Thursday, May 01, 2014

Blind Item #2

This A+ list mostly movie actor decided to sleep one off at a Pottery Barn this week. Our actor walked over to a couch and passed out there for almost two hours. The staff let him be and when he woke up he didn't say anything but just walked out of the store.


  1. I guess this eliminates George Lopez. Mel still A+?

  2. haha Montana I'll throw in Russell Crowe as well for $100

  3. Okaayyyy, no information except to look for a recognizable actor who's been to a mall lately...and can sleep on overpriced uncomfortable furniture...

  4. To be fair, who hasn't had a rough night and the next day gazed lovingly at a store couch festooned with big, comfy pillows?

    1. Tbh, Charlie, I never have. But I did think long and hard about breaking into Williams Sonoma to be able to use that amazing range they have in there, so I kinda get it

    2. Throw in a blue and white, pinstriped apron and a chef's knife TTM, and that almost sounds like a dream I had. I'm pretty sure the WS people wouldn't mind.

    3. Wait, who's wearing the apron?

  5. A bit vague, as is the previous blind.

  6. Think Greasy got it, but I'll throw in diCaprio just cuz he's in NYC all the time and kinda sounds dude just stumbled in off street.

  7. You know you're hammered when....

  8. Replies
    1. Karen - if Depp they would have mentioned that the sofa needed to be burned after....

  9. Nope, don't buy it. No way someone didn't take a snap of an A+ list actor snoozing on a paisley sofa in public.

    1. Totally agree Frosty, I know, I would have taken a pic of this, no way if this happened its not on 12 phones and/or Retweeted within 5 min..I'm with you!

  10. Replies
    1. Oh, goose, Pottery Barn isn't K-Mart.

  11. RDJ would be vedddy interesting for this one!

    Kinda OT: am I the only one who ever sees a scene in a movie/on tv where they crawl into/out of this giant luscious bed with a huge comforter and crisp sheets and fluffy pillows, and immediately has the urge to go back to bed?

    Yeah, probably.

  12. Seriously, this could be any of those mentioned...way too vague

  13. where are the pictures?

  14. Anonymous7:56 AM

    Acting can be so exhausting!

  15. Ok, I would have pulled out my cell & taken pics & sold them.

  16. I vote Clooney. He was waiting for the fiance to arrive to register.

  17. Right @Melissa of GI? Enty's toying with us lol

  18. I'll tell you one thing! The couches and easy chairs in stores are wonderful and functional, and sometimes the stoves and fridges are, but the display toilets are not hooked up!!!!!

    Also, the employees get really mad at you. Just saying.

    Er... You know... So I've heard...

  19. Cheapo could of at least bought a nice decorative lamp!!!

  20. It wouldn't surprise me that they let an A+ actor sleep without chasing him out but agree that someone would have taken a cell phone pic and it would have went viral.

  21. Yeah. No way someone wouldn't have taken a picture. Unless he looked so wrecked he was unrecognizable.

  22. I could see Jack Nicholson doing this one...

  23. I'm gonna say Gerald Butler

  24. Let's step back for a minute here: Pottery Barn is a popular store. I find it very hard to believe that some A-lister walked in and fell asleep for two HOURS without DOZENS of shoppers walking by, recognizing him, snapping pics and tweeting them out to the universe. Unless #AListNap recently trended, I'm calling BS.

    This wasn't some VIP room or private party. This was a STORE in a MALL (or at least a really nice shopping district).

    The only way I buy this is if it was minutes before closing time and a staff or two stayed back to watch him sleep and let him out once he awoke. And that is still really weird and assumes some hourly worker at PB would sooner protect their job than make some very good quick money from TMZ.

  25. Pottery Barn? Those stores that always seem to be in-or-next-to a mall?

    What, was there a detour on the walk of shame route home?

  26. Owen Wilson. Dupree? It also spunds like a guy that flies solo at times
