Thursday, May 08, 2014

Blind Item #9

For the past year, this foreign born A list mostly movie actor who is an Academy Award winner/nominee has been seeing another woman. He won't divorce his wife though because he doesn't think people should get divorced.


  1. OT, has anyone seen the drunk Reese video on TMZ? Haha, just yesterday big article on how she and hubby have really cleaned up their act and cut the drinking since their arrest last year. Hilarious..

    1. @Simon. A new drunk video?

    2. Anonymous11:33 AM


      I can't even GET on tmz right now. The sight is loading soooo slow.

    3. I just brought it up on my phone. It's drunksy. Reesey. Trying to say Cara. DELEVENES. Name. And can't.

    4. A girl must have a name a man can whisper into a pillow girls!! Uh huh. Will you be giving that sage baby naming advice on your new lifestyle blog boo??
      What's it called? Dirty jobs south?? No!
      Draper James Southern. I was this close.

  2. Sandybrook- it does say "winner/nominee"

  3. I'd say Antonio but he divorced his first wife to marry Melanie. Although I guess that doesn't necessarily mean he approves of divorce (especially since they have a child and he didn't have any children from the first marriage). People can be inconsistent.

  4. I want this to be Hugh Laurie, but it's not.

  5. Ok Ill hold with Clive Owen becuz Ive got no one else.

    1. Agreed, SB. Screams Clive to me.

  6. Yes, from met ball I think..

  7. is jean dujardin married?

  8. Last I heard, DuJardin and his wife split up.

  9. Don't think this is Bardem. He's as liberal as comes and made a remark about doing something (can't remember what) "just to f@ck with the church".

  10. Fancy that sight always loads slow as shit. That and Huffington Post. Fergedddaboutit!

    If it was Antonio he can't get divorced because Melanie won't let him.

  11. I'm going with Clive Owen. He has run around on her 4evah. I think he just won't allow himself to get a divorce. I think they have an understanding that he can do whatever on set.
    I think he checked out of that marriage a Long time ago. And his daughters are grown now.

  12. Daniel Day Lewis

  13. Daniel Day Lewis is very tight with a buck

  14. Too vague that if Bale,DDL,Bardem or other married foreigner actor divorce,Enty can fit with one of them

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. I don't think that far left asshole bardem sees divorce as a sin.

    My vote is for mr. Bale, or Hugh Jackman (I don't think he is gay).

  17. I don't think that far left asshole bardem sees divorce as a sin.

    My vote is for mr. Bale, or Hugh Jackman (I don't think he is gay).

  18. I'll say Bardem. Not because he thinks it's a sin but because he's arrogant enough to think he is entitled to be married and screw around.

  19. Like the Jackman guess a lot.

  20. Crowe's not divorced but there are a lot of other women, not one in particular.

    Colin Firth?

  21. I hope it's not Bale, his wife is currently pregnant. Cheating on your pregnant wife is not a good look.

  22. Anonymous6:53 PM

    I always think Bardem when I read these foreign-born actor blinds. But he could have the Catholic thing. Other than that, I guess Spencer Tracy. He didn't believe in divorce. Or coming out, apparently.

  23. Daniel Day Lewis. Divorce is still an Irish no-no.

    1. DDL's father Cecil was Anglo Irish not Irish and lived in England. He was divorced and a notorious womanizer. If his son is uxorious it's in reaction to that not his not really Irish heritage.

  24. Saying Bardem isn't a churchgoer doesn't disqualify him. A lot of French and Spanish men dislike divorce for other reasons. It's not part of their culture, especially when children are involved. Divorce disrupts relationships with grandparents, cousins, aunts and uncles. Important relationships in Latin cultures.

  25. Have Jackman or Clive Owen been nominated for an Oscar? Don't think so.

    I think this is Crowe. And Bardem is not an asshole - far lefty, maybe, but he's a gentleman and a professional.

  26. Brosnan was a nominee, not a winner, but enty has got this wrong before, I'm pretty sure brosnan does not believe in divorce.
