Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blind Item #7

This B list mostly movie actor keeps getting parts based on his looks, but with no discernible acting talent. With no franchise to help him any longer and bombs aplenty from his roles, he needs something. Maybe his backup plan is the son of the royal he has been seeing the past month.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Kelan or Taylor from Twighlight

  3. Kellan - his last movie was a bomb.

  4. my first thought was lautner but he's barely worked... idk

    1. Remember how bad he was in Twilight that they were like Fuck This, we are replacing him, and then fangirls went nuts and that's the only reason they kept him???! He is a terrible actor. But if you fuck Bryan Singer jussssst right, acting talent doesn't matter.

  5. Kellan and one of the Monaco lot? He was there for the Grand Prix this week I think.

  6. Daniel Radcliffe only because I'm not certain if he is regarded as a talented actor or if he just gets parts because he was Harry Potter.

    1. I think daniel is adorable but I doubt he's getting parts based on his looks. Plus I'd say he's pretty talented.

    2. See I think all 3 of the Twillight boys are grossly unattractive. The only good-looking one was Jackson Rathbone. So I'd cast Radcliffe for his looks before theirs, but yeah I'm not representative of stereotypical hollywood casting.

      I think I'm ready to give up on legit attempts. I think going forth I'm just gonna be that rando who guesses Gary Busey on every BI.

  7. Awww Princess Lutz certainly has zero ring to it, guys!

    1. Oh, Kristin. You made me snort during a meeting. I am supposed to be reading a very important email.

  8. Correction - he was in Monaco for some fashion thing not car racing.

  9. Ted swore Kellan is straight.

    1. Ted also swore that Toothy-Tile would be revealed one day and years later it never happened.

      He outted Renner but I still think TT was all a lie to get readers.

    2. Ted got fired because he accidentally outted Renner so he may have wanted to but didn't get the opportunity to do so.
      Speaking of which, where is the site he was going to launch?

    3. Freya, when and how did ted out my secret lover, renner?

    4. As I remember it, Ted was writing one of his blinds and in one sentence instead of using the fakey name, he used Jeremy's real name. It was later edited out I think. But too late.

    5. Yes it wasn't a TT BI, I can't REMEMEVR (ugh curse you autocorrect!) which recurring alias he was. But Ted posted an article and one of the alias names was left as Jeremy. It was edited later, E! (I think Ted too?) of course denied it was Renner. The post was taken down and within a day or two either all comments from all of Ted's postings were wiped, OR all of Ted's posts were deleted (can't recall which). All mention of Ted was removed from E!'s site and he was gone. It's been years and I'm of he opinion he was blacklisted cause I haven't heard his name since (except such as this mention).

  10. Isn't Harry Potter doing well on stage now rather than films. Seems like he's doing just fine. Though I've wondered if he's straight or gay this just doesn't sound like Daniel at all from all the things we've heard about him.

  11. @Riven I don't like any of that crap but you need to get your eyes checked love.
    Also I agree Daniel is talented but Emma Watson not so much. I have respect for her etc. but she ruined Noah for me and I have yet to see a great performance by her...

  12. Daniel was great in a great movie I saw--Kill your Darlings

  13. I must agree with @Riven. If you tripped over any of those people in a laundromat, you wouldn't be left with a memorable impression.

  14. I'd guess Liam hemsworth if he wasn't still doing the hunger games. He can't act to save his life.

  15. Lutz sounds good but why would Royality overseas know who he is? Almost nobody here could pick him out of a lineup if asked.

  16. Isn't the son of a royal,,,,also royal? Unless it's a really minor royal, and then whomever this is, is barking up the wrong financial tree....

  17. I think it's Andrea Casiraghi, the son of Princess Caroline. I realize he's recently married but his Uncle Albert is married, too--and it's never stopped him from chasing the guys.

    1. BTW, Casiraghi is currently second in line to the throne of Monaco so I'm presuming he has some $$$ (or rather some €€€).

  18. lutz. Who the hell invited him for cannes

  19. @Riven, word. Ted also said he was coming back soon and that was like 6 months ago.

  20. DanRad doesn't get cast for his looks. Also he has so damn much money that he doesn't look for blockbuster roles, he does stuff that is personally interesting to him. This isnt him, its one of the Twilight tools.

  21. Riven, pretty much everybody who matters agrees that Radcliffe's an amazing talent.

  22. I'll go with someone from Twilight. Lutz fits, but so does Pattinson or Lautner.

  23. @dexmy. So ur saying that someone actually has Prince Albert in a can ??

    1. And everywhere else. They say Grace was quite the slut in her Hollywood days and the apple, you know. .. She did produce some strange fruit.

  24. So there's another hot dude that is a waste for women to ogle.
    The pickins are getting slim for women, and apparently the ones that are left have dicks that indicate there's a sharp curve ahead.

  25. Gotta be the werewolf kid...

  26. Gotta be Taylor Lautner

  27. Those royals seem to be a swishy bunch.

  28. I'm going with Lutz on this one... But I agree that it's a Twlighter. Taylor had Abduction bomb and had a cameo role in Grown Ups 2, which garnered a few Razzies.

  29. All true about Ted, but since he thought everyone was gay in Hwood, I think it was telling if he insisted Lutz wasn't'.

  30. I want my Ted back.

  31. Can't be Pattinson who has done two Cronenburg films now. He won't hire a talentless hack.

  32. I miss Ted too! He was so entertaining. I follow him on Twitter but he only posts sporadically. I also find it really odd that he hasn't set up a blog yet. I wonder what the terms of his E! departure were. Maybe there was some stipulation that he couldn't establish a competing gossip site for a few years? Or maybe.. he's working anymously for Enty!! Could Ted possibly be Mr. X? I do love a mystery. :) :)

  33. Great minds and all that. As I read this I thought of Ted as Mr X.

  34. Pattinson...

    First Franchise - Harry Potter (he died in #4)

    Looked so good dead that they made him a vampire.
