sherry, looked like exactly what it was.


    1. Truly Alita. I really thought I was the first post. If you read my comments I typically don't insult people. Well not intentionally. Some of us (me) suffer from a bad case of foot on mouth disease. Peace.

    2. Hi Sherry, I think I needed to add more words to my comment - I meant it was obvious you weren't being insulting and people should stop trying to make it into something it obviously want intended to be.

      Do over:

      It really didn't (look like you were insulting people) Sherry (because you wouldn't do that anyhow), (your comment) looked like exactly what it was (as you've explained to people, that you posted when you thought that you would be first on).

      Hope you see this!

  40. no Rosie maybe Dr. Ittookforever in the waiting room can hook me up with a script. While your at it some valium please if I am gonna continue to post on this thread..

  41. I was going to agree with the Fantasia guess, but now I will step quietly out of the thread.

  42. @Count but she is SO HOT she does not need intellect...

  43. Anonymous11:22 AM

    Your timing was fine Sherry.
    There are a few frequent posters who are really good guessers at the blinds.

  44. Sherry, you're one of the good ones. We all step in it from time to time :)

    1. Thanks Vera. Can't help but feel responsible for the fighting that ensued. My apologies to all for my gaff. I think everyone has kissed and made up however.

  45. #morelikedamagedgoods ; )

  46. As if Sherry---you never start shit-- Besides-we all have our moments...*stares up at the ceiling**. Rosie can be fun---she has personality I will give her that much (not much else) but at the end of the day no one would truly cause harm to another around here. *except for Rach maybe?---but that is so beyond dead. I packed us some vegemite sandwiches Sherbear lets get the hell outta this thread!

  47. Sherry, when in read your comment, I was shocked that you'd state that, but reading your explanation makes sense. I know I type comments to the last commenter sometimes and three -four comments come in before mine. Thus, I rarely make sense here or anywhere really....

  48. Just a question: are lesbian slurs and the f-word on the same level? I ask this in sincerity cause I don't know. Neither should be used, but are they both as offensive?

    1. A dyke is something used to regulate water levels I believe. A faggot is a cigarette, or perhaps sticks, whatever. To answer your question, yes theyre both derogatory. HOWEVER, when running with the gays and the Takes-one-To-Know-Ones, we can say it to eachother. Therefore, derek can call me a dyke and I can call him a faggot. And so we did. No, all yall cant. Sorr.

  49. well by definition a faggot is a bunch of sticks. A dyke I am not so sure---ask Rosie--she should know. It is what the teenage girls in the smoking lot at her closest high school call her when she walks away after repeated rejection....

  50. Derek.
    You've said at least twice in this thread that you're done and you're leaving it. Yet you continue to return, like a dog to its own vomit.


  51. I thought it was funny sherry because I think the same thing every time I type in a guess. I spend all this time typing then think "ah better not. Let's wait for everyone else to show up so I can pretend I had the right guess all along". And I quickly delete my not so eloquent response.

    It's funny when you guys get so heated online, it makes me glad I only interact with you via the site and can laugh without getting a punch in the face

  52. Why is it that every time we have a blind about Fantasia everyone freaks out? LOL.

  53. Rosie is more of a cunt than anything else. Total shit stirrer.

    Sherry, I saw your comment as only a joke. People set out to get offended over nothing.

  54. @Teresa LOL---she brings the cray!
    @Low-Key if you don't have anything to bring to the table (besides being oh-so-concerned with my every move and sticking your nose in other peoples opinions without actually having anything relevant to say AS ALWAYS) why bother wasting your time being completely and utterly annoying...Your posts are beyond irrelevant.

    1. LOL Derek, you make it too easy...

      Like shooting fish in a barrel.

  55. DAMN IT! I always miss the blow-ups!

    I saw Sherry's post as a joke, too. She thought she was posting first. Self-deprecation is the mainstay of good humor.

  56. @Kristin-LOLLLLLL. Another fun-filled day with my favorite crazies on the interweb...

  57. Good morning! I love waking up and hitting the post with a million comments...geez, Sherry I have drawn a Circle of Empowerment over here...come on over here and step inside, it'll protect you!!

    Rosie, using the 'I can call Derek a f@ggot and he can call me a d*ke but youse can't' card is ridiculous...go away you bottom feeding instigator...your not funny and you're not cute...

  58. hey Becky---to answer the question about the movies one was called Starstruck--a very cheesy musical in the early 80s. The other 2 may have been New Zealand actually--Jane Campion films Angel at my Table (excellent movie I recommend to everyone) and I am about to watch one I PVRd called Sweetie by the same director...

