Friday, May 09, 2014

Blind Item #1

This A- list/B+ list mostly movie actor, who is an Academy Award winner/nominee is really ticking off his co-stars and producers because he won't actually do any press for his upcoming movie. He is limiting himself to three red carpet appearances with no questions and won't even sit through the screenings. He considers himself above doing press. Umm, that is your job.


  1. Ian MacKellan or James McAvoy XMen?

  2. Ohhh Sandy. You're gonna get yelled at for those.

  3. Replies
    1. He isn't famous anymore! How many times does he have to tell you?

  4. They wilkl be screaming at an empty room. hello I must be going.

  5. Anonymous6:54 AM

    Sorry, delete Shia as a guess since he's got no Oscar noms. But I think he would've fit perfectly! I now nominate Mr. Megalomaniac James Franco for this blind.

  6. I'll throw in Jesse Eisenberg, The Double, bc he's a twat.

    1. Oooh he is a Diva. For no legit reason.

  7. I'm sorry but unless it's written into the contract it's really not the job of the actor IMHO. They paid you for all those other long days and then it's done. I understand it's important but seriously how many red carpets should they have to fly around the world for.

    Liking your guess Sandyboo.

    1. Au contraire, mon ami, I believe awards shows are contacted.

    2. Sherry - You pay them millions and there is definitely an expectation that you will be there for the promotion also. Whoever this is may have a hard time maintaining their current rate or even getting new work if they keep up this nonsense. Producers may have to put up with it if character important to franchise but others will take note of this guys conduct and will certainly affect his ability to get future work- esp if gossip is already going about how he is pissing off producers (and costars) with his behavior.

  8. I wish I paid attention to movie openings, if it weren't for you guys here, I wouldn't have a clue.
    So..good morning Everyone! See you this weekend and for those that don't play here then...

    HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY! May you all get through with grace...;-)

  9. I've seen McAvoy do at least 3 interviews for the new X-Men movie. Haven't seen Ian tho.

  10. If they want to continue having a career, then it's their job.

  11. Joaquin Phoenix has done red carpets but no questions for The Immigrant. Not sure he thinks he's 'above' it though...he just doesn't like it.

  12. Well in my opinion, Ian IS above all that! But I've never heard anything about him being a diva, so if he's the answer Enty is making up the reason. THere's plenty of other cast members to do promotion, Ian has cancer and is old.

  13. If Ian Mckellen it may relate to Singer scandal. Maybe he has been at the parties and is afraid of questions.

  14. unless it is in contract they don't have to. that's why you put it in contract.
    does b coop have anything coming out?? he seems like he would be like that now.

  15. 2nd phoniex guess.

  16. Brad Pitt for I dont know what movie.

  17. Russell Crowe is a total Ass to the press... anything new for him?

  18. It's written into our contracts at the local news level that we have to do appearances, events, help emcee stuff, participate in fundraisers, etc, things like that. I've done 3 5Ks this spring already as part of representing the station.

  19. That really isn't fair to all the people who worked hard on the film. It's not "his" movie.

  20. Late to the partay again and now just talking to myseellfff but I producers shouldn't pay the talents full fee until promotion is over for the movie.

  21. Fassbender. He barely did press for 12 Years a Slave, refused to campaign when he was nominated for an Oscar-even though it would hace helped the movie. He's in X-Men and has a rep of being an @ss.

    1. Well, no, Ambiance. Fassbender was just on Graham Norton with Jackman and McAvoy, promoting the film and being thoroughly charming.

  22. 3rding the Pheonix guess.
