Monday, May 05, 2014

Blind Item #5

The marriage of this foreign born A list mostly movie actress who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is in trouble because of her husband's drug use. People warned her before she married that this was likely.


  1. Well, that would explain the name "Ned Rocknroll"

    1. VIP! Don't tell me judgmental Kate isn't perfect!

  2. Penelope, Kidman, or Winslet could work

  3. How about Kate Winslet. Anyone that changes their last name to "Rocknroll" has to be on something.

  4. Penelope Cruz / I think Winslet is probably A+ and Kidman was born in Hawaii.

  5. Kidman actually isn't foreign-born.

    Is Cate Blanchett's husband a drug addict?

  6. Replies
    1. +1

      I thought of her immediately too for some reason.

  7. I thought Kate's marriage was in trouble because Ned slept with the nanny. But I suppose drugs will work too.

  8. I think Cate's husband would be a little thinner if he was... oh er, there ws Philip Seymour Hoffman. Nah, she's been married for 20 years. No one is still around who would have warned her.. I say Cruz

  9. Well Violet he was high as hell when he banged the nanny!

  10. I'm thinking Winslet as well, solely due to her husband's name.

  11. Kidman is a native of Hawaii... but it would fit, otherwise.

  12. Daniel Craig is a known drinker, and all that follows that, as well as a womanizer...anyway see recent pix?lomg ago gone the 007 fit man...he's real strung out and horrid looking

  13. LOL at the "Rocknroll" comments. I've wondered about Kate's sanity with that marriage! At least they gave their son a somewhat normal first and middle name, Bear Blaze. :-) :-)

  14. Seems like Winslet is due for a different baby daddy so I'll go with her on this one.

  15. when will these guys learn to get Tootsie as a nanny- why do they tempt fate-are they testing their mates or something?

  16. I notice Enty wrote that *she* is personally in trouble, versus their marriage.

    Maybe the situation has gone beyond falling off the wagon and he's getting abusive/violent?

    Or maybe he's doing something illegal (beyond possession/using) that could also be trouble for her? Like using a side business of hers to launder money or private flights to transport large quantities or just generally draining her money to fund his addiction?

  17. Dame Judy or Helen Miren.

    I like Winslet... just hoping it isn't her. ;-)

  18. Hope not Kate. She needs a happy ending.

  19. Craig's not out of the running. He abruptly pulled out of a movie a week before it was supposed to start shooting and will likely get sued for that.

  20. Thank u Sadie for back up:)
    Kate's guy is eccentric but don't think them with her kids and all...notice also..didn't mention kids
    It's Rachael/Daniel...who just announced how they want to start a family...always the diversion before the separation stories come out

  21. Sound like it's about a recent or fairly recent marriage. Kate W. does sound very likely for this. I'll add that I've been wondering how she's doing because of her odd behavior 2 months ago when she got her star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It didn't look like any family members were with her, and Ned definitely wasn't there. In almost all of the photos Kate looked either sad or angry, so unlike her usual countenance at public events, especially at one where she's the guest of honor. Something was "off" with her. I hope it was just a fluke and she's okay. She's one of my favorites.

  22. Kate's career isn't 't going too well. Labor Day flopped.

  23. This is NOT Penélope Cruz. Believe me.

  24. Craig most likely dropped out of the project because he couldn't master a passable Boston accent.

  25. Winslet. She just gets with a new man. Married baby. On to the next one. Rinse repeat.

  26. Anonymous9:08 AM

    Ned Rocknroll banged the nanny? Kate has such terrible taste in men. She'll be married more than Elizabeth Taylor, I'll wager.

  27. I don't think this is Kidman. Keith Urban is out on a big tour of arenas this summer. So unless that suddenly gets cancelled because of an "allergic reaction" I don't think it's him. Hope not.

    1. I don't think it could possibly be Nicole either, since Keith's already been to rehab at least once since they've been married. Very shortly after the honeymoon, in fact! Plus they've been married a long time now, almost 8 yrs. How time flies.

  28. I hope it isn't Nicole and Keith. That is sad.

  29. Nicole is not foreign born... not her. Prolly Winslet.

  30. @EastCoaster: Her family not attending the Walk of Fame is not indicative of problems. Celebs pay for their stars; it's not the Oscars or anything. Plus we rarely see her family at events, especially now that she's a lot more private. Her husband attended the Divergent premiere in London, so he must've skipped the Walk of Fame to take care of the kids. I didn't find her behaviour at the Walk of Fame odd at all. She just looked like she was missing her baby. At the Divergent premiere in LA that same day, she said her promotional duties came at an unexpected time so that might be why she looked angry to you.

  31. I hope it's not Kate. I personally think she doesn't know how good she is and doesn't realize that she deserves so much better. Having said that, out of her husbands, Ned seems like the most supportive and she looks happiest with him. And who knows what people do behind closed doors, but I don't think he's hitting the drugs with a newborn baby in the picture. His cousin just posted Instagram pics of the whole family (baby Bear included!) on holiday and they look good.
