Wednesday, May 07, 2014

Blind Item #6

This married A list mostly movie actor, who probably would be A+list if he could make a decent movie other than his franchise has been making the most of his time while his wife has been out of town filming. Every night for the past few weeks, the same woman has been spotted at his place and a delivery driver with food comes shortly after. The woman generally leaves his place a little before six in the same clothes she wore the night before.


  1. Anonymous8:48 AM

    Well know we know what street Mrs. Kravitz lives on.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Nice one, Fancy. Old school reference. I snorted.

    1. Fancy & Charlie - enlighten me about the old school reference?

    2. "Abner! Abner! Come and look! Abner, are you listening to me?!?"

      Bee Haven, its referencing the nosey neighbor lady from Bewitched.

  4. It's not delivery; it's Digiorno.

    1. @Sass "It IS delivery, its DaWhore-o!"

      I say it's Bland Blaynolds, because Beige Not So Lively is filming something called "The Age Of Adeline." Where she sustained some mystery type injury on set.

  5. Anonymous8:55 AM


  6. Anonymous8:55 AM

    Daniel Craig. Rachel is filming somewhere, saw her picture on set on DM

  7. Craig fits but I dunno, no one would ever describe Bond as "his franchise" and he's been in some other good flicks like Dragon Tattoo. He's A+ list in his home country at least.

  8. The one with Tacky Pataki as a wife, just for fun.

  9. Awesome, @Fancy!
    Gladys Kravitz would have her own gossip site in the 21st century. Logo would be Venetian blind(item)s.

    1. Venetian Blind Items!! I'll be laughing all day over that one! It's a shame that Gladys was born a few generations too soon. She'd be in her glory with the internet!

    2. Someone needs to purchase this domain name, STAT! Seriously, this blog needs to happen.

    3. Props to Fancy and Kno Won for making me snort-laugh.

  10. The burning question is-delivery from where?! And did the delivery person join in & make a tape?!

  11. The sex better be good if all she is getting is crappy take out food every night.

  12. This comment has been removed by the author.

  13. It must be someone who actually eats. Which rules out a large percentage of females in Hollywood.

  14. no @bee, maybe only the dude eats the take out food. :)

  15. True T. E Cruz. My bad!

  16. Here's my question. If you knew you'd be spending the night, why not pack a change of clothes? Does she borrow his toothbrush too?

  17. She needs a survival overnight kit like the one from Don't trust the B in apartment 23.

  18. OH MY GOD I totally want to make a Gladys Kravitz gossip site! The photo at top would be her peeking behind a door, screaming "AAAAAAAAABNER!!!!!!!!!!!"

  19. @Bee Haven....there was an old television program called "Bewitched" (starring Elizabeth Montgomery). The neighbor was named Gladys Kravitz and she was always slinkin' and snoopin' around trying to find out something. And screaming for her husband, Abner.

  20. Bee it's from "Bewitched" from the 60's. Gladys Kravitz was always spying on Samantha Stevens who was trying to hide she was a witch. Not sure if you got that in Oz and I know you ain't old enough to see it the first time..Unlike some of us.

    Man I tell ya, you guys are all en fuego with the funny remarks!

    I was gonna say someone is definitely having their house watched. Maybe the PI doing the job for the wife out of town is selling some dirt to Enty?

  21. If Craig is just an A how many are A+?

  22. Oh NOW I get the reference! Thanks!

  23. I live in the northeast US and Bewitched episodes air in my area on a channel called Antenna TV. I catch an episode every now and then. The series ran when I was a kid. Yes, gotta love Gladys!! My most favorite character was Aunt Clara. She was a hoot! Actually there are a lot of great characters in the series. If you've never seen it, treat yourself and catch it on Antenna TV, YouTube, etc.

  24. Aunt Clara was awesome! So sweet.

  25. We did get Bewitched here (not the murderised Nic Kidman version. Shudder. I even named my first kitten Samantha

  26. I just remembered this little bit of TV history... The show introduced the girl's name "Tabitha". It set off a craze at the time.

  27. I liked Paul Linde's character. Was he Uncle Arthur? Showing my age knowing waaaay too much about Bewitched, but I loved that show.

    I liked Dick York better than the second guy as Darrin.

    1. Uncle Arthur was my favorite, also. Although Endora came in a close second. I wanted to be Tabitha.

      Ditto on the Darrin's, but I think Dick York had some health problems that caused him to leave the show.

    2. Agree, Dick Sargent was good but Dick York was superior as Darren. Really good chemistry with Samantha, and he had great facial expression. Especially when he sparred with Endora (for the unfamiliar, that's Samantha's mother, played fabulously by Agnes Moorehead). I just checked imdb and you're right, Uncle Arthur was the name of Paul Lynde's character, who was very fond of wearing ascots. As a kid, I had never seen a man wearing something like that before and I was mystified. I can vaguely remember asking my dad why he didn't wear ascots too, as I thought they were cool and pretty. I don't remember what he said. Anyway, time for me to sign off for a while & pay attention to the present world! Sigh...

    3. Correction: I think you mean Derwood!

      Used to work with a guy named Darren, who was the most pathetic IT support I've ever had the displeasure of working with. We all called him Derwood.

      My family also refer to my Grandmother as Mrs Kravitz. The only difference is that she has vertical blinds.

  28. Robert Downey, Ironman Franchise

    1. Evie, I also read this as RDJ. Can't believe FSP didn't jump on it straight away.

  29. Calling Dr. Bombay!

  30. Does Ryan Reynolds have a franchise? If so, I think it's him.