  59. OMG @Derek Starstruck is one of my fave movies EVER!! I was obsessed with it when it came out and made a pilgrimage to the pub they lived in which is under the Harbour Bridge! Great movie, yes very cheesy and dire

  60. Directed by the amazingGillian Armstrong.

    Sweetie and An Angel at my Table are also fantastic..

  61. Sweetie was filmed in Oz Angel in NZ

  62. Sweetie was filmed in Oz Angel in NZ

  63. haha too funny. Very eccentric movie! They are showing Australian movies every Friday night on TTM (a channel that only shows classic movies) for the next month so I am sure I will have more reviews. I love old movies and the entertainment industry intrigues me. Hence why I read and post here all the time. Not just to run my mouth off at people...Unlike some people...

    1. Um, did you mean TCM? As in Turner Classic Movies? Instead of TTM? Because I think you just blew the subtlety you were aiming for as to who runs their mouth off too much. my defense, it IS my name

  64. They say Canadian cinema (and Canada in-general) is extremely comparable to Australia...

  65. Oh yes. "Angel at My Table" is such a lovely film. I count Jane Campion amongst my top ten directors. "Sweetie" was also great.

    Seven, thank u. I really did think I had the first post. Chalk this one up to experience now. I had just woke up and dud! Never occurred others could post at the same time. Sadly my pause made the time stamp 2 minutes later than Lady H and Rosie. Which reminds me that I haven't formerly apologized to her that it may have been an insult aimed. It really was not.

    BeckyMae.....Huddle witcha in that circle grrrll.

    Hugs to all for understanding.

  66. lol--SORRY TTM!!! You are just subconsciously in my mind and heart---yup TCM bwahaha xo. I talk more than TTM sometimes it is strange how you are always the target---oh well better you than me I guess *jokesjokes*

    1. Lol, I knew whatcha meant!! Just teasing. And I think it's because I'm a ginge, derek!

  67. haha I hope not! You and Lilo in my little black heart ; )

  68. so what pubs did you hit up--any ones stand out as your fav (sorry my question mark key is not working lol)

  69. Hmmmm, I went to a bunch, mostly during the day so I don't even know what they're like at night, but Duke of York was cool and I got to see Anton Fig at The Rex

  70. Not sure who Anton Fig is but The Rex is a pretty standard bar to hit up : )
    Well gonna check out that Sweetie flick that seems to be all the rage--Check ya tomorrow. I am going to a wedding at 3 but should be on before--xo

  71. Anton Fig, for you Derek, was the first drummer for the Letterman band.

    Cool story is he was originally with a band called Spyder with some other folks from South Africa. I LOVED them because the singer was Amanda Blue and total great rocker chick when I was also a singer and in a (bad) band. She was my fucking hero. Actually got to meet them (him) in like 1980. He and Amanda eventually married but divorced and Amanda and I are FB friends.

    Oh the rock n roll stories I have. Totally meaningless but so fun for me.

  72. Anonymous5:47 PM

    Waiting on that auto-bio....

  73. Oh Derek I would watch the shit out of the TTM Channel!! Let's work our pitch to the networks, eh?

    If you want more Aussie recommendations go for Lantana, Jindabyne, Muriel's Wedding (you may have seen it tho) and Animal Kingdom. Another fave of mine is 'Tim' where a VERY young Mel Gibson plays a mentally challenged young man....I think it was his first major screen role?

    1. How funny BeckyMae. Tim was just on TCM last Friday here in America. I had no idea it was PacRim movie night until mentioned. Finally there IS something to watch on Friday night.

      I also had Tim in my Mel Gibson film festival from many years ago. He was so HAWT when he was young and not crazy.

    2. Becky--you're terrible Muriel!!!
      Great film,funny and sad in equal measure.Aussie cinema is really good,watched Snowtown recently and could not believe it was based on a true story..sad

  74. If your haven GIRL problems I feel bad for ya son---Got 99 Problems but a BITCH aint one HIT ME

  75. That was like post 100 so it makes sense---sorry Low-Key am I over the limit?

    1. Anonymous7:07 PM

      Limit as in cocktails or posts?

      Yes to both actually ...


  76. I met Muriel's dream boy at a bar at Church and Wellesley once! (you cant make this shit up) Not much going on in that brain besides moron and fool lol. He lives in Toronto. He makes Lilo look like Meryl Streep...

