Friday, April 18, 2014

Random Photos Part Two

Karina Smirnoff and the fireman. She seems pretty happy to see him. Unfortunately he doesn't make enough money for her.
Lupita Nyong'o in a rare pap photo.
Researchers discovered this creature by satellite. Apparently they think it is the Loch Ness monster.
Mila Kunis and Ashton Kutcher in a future awkward family photo.
Neil Patrick Harris heads into his show.
Aaron Paul decided he needed to sit more than his wife.
Patrick Dempsey and his family in Paris.
If a Jackson kid is around you know that LaToya is going to be attached somewhere.
Alicia Silverstone signing copies of her new book.


  1. Well, to be fair, who ISN'T happy to see a fireman??

    Maybe Aaron Paul's wife (does she have a name??) didn't want to sit down? Eyes woulda let her, I'm sure. Takes at least 5 years before spouses stop doing that.

    1. ITA, used to love watching them jog near the beach in San Diego. Dayum

  2. Aww, Mila looks pretty and happy.
    Rooting for those 2.
    Prince is Corey Feldman v 2.0

  3. Alicia looks amazing!

  4. Firemn pull more poon than any other profession except pro athletes (even musicians may not).
    Alicia seems to have lost a lot of weight.

    1. I once knew a very good looking fireman named Jimmy, was a beer rep on the side. Happiest man alive.

  5. Karina was at my Walgreens the other morning. She was behind me at the pharmacy, so I can't tell you if she was picking up Valtrex.

  6. The Loch Ness Monster thing is worthy of Weekly World News, right beside batboy.

    1. Don't mock Batboy, Bacon Ranch!

      My dream job is to be a writer for the Weekly World News.

  7. McDreamy don't look happy. Not a pap fan?

  8. Fireman + beer rep= nightly romps in the sack.

  9. The 'creature by satellite' looks like a catfish to me...

  10. Karina Smirnoff sitting on a fancy couch. She can also sit on my face if she wants.

    No clue what that creature is. The Eny doesn't say if the photo is of the actual Loch Ness, and there is no scale of it's size. Going to Google like crazy later.

    NPH looks gaunt. Maybe just a bad picture.

    Just a super cool hat on Aaron Paul. Doesn't look toolish at all.

    Dempsey doesn't look happy to be getting papped. Don't mind the guy, pretty good race car driver.

    Alicia Silverstone rolling around on my floor with a big stuffed bunny or bear or something.

    1. NPH lost weight for Hedwig.

    2. Thanks for that, Zach. Glad he's not sick.

    3. NPH's hair color is ridiculous

  11. With that dress and the headline, Karina Vodka seems to be in the intro of a porno.

    Unless you put the scale of the creature, it can be a catfish, a dinosaur, some hoax or an amoeba.

  12. Lay off LaToya. He's her nephew, fer crissakes.

  13. Lupita always looks amazing.

    I wonder if Alicia's book includes tips on "bird feeding". You know, chew the cud and all that.

    As an iPhone owner, I'm interested to know that I and my fellow iPhone owners are considered researchers.

  14. I'm no professional scientist OR photographer and even I know that the above photo of a so-called "creature" is nothing more than ab aerial view of a Whale Shark. I mean Jesus-did these so called professionals ever even bother to open up a f*cking book?! What a joke.

  15. Patrick looks sooo miserable.

  16. That Loch Ness picture is quite a few years old, and was apparently taken by Google earth. But I suspect it was an internet prank. Not sure of the coordinates, but you should see it on google earth.

    Did NPH get some work done on his face? If he did, he should get his money back.

  17. On board with the Whale Shark theory.


  18. TalksTooMuch said: "Well, to be fair, who ISN'T happy to see a fireman??"

    An arsonist? Unless he starts fires so he can meet firemen, that is. :P

    PJ - Loch Ness believers would probably counter logic with "That's what the govt wants you to believe! Conspiracy! Big Zoology! Bioluminati!!!"

  19. Agree, Whale Shark.

  20. NPH looks like he's bleached his eyebrows to play Hedwig. And is it just me, or does Michael Jackson's son look like a smarmy middle-aged man?

  21. rep is the missing piece for me. I need to work on that.

  22. He repped good beer, too. Big Rock

  23. Disagree whale shark. Last time I looked they live in the ocean; the Loch Ness, as its name suggests, is a freshwater lake.
