Thursday, April 24, 2014

Random Photos Part Four

Edie Falco rolled right out of bed to attend a Broadway premiere.
Jessica Hecht and
Judith Light were there too.
Even Anthony Edwards came out of hiding for it.
Fergie getting paid by a shoe company and looking good doing it.
Estelle picked up a check too.
The Goopster has been trying to raise money for GOOP so went out last night and posed on fake grass. Not just any fake grass, but grass created by virgins from one town in Bangladesh. It can be yours for just $500 a square inch plus installation, which must be done by a certified craftsmen who has only eaten green beans for the past ten years.
Gwen Stefani and the man in white.
The Human Barbie without all over Barbie makeup.


  1. It kinda looks like there was a major windstorm at that premiere,actually.

    You forgot to mention that the grass installer made a living wage!

  2. Edie has had a lot of work done.
    Barbie is a celebrity for random pics now? Apocalypse Day is near!
    GOOP looks like crap. Divorce doesn't do her well.

  3. Looks like they were just caught in the wind.

  4. It was SUPER windy yesterday--like 37 mph.

    Why are Goop's legs a different color than her face and hands? Is spray-tanning only your lower extremities a thing now?

  5. Why do you hate G. Paltrow so much? Because she is way more sophisticated and cultured than most americans?

  6. And Barbi has a weird torso. Is that from surgery?

  7. Goopy still thinks it's 1999.

  8. No, Sus, it's because she's a pretentious twat.

  9. Edie's face looks like the face of an alcoholic.
    Human Barbie body grosses me out.

  10. Shes not sophisticated or cultured. Shes an ass.

  11. I want Judith coat.
    Fergie looks fugged. Up. Poor Josh. I doubt they've had sex since conceiving axl.

  12. Hey, don't insult me American. I don't hate Goopy, but she is totally pretentious and stupid.

    Her biggest (and probably only) accomplishment is that she speaks Spanish perfectly. And she is sorta cute, or at least bangable after a couple of vodkas.

  13. Leave the funny Goopy bashing to Michael K. He did it first, and does it better.

  14. When did Anthony Edward morph into my family's optometrist?

  15. human barbie is freaking me out. It's disgusting. How did she get her waste so sickenly skinny? Where does she fit her organs?

  16. Nobody wants to see your damn cluttered bathroom. Learn how to use the self timer.

    (I suppose I should be more sympathetic, she is obviously dealing with many mental issues, but gawwwwdddd enough of these bathroom photos).

  17. I'm probably going to get yelled at for this, but here's Eddie Falco's tits.

    Jessica Hecht X 2 plus an Asian girl and a guy behind them. You'll see.

  18. The real Barbie had a weird torso, funny how most of us understood that in my generation. Just like who'd want to really look like a cabbage patch baby. Along with anatomically incorrect GI Joe. I don't see any men getting castrated and waxed to look like GI Joe.

    Remember when GI Joe dolls were as tall as Barbie dolls. Oh those were the days when the biggest decision was, will Barbie go out with GI Joe or Johnny West today. Skipper was too young to date. We seemed to understand that intuitively. LOL.

  19. I believe they can and do remove ribs to get that more slender waist line. There are also women who will wear corsets all the time to get that ridiculously small waist like 20 or 21 inches. You just keep using progressively smaller corsets until you reach your desired waist line.

    Tiny waist

  20. Human Barbie is ugly with or without make up. Her look is overrated, bland and not interesting in the least.

  21. A few years ago as I was struggling to get a bag in the overhead bin (I'm petite), of all the people in the 23 other seats in 1st Class, Judith Light was the only one to jump up and offer to help me. Nice lady.

  22. Cool Iknowpeople, she was one of my favourite soap opera actresses and I can't even remember the name of the TV show she did even though I watched every episode.

  23. Cool Iknowpeople, she was one of my favourite soap opera actresses and I can't even remember the name of the TV show she did even though I watched every episode.

    1. @Tina, One Life to Live. I recognized her from "Who's the Boss," though.

  24. anthony edwards looks like oscar de la renta
    and that's not a compliment

  25. what i would do for a body like the human barbie :(

  26. @tina i've tried the corset thing. i am cursed with what is referred to as a "barrel rib cage" and short waisted. between the two, the corset waist tiny-fication doesnt work :(

  27. Holy shit, Edie Falco and Anthony Edwards are almost unrecognizable.

  28. Anonymous3:26 PM

    I wonder if Barbie swallows something if u can see it descend into her stomach/colon.

  29. If GOOPY had a boob job as has been rumored, the sadly she needs another. #Tired of seeing Goopy's droopy boobies. Put a bra on hef.

  30. Is that Gwen Stefani or Khloe K

  31. Judith looks great!

  32. Why is anybody giving the Human Barbie any press coverage?? Stop the madness. I would rather see a Kardashian than this piece of garbage.

    Judith Light is amazing and I don't care how disheveled she looks, Edie Falco will always be perfect to me.

  33. Holy crap, Fergie Fug really does look good.

  34. P: Goop

    M: Fergie

    B: Human Barbie - that skinny, her anus is probably rarely used and very clean.

  35. Wow, Anthony Edwards is dapper!

  36. Edie can do whatever and wear whatever she wants. She's amazing.
