Thursday, May 08, 2014

Blind Item #1

This former A list quarterback in the NFL is now more known for his off field issues than his playing ability. He is also a fairly recent newlywed. He is going to have a little more scandal headed his way if his wife finds out about him cheating on her.


  1. The "scandal" reference makes me think of Keri Washington's husband, but he is/was not a quarterback.

  2. Ive got nothing for A list recently married NFL QBs with issues. Closest thing is Vince Young and he wasn't A list.

  3. Anonymous6:36 AM

    Jay Cutler married that Hills chick not too long ago, right?

  4. Joe Montana? But he's been married forever. He does have a son with "issues" though.

    1. I'm a native San Franciscan and there must be a media blackout, because I've never heard anything about his kids. Please share.

    2. Word. Links to the story please. This Bay Area based girl is intrigued.......

  5. Hes still an A list QB. If you go back and consider 2012 to be recently married it could be Michael Vick. Vince Young got married in 2012 lso.

  6. I thought Michael Vick, but he's been married almost 2 years now. People think dogs and prison first, football second with him.

  7. RG3 just got married and is a cheater, supposedly sexting other women ON HIS WEDDING DAY, but I don't think he is more known for his off field issues. Did Cutler ever marry that Hills chick? She named her baby Jaxon. Worst fucking way to spell that, I hate it.

  8. Jax Cutler. No way that kid will be an asshole, right?

  9. RG3 - I find it hard to believe his wife doesn't know.

  10. RG3 and Cutler aren't former. Unless it means former A list as opposed to former quarterback.

  11. It said former quarterback, so I'm thinking someone like Troy Aikman.

  12. Brady Quinn recently married gymnast Alicia Sacramone

  13. I read this as Joe Namath, but it sounds like he's still single!

    Call me, Joe??

  14. Tiki Barber wasn't a quarterback.
    What's the issue with Joe Montana's kid?

  15. I don't think Quinn was ever A list. He's been traded to half the teams in the NFL, and barely hangs on. I didn't realize Vick got married, but that's a good choice.

  16. Cutler is former a list now b and h e gets in trouble for having constant injuries but still partying when supposed to be playing.

  17. @katie
    I'm also a native San Franciscan presently living in Oakland. If your question is about Montana, the news covered his eldest son's drunk driving arrest. Also, when Montana was living in Santa Rosa, the same son (he has four kids)was a harder partier at his Catholic High School. Montana and his brood now live in L.A.
