Thursday, May 08, 2014

Blind Item #6

This A- list performer(singer) recently went into diabetic shock and was hospitalized for a day. It isn't the first time it has happened, and he is not very diligent in checking his numbers.


  1. Hi Lady! As long as it wasn't our Adam I'm good :)

  2. Nick Jonas has diabetes...

    1. Justin does have it too, confirmed. This is Justin. He's in DM everywhere today too for starting shit with Seth Rogen again.
      Hello Bacon!

  3. Bret Michaels?

  4. Knickers and insulin and tyre changing. These blinds are really showing the bad and edgy side of Hollywood today.

  5. LOL @ Justin v Seth. Both are asses

  6. Lil Wayne had seizure last year on plane; Rick Ross did too...

  7. @rolo---probably cause of that sizzirup shit or whatever its called

  8. Brett Michaels is very diligent about checking his glucose. He has been type 1 since he was a child. I have seen him being interviewed where he has stopped the interview to check has sugar and explain what and why he was doing.
    He and Nick Jonas are both spokesman for type 1 and do quite a bit of fundraising and volunteering. would doubt that it would be either one of them. it

  9. Correct lute, type 2 seems to be diagnosed later. I know people with both. The type 1's (that I know) are diligent with their med routine. The type 2's even more so because it is so a "how did this happen?" reaction.

  10. @Derek-youuuu're right on that-good point!

  11. Bacon, type 1's have no choice but to be diligent. They have a dead pancreas. If they don't manage their glucose correctly it is deadly. I give Brett Michaels plenty of credit for surviving all of these years. I often feel that most of his image is bull. If he was as abusive as his image makes him out to be he would not be as healthy as he is.
    Interestingly Robin Thicke's younger brother is type 1.

    Sadly I know way too much about this. My son was diagnosed four years ago this month.

  12. Oh gosh lute
    I'm glad you're there for him.

    I didn't know that about Brett. Huh

  13. So many good choices here. I thought Brett at first but he's been very clear about taking care of his insulin.

  14. too much of that cough syrup stuff no doubt if it is Biebs oh great minds I see Derek mentioned it

    he better be careful, people with juvenile diabetes may find themselves blind or worse if they don't take care of themselves, it might happen young even if you do take care of yourself, maybe not so much now since the technology has improved a friend's son has the pump

  15. Axl Rose has diabetes too. He's spoken about it in the past.

  16. Replies
    1. Cee Lo isn't returning to The Voice because of his diabetes, plus he has that nasty court case coming up about the chick who says he slipped her X, so that would be stressful. I think Texas Rose nailed it.

  17. Meat Loaf?

  18. Anonymous11:02 AM

    I believe Nick Jonas wears a pump, so his sugar levels should be monitored automatically. Hope whoever this is got a wake up call about the importance of testing often and knowing how to counter low or high readings. And eating right! And exercising!

  19. Hugs lute. That's tough as a mama.

  20. @Krista I also have Type 1 and a pump, not all pumps have the constant glucose monitoring.

  21. Thanks Bacon. He is very good about testing. I am nervous about him starting college in a few months. Thank God he got into his first choice, just two ours away. Makes me feel much better I can get to him in an emergency.

    Krista, even with a pump you need to test your sugar. Also, pumps can fail. Sometimes they send too much insulin, sometimes not enough. Nothing is automatic. You still need to test your sugar and figure out the amount of carbs you are eating and then put the info into the pump.

  22. two *hours*

    Countess, thank you. It is tougher on him. He is staying with injections. He has decent control. Could be better, but the teen years are the worse between growing and stress. Once he gets through all of that I will be much more relaxed.

  23. Anonymous11:41 AM

    Thanks for the info - I thought they did the monitoring, but certainly appreciate that manual testing could still be needed if they don't or as backup regardless.

  24. I have a brother who isn't good at checking his numbers, thank God he has a caring, diligent wife. It is pretty scary when he goes low.

  25. Krista, most people are very unfamiliar with type 1. They think you stick on a pump and you are good to go. I wish!
    Anyway, I would think this blind is about someone with type 2 diabetes, not type 1.

  26. Lute, I have a dear friend that used to go to diabetes camp every summer as a teen. Sounds geeky, but she made lifelong friends and learned about her health with peers. takes excellent care of herself now. But, she DID drink a lot in college. That'd be nerve wracking.

  27. Countess, I know the drinking gets them into lots of trouble. Luckily my son is a worrier. We were at his endocrinologist last week and he found out his cholesterol is 280 due to all of the carbless cheese he eats. He was so upset. He really tries to keep himself healthy. I am pretty sure he will stay away from drinking.

  28. Huge hugs Lute. I hope your kiddle is well. It's a very tough road. The stress is terrible. Not knowing how they are when out of your sight, school etc.

  29. Anonymous6:58 PM

    Jonas has the sugars.