  77. I am very very sober ; )
    just bored---tomorrow is my big night out

  78. Lowkey---what do I make "easy"? Sorry I am not some rude bitch with nothing to say about the entertainment industry *this is what this site is about* besides I entertain my husband with Dungeons and Dragons---don't mention my name and I won't with you. GETALIFE. btw what state do you live in?

    1. Rude bitch!?! Awww shucks... So nice to be appreciated.

      Weren't you just talking about going on dates a few months ago? I seem to remember this huuuge fight with LadyH... Where did this husband come from?

      And why do you care where I live?

  79. I have an image what Lowkey looks like---WHITE TRASH.

  80. and let me guess---white trash is highly offensive--

    1. LOL @ white trash. Your insults are bad and you should feel bad.

  81. Guys!!!! Stop it! LowKey is awesome, I dig me some Derek, you can disagree without picking at each other personally, right??

  82. This comment has been removed by the author.

  83. FINE. Only cause I am a highly sensitive person and its a waste of energy and kinda pathetic..

  84. Never mind, I clearly forgot where I was. As you were!

  85. @TTM why cant we have a film club night? Reading a whole novel is a lot of commitment especially when you have no interest in the novel...or a celebrity night when you choose a great director or actor/actress and discuss their films and why you love them etc?

    1. Derek, we did start a film post, someone suggested it for the same reason, not everyone has the time to read it or whatever, so this week, tomorrow, there will also be a Fight Club post if anyone wants to participate that way.

      There will also be a Sunday Night Social post, for anyone that doesn't want to talk about Gone Girl OR Fight Club and just wants to drink and talk shite. Gonna be a good time, you should come! Or at least suggest a movie for next time, you seem to watch pretty good flicks, and we've got loads of Australians (Becky, feral, ladies??)

  86. Group hug guuuuyyyyzzzzz!

  87. Anonymous7:33 PM

    Someone is a graduate of Drama Queen High.

  88. Way to avoid the question. Yes some of us graduate--unlike others...

  89. I thought Random Pics 5 was the daily Fight Club??

  90. I thought Random Pics 5 was the daily Fight Club??

    1. We like to mix it up from time to time, BeckyMae. ;)

  91. @TTM sounds good---Fight Club is one of my favs actually but like I said will be gone that night *please don't be too harsh as I will be likely reading the posts hungover as all hell Monday**---yeah I would like to discuss movies definitely! I love German films--lots of different movies. An Al Pacino night? Even Adam Sandler is good for a laugh!

  92. Still haven't seen Gone Girl but love David Fincher in general..

  93. Anyways Lowkey is on one with me as usual--night

  94. Anonymous7:48 PM

    That burn was clearly 4.0 GPA material. ((Eyeroll))

    U r EXHAUSTING...How DO YOU deal with YOU all day?

    Must b lots of boozing, yelling and sobbing into Kleenexes.


    1. Hell, I'm STILL trying to figure out what he meant...


  95. This comment has been removed by the author.

  96. No RP5 on Saturday, so Fantasia post is the Saturday smackdown. I need a google alert!


    (reposted because my time machine isn't working)

  97. @Fancy---when did I ever say something derogatory towards you or anything to do with you? and I am not a heavy drinker at all. I posted here 2 a little drunk and made an ass of myself.

  98. #hurryupwithrehabheadrotsocietneedslesslemmings

  99. @Lowkey---just look in the mirror you cant be THAT stupid to figure it out...

  100. Derek, you're making less and less sense as the night goes on. You should've quit when you were ahead.

    Oh, wait... nevermind.

  101. anyways it is like trying to beat a dead horse. Low key has nothing to offer this board but insults to other people and drama drama drama. I am here to discuss the entertainment industry and if I make a few friends on the way so be it. If I make a few enemies they can have wonderful lives living in Florida..

  102. Y'all crazy bitches just need to drink a margarita and hug it out so we can have a proper chat sesh on one of TTM's aforementioned Sunday posts. It wouldn't be the same without everyone there! Well I can think of one who should probably stay home and no their name does not rhyme with bendy anus why would you ever think that?!

    Am I the only one who has trouble reading the hashtags? I know it can't all be the wine, surely someone else shares my struggles.


    1. You're not alone, JSierra. I try to keep my hashtags short because otherwise I get brain freeze, too. Like when FSP & Bacon go at it with vertical comments, my brain still tries to read them horizontally.


  103. haha I do love me some JSierra and Reno Blonde--was thinking the other day how nice and fun she is and doesn't react to all this shit..

  104. Oh, THAT'S what you're on about? Sorry, sweetie, you're barking up the wrong tree. As I've mentioned on this board before - I live in Ohio, near Cleveland.

