Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Prince Harry And Cressida Bonas Split

Despite the best efforts of tabloids to make them stick together so there could be another royal wedding, Prince Harry and Cressida Bonas have split after two years together. Apparently Cressida wanted to be allowed to attend more royal functions to show that Harry was serious and he declined to let her do so and that showed her that it wasn't going to work out. The two were thought to be really serious earlier this year when they did attend a charity event together that was an "official" appearance by Harry. This weekend, people in Tennessee will get to see Harry and his brother Prince William when they attend a friend's wedding there.


  1. That's right, Harry, you play that nekkid pool field.

  2. I was really looking forward to seeing Her Royal Scrunchie.

  3. Yum. Ginger Prince.
    That is all.

  4. Replies
    1. Good morning, Wigs!! How was your night?

    2. TTM, Awesome! I even remembered to say my Hiddle prayers. You?

    3. Oooh, Hiddle prayers!! Ohmsetdelaysohmsetdelays 9 days and 4 hours, that's all I need!!

    4. I've been thinking, it's time to make a plan! Meet me at The Lame Video of The Day!

    5. Sure thing, TTM! Wait. Are we going to dig a manhole under his trailer and make a Hiddle trap? Cuz I don't do that stuff anymore.

  5. You don't give orders to the Royal Family no matter how cute you ppear to be. You can pussy whip some commoner now. Where's my girl Chelsey Davey?

  6. Still think he's Major Hewitt's son, not Charles.

  7. How's it going royal ugly dude?

  8. I was so looking forward to a Princess Cressy.

  9. That is Princess WareCat to u!
    I knew naming my ginger cat after him gave me a chance.

  10. Wonder if he will get the major uglies like William?

  11. William and Harry hanging out in Tennessee... The thought makes me chuckle.

  12. Is he hot? I'm not being rhetorical or snarky, I'm really asking.

  13. Prince Carrot Top is free. Be afraid booze and strippers.

  14. It cracks me up when MichaelK calls her Toyota.

    Prince Hot Ginge does not deserve such a bland specimen.

  15. She doesn't want that life. He really has to move on, as hurtful as it is.

  16. Anonymous7:47 AM

    IMO, harry is handsome. As kids William was much cuter and harry awkward. William started to settle into that weird Windsor face and started to bald early like his dad. Harry started to blossom into a handsome ginger prince.

  17. Harry is a hottie. C'est la view, I'm still married though. :P

  18. WHAT??? But the proposal was being planned I thought. Darn gossip magazines. I just don't think I can believe them anymore.

    Anyway...I am flying to London on Friday for a long weekend. While I'm there, I will console Harry and help to take his pain away.

  19. Hey everyone!! Kate and Cressida's sister hate each other bc Cressida's sister used to date William. I don't blame Cressida a bit. Harry is being stupid about this. Prince Charles was seen with tons of women when he was in his twenties. That's what you're supposed to be doing. It's after your married that you don't do that.

  20. And, what is wrong with Tennessee? If I were still in Nashville verrrryy close to the wedding site, I'd be stalking...

  21. Yay!! I never liked them together. But then again, no one will be good enough for Prince Hot Ginge :)

  22. @Anothergrayhare - I always thought so too. Missing the male patterned baldness and pictures side by side he looks much more like Hewitt than Diana's brother.

    When did Cressida's sister have time to date Wills? Wasn't he always with Waity Katey? I mean I know they had some splits but didn't seem like anything important in between.

    1. They were on a break - Google Isabella Calthorpe - she ended up marrying a Branson...

  23. Nah to me William got mainly Diana genes (but obviously in male form) & Harry aside from the ginger hair has got total Prince Phillip face. Line Phillip & Harry up together, ignore the hair & age differences & they've got totally the same faces.

  24. Check out photos of Diana's Brother, Charles Spencer, especially when he was younger. His ginger hair is now gray.

  25. Interesting Rosso never thought to compare Harry to Grandpa esp in his younger years.

  26. Girl needs to straighten and whiten her teeth.

  27. I think Harry shouldn't get married till he's 40.

  28. I really don't think there's any question that Harry's a Windsor, especially as he's gotten older.

    Now, I get why Isabella would hate Kate but why should Kate hate her? After all, she won.

  29. william wanted isabella not kate. he settled for kate and made that clear to everyone around him. isabella was the prize and kate was the runner up. of course kate doesn't want willy drooling over "the one that got away" all the time. just b/c she got the ring doesn't mean she's forgotten he proposed to izzy 1st.

  30. I think William may have wanted Isabella 8 years ago or whatever but I think that came and went. Did he really propose to Isabella? I thought he broke up with Kate because he didn't want a relationship, not because he wanted to marry someone else.

    The royals will be in Memphis. Their pal Guy Pelly, who seems like he was a real ass in his youth, is marrying a Holiday Inn heiress. Guy used to annoy me because he made fun of Kate's parents because they... wait for it... had jobs.

  31. yeah guy always struck as such a pretentious ass and he is marrying a "holiday inn" heiress?? lmfao. kate hated guy so i can see why she would want to tap out on this and go to her parents for a week and get some privacy. yes willy propesed informally to izzy many times, sans ring, but she refused to play in dog and pony show like kate.. you know pancake flipping and the lot. it still a sore spot for kate.. the one he wanted vs. the one that stuck around like a lap dog till he gave in
