Today's Blind Items - He Will Screw Your Wife
This actor is A list. He gets to be A list probably for the rest of his life. He had that great of a run and seemed like he was always in the Academy Award conversation. There was a slight pause in his career before he was really able to crank it back into gear in the past year or two. The reason he had such a pause is because he let all that power he once had go to his head and combined with his looks made him a huge a-hole. Always known as a guy who would sleep with anyone, I'm not even sure why he ever got married again since all he does is cheat. He got bored with just cheating though and started hitting on women married to powerful people. His first big one was the actress wife of this closeted A list mostly movie actor. That indiscretion put him on the list and he was warned about his behavior. It didn't stop him though and he ended up having sex with the wife of a studio head. When word got back to the executive he basically blackballed our actor and our actor had to kiss butt for several years before he was suddenly able to get good films again that made him a star in the first place. Apparently even though he still cheats on his wife all the time he stays away from married women.