Saturday, May 10, 2014

Blind Item #3

This celebrity couple has A list name recognition. You have to give them credit for trying to work things out. They have spent more time split than together during the course of their marriage. He likes to play with other women and she likes to think she can find someone who can make her the biggest _________ on the planet. She is former reality and not much else. Despite their fame they don't have a ton of money. They need their reality show income to make it. The other night they spent an entire dinner arguing with each other or looking at their phones. They went more for the photo op he says than working things out like he wants. It is a mess of a relationship.


  1. Wth...spiedi or something?

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. The biggest what on the planet? Am I meant to know?

  4. Not speidi...theyboth former reality

  5. It must give it away. Singer? Designer? Hell if I know. None of the couples with reality shows that I can think of make sense. Giuliana and Bill, Tori and Dean etc. If Speidi has a show now then that would probably be the answer. But that begs the question...who gives a shit?!

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hank and Kendra...
    A couple where the husband is known for something else but the wife is just reality TV
    Ice T, Kroy or Hank B

  8. I'll bet she wants someone to make her the biggest cake on the planet. Because that would be awesome.

  9. That sounded like Speidi to me. Spencer was not really a Hills character, and they've been having money problems.

  10. They are together all the time..they don't work,
    Cutler travels for his team...she to LA
    Not together a lot of the time..prob why it lasted this long..she has 2nd baby coming and is trying to push for reality show about it

  11. @Dena: you owe me a new keyboard! :D

  12. This sounds like a couple that has been married for more than a year, so I don't think this is Jay & Kristen

  13. Jay Cutler signed a huge contract. They do have a ton of money.

  14. I'm calling this IceT and Coco. He's a pimp ass and she's trying to find someone that can make her the biggest booty

  15. Surely if it was Ice T, there would have been a description other than "spouse". Am I the only one old enough to remember him as a rapper? Legendary. He's also been acting for 15 years. He is much more than Ice-T and Coco.

    1. No, I remember him, too. "Colors" anyone?

    2. Body Count still rocks me out. Love that album.
      And of course New Jack City with the best Ice-T line ever
      "I want to shoot you so bad my dick is hard".
      Classic dialogue right there.

    3. Plus I have to assume he has a hood deal of law and order money.

    4. I swear it said good before I posted. Hell he was a gangsta rapper maybe he had a hood deal. Auto correct may be a genius.

  16. Courtney Stodden & Doug Hutchison. Porn star for the omitted word?

  17. I'm w/Katie for Kendra

  18. I am a nightmare walkin...

  19. Courtney stoddard

  20. Jay Cutler and Ice T don't "need their reality show money to make it." Hank and Kendra are a good guess, but for some reason I like the Nick/Vanessa one better.

  21. Stodden. She wants to be known for something ANYTHING. So long as she's famous.

  22. I love you guys for mentioning Colors!

    "The gangs of LA, we'll never die - just multiply! COLORS COLORS COLORS"

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  24. 187 on a motherfuckin cop

    Yeah the biggest comment can also refer to the fact that Kendra is ready to pop prego

  25. I'm going with Nicole Richie and whichever Madden she is married to!!!

  26. Anonymous2:57 PM

    Nicole Richie and her hubby. I think he was a judge on the voice.

  27. Anonymous2:58 PM

    Naughty nurse, you read my mind!

  28. Lurker here. Hi ya'll!
    How about Nicole Richie and Joel Madden? Madden's on The Voice in Australia.
    Not sure about the $$$ aspect, though. Seems like Nicole wouldn't be hurting for cash with her jewelry line, but maybe it's not selling well.

  29. Great minds think alike.

  30. I like the Nicole/Madden guess but I don't think HE is the one who wants to work it out (rumors he's with Bonnie McKee) and she IS Lionel's daughter, lets be real. She has $, however she was just whining the other day about being the breadwinner so she could be looking for whoever is willing to give her the biggest PAYCHECK for anything

  31. Cutler just signed 100+ million dollar contract

  32. You guys are on fire - but I think IceT and Nicole Ritchie aren't sufficiently broke, because they don't have a ton of money ... need their reality show income to make it.

    Kendra and Hank.

    1. @Alita: were your drug questions sufficiently answered for you last night? If you want more info just let me know, and I will get to them on this post later tonight

    2. Thanks Lady H. I think they were - combined with online reading, a little human feedback from someone 'at the coal face,' so to speak, led me to believe that reports are exaggerated. Everything old is new again ;)

  33. Vanessa Lachey is on Dads, right? Even one season is serious $$.

  34. Tori and dean. The biggest boobs jobs of all time

  35. I was thinking the biggest bosoms as well.
    But I really really hope it's the biggest cake!! Haven't decided which type yet. Loads more thinking to do on that one.
    I quite like this fill in the blank thingy.

  36. Like the Tori & Dean guess. Only thing is that it seems like a kind of silly blind since their show exposes (or poses) all that. IDK