  105. Anonymous8:09 PM


    ive seen this play before. he enters a thread...creates a MAGNIFICENT scene and does a super model catwalk out of the thread.


    1. @fancy, I've seen it many a time as well.
      That's why I like to give him a little poke every so often. It amuses me.

  106. I'm just opening the wine and running the tub, Becky, please tell me Drag Race isn't over yet, I'm still trying to get caught up!

    1. Woo hoo, it's not over yet! Monday! Getting caught up Becky, so awesome 2 of my faves made it. And Courtney is GORGEOUS!

    2. Yay! TTM is a Drag Race fan!
      I'm obsessed. Can't wait for the finale. I wish they would double crown Adore and Bianca, I love them both.

    3. You know it, Lux!! We gotta liveblog the finale, and I want the SAME ending!!

    4. I wish I could, but being in Australia I have no way to watch it live :'( I have to wait until someone posts it online to stream, usually at least 6 hours later. I try to stay offline to avoid spoilers.

      I can never remember around what time it is here when it airs.

  107. Anonymous8:21 PM


    u r a stunt queen sweetie. u wade into the nearest drama and make it all about u. its kind of annoying. ive seen u do it a few time. since u brought it up (headrot) u kinda turned our argument into some whiny session about YOU.

    I don't dislike u or anyone here headrot irks the shit out of me but that is about it but your late night melt downs should b addressed.

    cause im bored. lol

  108. Anonymous8:25 PM

    oh, btw, im not against a drunken late night melt down if anyone needs to go there.

    if im up and restless the show will b appreciated...

    just remember to throw ONE HELL of a tantrum and exit in a diva like fashion.

    ...its the icing on the cake. I love cake.

  109. #teamlowkey

  110. Fancy aka dr Phil if this is what you consider a meltdown I hate to see you in the real world....all your bitching at me is 100 lpercent hypocrisy

  111. Anonymous8:32 PM


    no OPRAH. Dr. Phil is too low budget.


  112. We'll I am Naomi and you lucky I a,m on a computer not a mobile

  113. Anonymous8:36 PM


    im poking him as well. he doesn't get it. lol

    I expect more from a drama stunt queen like him. hes not very sharp.

    thin layer of armor with marshmallow filling, that one. contradictory to true divaness. he should turn in his scepter.


    1. @fancy - agreed; he was going pretty good for a while, but he just fell apart there at the end.

  114. Yeah ray I forgot this was Degrassi JR High not a site about the entertainment industry...

  115. Mel G seems to go for 'mentally challenged' roles. He was a blast in that ludicrous Conspiracy Theory movie w/Julia Roberts (hmm. A successful, pretty lawyer falls in love w/her brainwashed stalker... & I thought Pretty Woman was sort of offensive?).

    Re the Blind, IDK/IDC who it is, but evocative phrasing like this has become rare in ent-posts. It's odd when comments are more fun to read than 80+% of the posts. Even here, that slow-load/fast blow-up & G/L slur-term chat make Comments win by a nose (if only because latter reminded me to check into gay view on heteros self-defining as 'straight'--been curious, as it sounds like 'I'm okay; but of course there's nothing wrong w/being twisted...').

  116. This is upsetting; you guys are STILL at it? I like to post after everyone's gone (sigh; was reacting to @Becky Mae's Mel Gibson movie reference :( --Fight Club is brilliant; tho' last year or in '12, there was a terrifying rumor of a sequel in the works. Am praying it doesn't happen. Wish studio$ didn't feel compelled to F with everything.

    1. A sequel to Fight Club?
      As much as I'd like to see Tyler Durden again, NO.

  117. Hey K I am exhausted and truly love to chat about film etc sorry for the annoyance. Hopefully another time soon?

  118. Anonymous8:51 PM

    hi dick head sup

  119. @JSierra and @Seven - I'm so with you on the long hashtags. Feel like I need a decoder sometimes.

    @Fancy - what's up? Seems like you're egging Derek on, itching for a fight. Relax - it's Saturday night!

  120. Anonymous9:07 PM

    back from a beer run. mr. fancy is feeling silly and posted the dickhead comment. lol...sorry!

    read back thru the comments CAREFULLY. Derek wanted someone to come out and play and we obliged. that is all...

  121. Ah no I did not. I would hope to think that some outsiders looking in are reading this thread and acknowledging how truly obnoxious and lame you gruesome twosome are being

  122. Anonymous9:15 PM

    anyone with reading comprehension can see u were looking for SOMETHING...

    Poor u @Derek. lighten up sweetie. u cant bring the drama and have no sense of humor about it. stop acting like an injured fawn, FFS...

