Friday, April 11, 2014

Random Photos Part One

Five parts today.

Michelle Williams is going to need some extra postage.
Olivia Wilde walking the streets.
I don't like to play the baby bump game, but Aaron Paul's wife???
Rachel Zoe says stripes make her look slim. Umm, not eating makes her look slim.
Long time no see Ally Sheedy.
Selena Gomez hides her head in shame as she hangs out with Justin Bieber.
Snooki at a MTV Movie Awards rehearsal.
Taylor Swift and Cara Delevingne hanging out.
Then later in the day she hung out with Gracie Gold.


  1. Lookit that trunk!! I just want Whatserface out of it so I can see it all!

    How is Cara Delidontcareenoughtolookitup even a model?? I get they are supposed to not look conventionally attractive, but...also, kudos to her publicist, I had no idea who she was a year ago, and she is now ubiquitous

  2. Thank you for making my Friday Enty!!! You GO, Shelly! Fucking heart her and her new ad. Girl be killin em lately! PLUS I get my beloved Pinkboo!!!!! Friday!!! YEAH BITCH!!!!

  3. Ally and Snooki look great!

    Love Taylor's side eye.

  4. So in previous blind-Taylor swift was banned from Jessica Szohr for her cocaine use but Cara D is ok? Girl was papped dropping a bag of blow!

  5. When is Olivia due? I feel like she's been pregnant forever.

  6. Ok I take that back! Lauren doesn't look PREGNANT!!! If anything, they look baked off their asses. Enty must be also

  7. I am sooo NOT feeling Michelle Williams in Cabaret. What is up with these barely can sing actresses in musicals nowadays?!?!

  8. Rachel Zoe in a Nascar muumuu. Who knew.

    Ally looks great!

    I've never seen Cara De in anything except from this site, but next to Taylor Swift, she looks like Ayla from Clan of the Cave Bear.

  9. If my wife who doesn't exist looked like Aaron Paul's I'd be knocking her up oftenly.
    Interesting choice of friend TayTay be careful becuz Michelle will cut a bitch.
    I hope Ally Sheedy is well now.

  10. Any bets on who Swifty Bake Oven drags out next for a Tea Party photo op? I bet she'll try for Lupita next.

    I think Cara is gorgeous

  11. I really don't get Taylor's choices in friends. Is it all for publicity? I just can't see her hanging with the likes of Cara. Or is Taylor up to trouble, but still hangs into that wholesome image? Do tell!

  12. Taylor. #tryingtoohard

  13. For a model Cara seems to have poor posture. And I don't get the two of them hanging either. She's a total wild child. Wouldn't it be finny if there was a scene where Michelle comes after Swifty for messing with her girl?

    I like Michelle too. Heard her sing in "The Baxter" and it was sort of weak. Hope she can belt a little for Cabaret.

    What was up with Ally? Was she sick?

  14. Michelle's one of my favorites. I admire the way she's trying to parent in the midst of Hollywood crap.

  15. Earlier in life Ally was drug addicted and later on she had eating disorder.

  16. Gomez

    Preggo Wilde

    Paul's Wife

  17. Taylor sure does like to "hang out" with the oddest bunch. Huh.

  18. Michelle Williams always looks like she's trying to hold in a mouthful of water.

    Ugh! Rachel Zoe has one full toe knuckle overhang on those shoes!! So gross!!

    Does Taylor Swift just go to a street corner for a new picture everyday and then randomly photoshop someone into it?

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. @LottaColada
    May 4th, but I think it will be earlier. She looking really great considering she is 9 months pregnant.

  21. She should try to hold it in and have a Cinco De Mayo baby. #FreeBirthdayMargaritasyBurritos

    1. @Count
      That just makes good business sense

    2. At least you know Jason will always be there to celebrate little ones birthday. Unlike jj one.

  22. Taylor would hang out with Charlie Manson if it would get her some free publicity.

    Michelle Williams' Sally Bowles and Alan Cumming's MC are beyond amazing. Worth every penny.

  23. Taylor had too many famous friends. It's weird.

  24. My birthday is May 4! Quatro de Mayo not such a bad precursor to the Cinco - just sayin.

  25. @girl77007: Your birthday is Star Wars Day!
    May the Fourth be with you!

  26. Uh oh. Taylor had better watch out. Michelle will kick. Her. Ass.

  27. QUESTION: Does Taylor Swift's publicist set her up on gal-pal dates like others' do for real-life dates? She's always got a new BFF. Wonder why they don't stick around…

    Anyway, Ally Sheedy looks HAWT.

  28. Maybe Taylor is exploring... she's young. What's with her weird arched-back

  29. Nicely spoken, @LowKey! I'm a big fan of celebrating special days. Friday 11 April was, I'll have you know, International Louie Louie day. As a complete nerd, May the Fourth is huge for me. I set my Lego Darth Vader alarm clock and get up especially early. Maybe Enty can do a thematically appropriate early reveals day on May 4th, all about Hayden Christiansen's dubious sexual orientation and complete inability to act, and Han Solo's possible cheating on his lawyer wife.

  30. Nice pic of Rachel's son picking the underware out of his butt! He's digging deep right arm is behind his back and he's even lifting his leg to reach. I have a 4 year old. I notice these things!

  31. No wonder Michelle Rodriguez looked like she wanted to cut a bitch.

    Then again I don't get the Taylor Swift photo ops. Why is Cara Delawhatshername a good friend choice for Taylor? Gracie Gold is on my forever shit list after she made fun of the way Asian people speak.

  32. I wish Taylor Swift would not wear so much makeup. She does not need it and it severely detracts from her beauty.

  33. Ally Sheedy looks great.

    LOL @ Count and LowKey Saw the original Star Wars 8 times. Probably paid the same amount for those "backintheday" as I would seeing it one time today. LOL 8:1

    Yeah, Selena....I'd hang my head in shame, too.

    1. Wendy Rene, my brother saw the original Star Wars 11 times that summer. I told that to some younger co-workers once and they acted like he must have been freakishly obsessed. I responded that first of all, they didn't understand how big the movie was at the time, and secondly, more importantly, "back in the day" the only way to see a movie again was to GO SEE IT AGAIN. There were no VCRs or DVD players, so there was no CONCEPT of the movie being available later for him to buy and watch whenever. When it left the theaters, it left your life. So every week of the summer of 1977, 11 weeks in a row, he took his paper route money and bought another ticket to see it again.

  34. Where is Zoe keeping her baby? She did just have another one didn't she? Never see her carrying him around.
