Friday, May 09, 2014

Blind Item #5

This sometime A+ list mostly movie actress is an Academy Award winner. She also has a crazy temper. She berated her assistant the entire time they were standing in line for coffee and while they were waiting to pick it up and then on the walk back to the car because the assistant was five minutes late to work. Not Reese.


  1. Faye Dunaway - I hope she didn't have a wire hanger in the car!

  2. Not to out myself as a bitch, but the assistant WAS late. What does berate mean? Yell at her? Or tell her over and over how unacceptable that behavior is?

    I'm chronically late. And I'm ALWAYS in trouble for it. Lectures. Threatened with jail (for real - I'm a lawyer. The judges have threatened me with jail) and I'm talking being something like 30 seconds to 2 minutes late. And the judges are ALWAYS late. But god forbid I show up seconds late when they are on time.

    It's the way it is. It's a job. You can't be late.

    1. Kara - I would need to see her last 4 performance reviews before I could get onboard with your position:)

  3. I second that Kara. Don't be late. And especially don't mess with my coffee time.

  4. Yeah but...maybe just telling the assistant not to be late would be sufficient? Instead of going on and on and on about it in publc?

  5. @Kara, truth. I got stuck behind a bad car accident once and was 20 minutes late to a doctor's appointment. The receptionist said I'd have to reschedule. I said, every time I come here, I sit in the waiting for at least half an hour to 45 minutes, but I'm stuck behind an accident and I have to reschedule? If I'd been on time, I would have still been sitting here! It was the first time I'd ever been late, too.

    Switched doctors after that.

    1. Seven - Whoever had the appointment after you was probably shocked when they got called in on time.

    2. Remember that Seinfeld episode where George gets billed because he misses his appt.

  6. I'm trying to figure out which one would actually stand in line.

    1. M. Brown, I'm trying to figure out why any of them would stand in line IF THEY HAVE AN ASSISTANT.

      (Sorry for shouting)

  7. @Kara, being a clerk, I have to agree with you :)

  8. One of life's little secrets is, be 5 minutes early. Especially to your job. Whatever your job entails, #1 way to make yourself look good to your employer is reliably being a bit early every day. Everything else is secondary.

    1. Omg! I tell my kids all the time that you always arrive 5 minutes early and stay 5 minutes late. I hope its stuck in their subconscious so it actually works. Lol

  9. Sandra Bullock (remember "The Proposal")...kidding kind of

  10. Kidman has her faults, but no way do i see her doing this.

  11. Any of these Actresses could do this... but don't most employers call out employees when they are late?

  12. Anonymous9:57 AM

    Chastising and employee in public is NEVER appropriate behavior. If the assistant was late, you tell her that they will discuss later, then yell in privacy.

    I don't know why people like this think it's acceptable to air their laundry in front of people. Shut up! take care of your business behind YOUR closed doors.

    1. You are so right. It's tacky and lowers your standing in the eyes of your fans.

  13. Anonymous9:57 AM

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. I'll never understand why people are late.

    I'm never late, I arrive precisely when I mean to.


  15. Well, that's why I asked what "berate" means in this context Blonde B. and Brenda L.

    I don't think it's good form to yell. it's REALLY not good form to yell in public. But was it, I'm in a stupor, I need my coffee, I'm really cranky and I can't believe you were late or a you POS assistant, don't you do that ever again at the top of my lungs???

    Sometimes I think some of the non-famous people that work in Hollywood are just as entitled and out of touch with the reality of us regular folks as the actors are!

  16. When an employee fails to meet expectations, there is a range of perfectly acceptable corrections, including verbal reprimand, verbal or written warnings, or dismissal.

    Rude or abusive behavior is not ever, ever called for, and is not ever, ever permissible.

    No employment contract or agreement is a letter of indenture. An employee is not property. Slavery's been illegal for more than a hundred years.

  17. I doubt Julia or Nicole would stand in line for anything.

  18. Not enough detail in the blind to know what happened... what exactly was said and is she late every day? Or what were the circumstances re: her work? Whether or not it's morally appropriate to yell at a late employee, it happens all the time, every day, every industry. The employee has the option to work elsewhere.

  19. Why is this a big deal or even a blind? So what? The assistant was late, for all we know she is habitually late, or the a lister was having a bad day, we all have them. It does not equate to a crazy temper or diva like behaviour unless something else behind it, that is not yet revealed, however sometimes, we all sweat the small stuff.

  20. AnnE? She's always pictured out getting coffee.

  21. By not quitting, she is sending the message that she will accept the behavior.

  22. Anonymous9:47 PM

    I hope it's not one of my favorites, Jessica Chastain.

  23. Kirstie Alley. I PERSONALLY witnessed this HAG denigrating not only her PA but the employees at a Pier 1 store. Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside.

  24. Kirstie Alley. I PERSONALLY witnessed this HAG denigrating not only her PA but the employees at a Pier 1 store. Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside.

  25. Kirstie Alley. I PERSONALLY witnessed this HAG denigrating not only her PA but the employees at a Pier 1 store. Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside.

  26. Kirstie Alley. I PERSONALLY witnessed this HAG denigrating not only her PA but the employees at a Pier 1 store. Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside.

  27. Kirstie Alley. I PERSONALLY witnessed this HAG denigrating not only her PA but the employees at a Pier 1 store. Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside.

  28. Kirstie Alley. I PERSONALLY witnessed this HAG denigrating not only her PA but the employees at a Pier 1 store. Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside.

  29. Kirstie Alley. I PERSONALLY witnessed this HAG denigrating not only her PA but the employees at a Pier 1 store. Ugly on the outside, ugly on the inside.

  30. Cheesy, so ur saying kirstie alley is nasty? Cos i cant tell what your point is.
