Thursday, April 10, 2014

Off Topic

Saw a guy walking down the sidewalk this morning in a Speedo and nothing else drinking a coffee and checking his phone.


  1. So you were in Portland?

    1. @wade, or maybe it was Terry representing Reno? (Not Renoblondee, though!)

    2. I saw I guy in a monkey mask blasting Michael Jackson and dancing as he painted windows yesterday

    3. ....barely notice such things any more.

    4. Haha! I love Terry Bernadino!

    5. On an equally important note: yesterday, in Portland, a woman in a wheelchair snaked my turn in line for coffee. I didn't say anything, I wanted to, but I guess no legs trumps line etiquette. Hello to all my fellow pdx citizens ♥

    6. Miss bunny, i do same thing! Lol. For old people too. Glad im not the only one, lol

  2. those Speedos are just so super cute right???

    with the exception of David Beckham in a Speedo and nothing else drinking that I could get behind.....pun intended

    oh wait was I just daydreaming.......

  3. My Louisville broke so I switched to aluminum.

  4. Anonymous10:54 AM

    If you were gay Ent, I would have loved a description. pectorals shaved not shaved etc :)

  5. must be weho or venice...

  6. sounds like derek is having a rough time, enty. you should've checked on him.

    *runs away*

  7. Geez, Kristin, that was pretty rude. I'm on the hate list, too, you could've offered a girl a ride.

  8. Go on with your bad self, Speedo man!!!

    I'm cool with it.

    Wouldn't date him, but respect the free spirit!

  9. Things like that don't happen here …

  10. Thank God we don't have to worry about stuff like that for another couple of months (up here).

    @Seven It gets easier, hon. Why someone would hate you I don't know - you're like a ray of sunshine around here.

  11. So you walked past a mirrored window?

  12. Is that normal in your neck of the woods? Cos sure as eggs are eggs that man would have been shoved in an ambulance and carted off to the nearest psychiatric unit if he did that round here.

  13. Idk, mb being a former new yorker, I wouldnt bat an eyelash at that except to think hey, he must be cold.

  14. Sounds like Bieber. Did you check the cup for sizzurp?

  15. I saw an older woman dressed like a angel complete with halo and white satin top and bell bottom pants at Wal Mart yesterday.

    A few weeks ago I saw a woman ( not the angel, a different lady) prancing around in a sheer tank and black panties.

    1. @califblondy sorry bout that. Thought I'd be in and out for some bug spray and WalMart was packed.

  16. All I want to know is if the guy wearing the speedo was the type of guy that should ALWAYS wear a speedo.

  17. Theres an instructor for a strength training class I attend and he wears those to the class-speedos. Now it wouldnt ne such a big deal but he has a huge penis. And dammit Its hard to stay focused when he wears that!! Haa!!

    Whats realy funny is fairly recently I was talking to a gir from anither class and she mentioned how she loved his class and said the only reason she attended because some had complained in conversation that she was offended by the instructor ad his attire. The girl then whispers aside to me he's hot and he's huge... how can you be offended by that?! Unless you're gay or a orude I added with a wink.

    So yeah, Enty, Eros is a fan of Speedos like biking shorts if the subject is built like an Adonis.

    1. Plus I dont know how it is anywhere else except south Florida and cali ... the women here, me included just so no one thinks im vyin for sainthood, dress in tight ass, barely there clothes for the gym. Ive seen girls in booty shirts at the gym in high impact boot camo style classes...knowing their shit is gonna jiggle and jump like nobodys business... So I dont take comments about women being offended by a mans attire too seriously.

  18. Most likely it was the Murphy's Law of Sepeedo's: The person most likely to wear one is the last person you want to see in it.

    Could be in SF too. People do not have mirrors here, I swear.

  19. My husband always says never mess with people like this Speedo guy. You can tell from a mile away that something just isn't right and they probably have nothing to lose.

    1. Jacq, most times goes without sayin'.

  20. And in this vein of odd sightings, I saw a woman in Waldbaums wearing an evening gown and-the best part-wearing a tiara at 8 am in the morning! I cldnt figure out if she was out from night before or just really dressed up to shop. She was north of 50, in the dairy dept. second sighting, in Macys, a elvis impersonator with a GRILL THAT LIT UP LIKE NEON SIGN IN MULTI COLORS! In his mouth!! Acting like its just another day.

  21. I've witnessed an old man wearing JUST a THONG
    multiple times at the car wash down the lie.

  22. Years ago I saw a man wearing a gold lame evening gown walking down 6th Street toward Congress Avenue in Austin, Texas. Carrying a Teddy Bear and wearing some really nice pumps. He usually hung out on 6th and Congress before the Starbucks, wearing a floral bikini and fish net stockings and heels. One day, I was inside Starbucks drinking a coffee, conversing with a friend. We were facing the window. Leslie, for his name is Leslie (ran for Mayor one time), bent over to get something - his back was to us - and we were treated to the view of a gold star on his left cheek, if you get my meaning.

  23. Could have been a lot worse , at least he had on the speedo .
