Thursday, May 08, 2014

A Great Family Feud Fail


  1. A white suburban housewife type fails across the board at an overrated and somehow still airing game show. The ultimate fail was "a recently married couple may be deeply in?" To which she blurted marriage. Black male then tries to hold his laughter in. End scene.

  2. I don't know, it could've been worse. She's the type of contestant who should never have gone second. She guessed the good answers that the first player already locked in. Her first two answers weren't bad at all, just unlucky. And there isn't much else you can say for "deeply in ____." Oh, but her family wanted it! The tension! The prayer circle! The anguish!

    1. ^5 this. Quickest thinker always goes 2nd.

  3. Heisenberg! Your commitment to the cause is admirable :)

  4. My first thought for the married couple could be deeply in __ was "love" and my second was "debt." I immediately also thought of doctor's office for a place people check their watches. Her first couple of answers weren't bad, but then she got rattled. When you're rattled, you don't think quickly -- or at all.

  5. Heisenberg is like Rocky Balboa to the video's Apollo Creed.She just keeps bouncing off the ropes and asks for more.

  6. Thanks for taking the bullet Lady H!

  7. Replies
    1. Remember to pack the chloroform in checked luggage, TTM. Bringing that along in carryon is a no-no. Duct tape and clothes line should be readily available in Toronto proper.

    2. And make sure there are air holes in the box you keep him in. Nothing like getting your new toy home and finding someone forgot to punch air holes in the box.

      Not that I'd know anything about that. *watering new tree in backyard*

      *whistling innocently*

    3. That's some good advice you guys!!

    4. Anonymous1:37 PM

      Has anyone seen that 20 year old guy who used to hang around Gayeld's 13 year old daughter?


  8. I'm not ashamed to admit I love Family Feud with Steve Harvey.

    I can't laugh at this poor chick, though, I think she got screwed by the situation. I feel bad that this clip is all over the place today.

    The first question was just weird and most of the other answers had an obvious first choice -- which she guessed in three out of the four instances.

    Tough break, lady. Tough break.

    The way her family kept looking more and more desperate was kind of funny though. They looked like their lives were on the line.

  9. That is freaking awesome. At least she got the take home prize of abject nationally televised humiliation. 18 freaking points. And she couldn't score one damn point?
    That trip home must have been hilarious.

  10. What do they win, like 10 grand or something? After taxes they each get 1000 bucks. Whoop de doo. They are all acting like it's 5 million dollars.

  11. Some of those questions don't have many answers. What a person's stomach does? Besides make gurgly noises, there's not many quick, easy answers.