  123. Anonymous9:17 PM

    u did the same thing last weekend if im not mistaken.



  124. I've never watched that show but I'm on the Fantasia bandwagon.

  125. No honey you are reading into things that do not exist. Go join your man--what a lucky guy he is...

  126. Anonymous9:22 PM

    We are both here watching Saturday night live.


    what are you doing?

    he feels lucky, btw...

  127. Derek - please, please ignore.

  128. Anonymous9:24 PM


  129. A loud mouth oprah wannabe with out the cash...your buddy gayle---I mean low /key/class must be jealous

    1. Again, your insults are inadequate and you should feel inadequate.

      It's been a rousing good time but I'm off to bed now. Unlike you, when I say I'm leaving the thread I actually mean it.

      Feel free to continue with your pathetic "insults" in my absence.

  130. Surfer ok good idea thanks---night

  131. Anonymous9:25 PM

    your snark is getting better derek

  132. Anonymous9:30 PM

    im going to find the thread where u pitched a bitch fit last weekend derek. tomorrow. lol

    u do this all the time. u know u do. now you are the victim? smh@sensitive stunt queens.

  133. Guess now wouldn't be the ideal time to talk about how awesome a space to talk about film would be?

    I love reading but film discussion would be a good idea as well. Especially if people brought attention to interesting ones I've never seen but could learn about.

    I am partial to independent/foreign (outside US) films. It's great that we have contributors here from other countries. It would be great to have recommendations for ones we don't typically get to see here.

  134. Heya Sherry! I recommend A Loving Father (French) only for the performances by Guillaume Depardieu and the woman who played his sister (can't think of her name off the top of my head). It really brings the blinds about Gerard to life, as well. Man is an unapologetic pig.
    I'm not normally into reading my movies (subtitles) but some are certainly worth it.

  135. Yay! The scrag fight is ova!

    So good to find more Drag Race fans here! I can't watch it live so it needs to be a torrent for me :( no spoilers please unless anyone knows of a way for me to watch live in Australia??

    @derek we love you and I have a feeling LowKey and Fancy may be one and the same...

    1. I looked everywhere @BeckyMae but couldn't find anything that would work for a live stream. I stream episodes from a site, usually a few hours after the episode has aired. Foxtel is about to start showing season 6, which will be good to watch it again, but I wish they had done it at the same time it was airing in the US.

  136. I would be VERY surprised if LowKey and fancy are the same person...

  137. Snow town is a great film,very disturbing like so many places here...I grew up in Adelaide aka City of Churches and serial killers :/

    1. Snowtown was one of the very few films that genuinely terrified me. It was so brutal. And the fact that it was all based on the real "bodies in the barrels" murders, made it all the more chilling. Brilliant film, but I found it extremely unsettling and don't think I could bring myself to watch it again.

  138. Oooh Becky I didn't know that about Adelaide,I must read up on the city history

  139. @lux yeah I couldn't watch it again either, same goes for Wolf Creek....I refused to see the second one...too freaky for me! Shame about the life stream...might have to go into media lockdown till I can torrent it, just like Eurovision all over again!

    @tartanprincess Google the Beaumont Children, The Family (Adelaide) and the Truro Murders (not technically Adelaide but of the era I grew up in where kids got abducted all the time, also the Richard Kelvin murder which The Family are said to be responsible for...

    1. I've only seen Wolf Creek once, but from memory it wasn't too disturbing for me. Although it was a very different John Jarratt than what I was used to seeing on Play School as a kid.

      Snowtown rattled me with the scenes involving animals. I can't deal with any type of animal cruelty or deaths in movies. I just can't.

  140. BeckyMae: I grew up in Charlotte NC USA and they had the most churches per capita. Not sure about serial killers however.

    Maybe because of the language or the mindset but Aussie and/or NZ their films really appeal to me.

    I don't mind reading subtitles. In fact because so many films are what they call mumble core I always put the subtitles on anyway. Otherwise I cannot follow the dialogue.

    Thanks for the film suggestion bacon ranch. I shall put it on my list.

  141. I just finished watching Scorned. Whether VIP is Anna Lynn McCord or not, the movie was really enjoyable to me, but she really made it better. She plays crazy bitch pretty good.

  142. ETA I am now going to be looking for a few more of her movies. I have heard that Excision is excellent, so that is next on my list.

    So VIP if you really are McCord, your a pretty good actress and look forward to seeing you in more things. But I am NOT watching Dallas though.

  143. Basil looks like it's just u n me now. What time zone r u n ?
