Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Blind Item #5

This married almost A list mostly movie actor is a really great actor, but not the best husband. He is starting to age and has been in some really great movies. He was spotted with a woman who was not his wife at dinner but got totally freaked out and got up abruptly and walked out of the restaurant leaving the woman there. He never came back. They were seated together for about five minutes when he left.


Violet said...

Really, could you be any vaguer (said in best C Chandler Bing voice)?

Kristin Wigs said...

Paul Rudd


snookiemonster said...

Someones pregnant!!!

Seven of Eleven said...

What freaked him out? The menu? The decor? Magic Mike? WAIT, I got it - Paz dela Drugya was hiding behind a potted plant and giving her best "come hither" look, and they both got kicked out!

Beetlejuice said...

False. Paul Rudd does not age.

Kelly said...

Wigs got it.

Unknown said...

Paul Rudd doesn't age that's a fact

Carol said...

Harrison Ford

Flora Goforth said...

This is a repeat. I think it was Harrison.

Unknown said...

Really,,,Paul Rudd is nearly a star? I had to google him, of course I recognised his face, but I could not have named him if I was paid.

Also,,,is 45 starting to age now? And really great movies? Anchorman and clueless? The forty year old Virgin? I don't think it's Paul Rudd. Because I think enty means someone older and I really don't think Paul rudd can be defined by anyone as being in some really great movies. Sorry:-((

Unknown said...

Cross posted,,,Harrison makes sense,,,

Sillygurl said...


WritergirlinLa said...

I would think Harrison was A list.

nurysp said...

if ur married and dont want to get caught
DONT TAKE THE BITCH TO A PUBLIC RESTURANT. Your a star someone will recognize you

i dont get these morons

Riven said...

If this is a repeat and it's Ford, maybe the Entern should remove "starting to" before age yes? Cause let's be real, dude is old.

I'm throwing out Jason Sudeikis as my guess so I chan check him off the Daily Mail bingo card.

ladybaus said...

" I really don't think Paul rudd can be defined by anyone as being in some really great movies. Sorry:-(( "

Disagree!!!!!!!!! He is in most of the better mainstream comedies being made these days. and don't you be dissin CLUELESS ; )

Tricia13 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Harrison Ford is in his 70's. He was "starting to age" 20 years ago!

Unknown said...

@ Derek,,,lol, nope, I won't give.,,,:-))

AJ said...

No way Ford. He's definitely aged. He was in his late 30s and early 40s during Indy. He was so so yummy than.

Jessi said...

Froggy, you are banned from this site for not knowing who Paul Rudd is!!!!!! :)

AJ said...

Plus Ford must be A list with Star Wars, Indy, Blade Runner, the Fugitive, Witness, Working Girl, regarding Henry. All amazing movies. No way almost A List.

Jessi said...

Word, Derek word!!!!!!

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

My guess too.

Tricia13 said...

Dennis quaid..he is still married

Riven said...

Paul Rudd is one of the greatest comedic character actors of his time. He is the Steve Buscemi of comedy (well pre-Boardwalk Empire Buscemi). And he's friggin brilliant.

Tricia13 said...

I don't think someone is considered aging till after 50
Plus, Rudd always described as comic actor in enty world.
Don't think it's him

Unknown said...

@at jessi,,,can I appeal? I knew his face,,,,,::-))

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

OK. If not Harrison. -

Kevin Costner? (Although his acting skills may have been commented on since most find it hard not to.)

We already know speculation about Banderas.

Tommy lee jones - doesn't matter if he ages well or not.

Pierce Brosman - nah, he can't be that dumb. (And he had TV start)

Ohhhh. Bruce Willis? (No mention of TV, but like Pierce it was looking ago)

Riven said...


"I wonder if your songs will still be shit 'When I'm Sixty-four?'"

I hated Dewey Cox but as always Paul Rudd was superb. Now I'm thinking of binge-watching the best Paul Rudd movies this weekend.

AJ said...

I like the Bruce Willis guess. He just had a baby. Maybe some sexual frustration going on before the birth ? Still scummy thing to do though.

And didn't he start out on TV but really hasn't done it since Moonlighting. That might make the blind too easy by saying that perhaps ?

Procrastibator said...

Not Paul Rudd. Ya'll made baby jebus weep

Tricia13 said...

The way it reads is like..for all his great roles he's an awful guy to be married to.which quaid notoriously is(ask Meg Ryan)...after the last almost divorce/reconciliation she put major ground he working haaaaard to be discreet's him

Canasta said...

I wouldn't say Bruce Willis is a "really great" actor. He's just alright

Unknown said...

I like the Dennis Quaid guess.

I refuse to believe this is Paul Rudd!

Unknown said...

I think Willis was fabulous in Moonlighting and Pulp Fiction. I think his performance in Pulp Fiction showed that Willis has more talent than either he bothers to utilize or moviedom has him pigeonholed and he capitulated which happens to many actors and actresses, they just give in so long as the big paycheques keep coming or Tarantino manages to get better performances out of some people.

Unknown said...

I think Willis was fabulous in Moonlighting and Pulp Fiction. I think his performance in Pulp Fiction showed that Willis has more talent than either he bothers to utilize or moviedom has him pigeonholed and he capitulated which happens to many actors and actresses, they just give in so long as the big paycheques keep coming or Tarantino manages to get better performances out of some people.

Tricia13 said...

Paul Rudd is an awesome husband, I've met him and his wife ....she's from Bucks county PA...he isn't caddish enough to do it like that ..even if he was cheating....he's a gentleman..and he's only 45..not aging..that's like saying everyone in their 40s is Jennifer Anniston referred to as that aging actress(they are the same age)..ISO is Jason Bateman....nah it's rest assured and keep waving the Rudd flag..he's a keeper

Tricia13 said...


roxie said...

tom hanks....but I hope I'm wrong.

Tricia13 said...

You are..he's A+++++

AJ said...

I've actually rather enjoyed his movies although he does play the same character at times. He was wonderful in Pulp Fiction and riveting in the Sixth Sense. Plus The Fifth Element is one of my favorites. He knows how to get the audience to care for him. Even adored him in Hudson Hawk.

The Real Dragon said...

Eh the all cheat

Freya said...

A+ for Star Wars alone. A++ for the earring.

AJ said...

+1 on the earing. I wish we could have frozen Ford around 1985ish so he was forever youthful and non aging. He was my childhood crush along with River Pheonix & Keanu Reeves :-))

katiekat said...

Bruce Willis.

Unknown said...

{a href=""}I'm reading a lot of This when I want to read this{/a}

When you come together as a council tribe, get in touch, I'll be over at craft services.

Unknown said...

Tried doing a clicky thing. Epic fail.

Zach said...

Daniel Craig to be different. I think he should be A list though.

Maureen said...

Harrison Ford was born in July 1942. Do the math. Mine says 72 this year.

rolotomassi said...

dennis quaid got critical acclaim for his role in "At Any Price"...just sayin'....howdy everyone.

auntliddy said...

Silly, is that like FREE GIFTS?!

Tricia13 said...

@rolo..Dennis has a stellar body of work....minus a couple clinkers....(ahem jaws 3)
He was on top of holly woods game when he did great balls of fire, he's played a legend. Buff said

Tricia13 said...

Nuff said

Anonymous said...

Michael Douglas?

Unknown said...

Ed Norton? Wasn't there a blind bout his snake on a plane?

Steampunk Jazz said...

You use the ( ) not the { } :-D

EastCoaster said...

Dennis Quaid strikes me as a great guess for this blind.

FlirtyChick74 said...

LOL @ all of you. SMH :-)


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