It is going to be a busy week for attorney Jeff Herman, who said at a press conference yesterday that he will be filing three similar sexual abuse lawsuits against three high profile Hollywood power players that are on par with Bryan Singer. He will also name drop some very high profile A list actors who attended the parties where the sexual abuse took place. I expect that anyone who has ever been to one of these parties is dreading having their activities come to light and publicists will be working overtime next week to spin it however they can. Yesterday afternoon, Bryan Singer's attorney said they are planning on filing a countersuit, presumably for defamation, but that is going to be really tough to prove. I'm sure that the accuser, Michael Egan will not be the only person to say they were a victim at some of these parties, whether Bryan Singer was there or not. I'm actually shocked Gloria Allred hasn't announced that she has signed up a bunch of people and had her own press conference. If the allegations are proved does this put Singer in the same group of pariah directors as Roman Polanski and Woody Allen? Will stars like Hugh Jackman continue to star in movies directed by Singer?