Sunday, April 20, 2014

Mr. X Blind Item #1

Which TV producer is sweating bullets because he's dreading the info about him feeding drugs and booze to that deceased star of one of his shows is about to be revealed? The star was sober before he died until he went to one of Singer's parties when he relapsed.


  1. says it in the blind?

    Mr. X Blind Item #1
    Which TV producer is sweating bullets because he's dreading the info about him feeding drugs and booze to that deceased star of one of his shows is about to be revealed? The star was sober before he died until he went to one of Singer's parties when he relapsed.

  2. Glee's producer/Cory Monteith

  3. Me- you're a mindreader.

  4. i know Ryan Murphy.. the creator is gay. probably a producer as well

  5. The same guy that produces Glee also produces American Horror Story, and tots Him and Corey. On another note: Happy Easter CDANers!! (Now off to work)

  6. murphy to monteith at one of singers parties

  7. Adam Shankman is the Glee producer (who was in rehab himself) & Cory Monteith.

  8. Glee has a number of producers, so could be any of them. The creator most people think of is Ryan Murphy.

    But I'm not sure I'm on the Glee train for this blind...

  9. Mind you, Cory was the answer to that blind from 2010 where he took the bottle of booze to the party where Hi Carly got drunk for the first time. So it's likely he was back to at least drinking 3 years before he died.

  10. I was wondering when the Singer blinds would start. Consistent as always.

  11. Rangers girl, imdb shows Shankman as a director, not producer, of Glee.

    Which might just be a technicality, but...

  12. Anonymous8:45 AM

    Lee Thompson Young--The Famous Jett Jackson/Disney

  13. I can see why Murphy would be at one of Singer's parties, but why would Monteith be interested in a gay orgy? Are we suggesting he was bi? Or were Singer's parties not always gay-oriented?

  14. I too, was wondering when the Singer blinds would start.

    As I was reading this, my first thought was Brad Renfro, till I got to the "one of his shows."

    Brad is another one "they" got their claws into. So sad.

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  15. There have been stories elsewhere about Murphy encouraging Monteith's bad habits in order to easier extract sexual favors. Actually, I've heard lots of nasty stories about Murphy. If even half are true, he's quite a piece of work.

    No idea if Cory was bi but most drug addicts aren't too hard to seduce. In any case, his relationship with Lea was pretty much for publicity. They were just friends.

  16. As an addict you know you cannot put yourself in situations that will tempt you. Whomever it is is responsible for their own actions. If these parties were well known to be what they were then he went knowingly. And if it wasn't there is would have been somewhere else.

  17. @ Jordana Hennigan said:

    Surfer, I remember hearing rumours about Brad back in the day. Maybe during Apt Pupil?

    @Jordana - I think you're correct. There's also been lots of talk (for years) about Joel Schumacher - he directed Brad in his first film. Although Brad was really young in that film, who knows - it could have started back then.

  18. Anonymous11:34 AM

    Ooh, Dexamyl: insider info? That would explain how she could move on so quickly and fuck Big Sean.

  19. Yeah, that rash of Glee blinds at 'that other site' has me a bit suspicious, especially the last one. I can't see Lea with Big Sean, not even just to piss off Naya. Lea seems like the type to only sleep with someone who can do something for her, careerwise. So unless Sean was her dealer, I'm skeptical.

    This sounds like Cory and Ryan Murphy, and Ryan Murphy is a piece of work. There is a lot of conflicting info out there about Cory's rehab, re-rehab, and exactly when he fell off the wagon with each of his vices. I think the consensus is that the alcohol came first, and the drugs second, with led to his death pretty quickly, all within about 3 months I'm guessing (March to June or so?)

    1. @FS yeah the timing of these blinds is quite suspicious. Glee's ratings have been atrocious and this scandal will help put them in the news / boost the interest.

  20. Going for Cory M, just because not that many people die, but there we have a death.

    All these Singer party//watch out for the gay blinds are getting to me.

  21. I hope it's Ryan Murphy so we never have to be subjected to his fucked up shit shows again. And yes, that includes AHS. His shows are so twisted and morally bankrupt that you feel like you need an exorcist after watching them.

  22. Whose the young kid who starred on the first season of Sons of Anarchy - who flipped out and killed his landlord before killing himself?

    1. Johnny Lewis was the Scientologist on Sons of Anarchy

  23. I'm glad someone brought up the "mysterious" sudden death of Lee Thompson Young from The Famous Jett Jackson.

    If Singer's parties were only a secret from the general public then there could be enough blinds to keep folks going for quite sometime.

  24. Cory first thought

  25. Oh, Ryan Murphy. That could turn ugly fast.

  26. I cannot stand Ryan Murphy and Lea Michele, but I was a big fan of Cory and it saddens me with what Cory went through.
    Now I am just waiting for karma to come and bite those two on the arse.

  27. I cannot stand Ryan Murphy and Lea Michele, but I was a big fan of Cory and it saddens me with what Cory went through.
    Now I am just waiting for karma to come and bite those two on the arse.

  28. Lee Thompson Young
