Wednesday, April 16, 2014

Rob Kardashian Goes To Rehab

I think we all knew something like this needed to happen soon in his life, and in their latest issue, Star Magazine says that Rob Kardashian has checked himself into rehab to deal with substance abuse issues and depression. I think the depression issue is the big thing here. Anyone who starts writing cryptic Tweets about being alone and no one understanding or caring and being hurt probably needs help. It is a cry for help and unfortunately for him, he has a family that probably overlooks it all and wonders how come he is not out earning money and taking selfies and enjoying being a celebrity. You also get the feeling that he is treated differently and not in a good way in the family. He doesn't have the earning ability other members of his family do so his mom doesn't really focus on him. He is the forgotten child. It is kind of like being in the Lohan family and not named Lindsay. Sure, her parents pretend they care and they go through the motions with the other kids, but since they are not bringing home the money that Lindsay does, Lindsay will always come first and everyone else is pushed to the back. I hope he gets the help he needs and that he can stay for as long as he wants and isn't pressured by the family to leave before he is ready because they don't want to pay for any more treatment.


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