Miley Cyrus Keeps Getting "Sick"
Miley Cyrus has missed two concerts in the last week. One because of the "flu," and another because of an allergic reaction to "medicine." The only excuse Miley hasn't used is the always popular exhaustion. She will probably pull that one out of her hat next because it is exhausting getting the flu and then having an allergic reaction to medicine. Of course, it is even more exhausting when you party all night with drugs and booze and all the next day and don't get any sleep and realize that you have to go run around and dance and sweat for two hours when it would be so much easier to just go back to your hotel and party a little more. You promise yourself that you won't party or that you will just party a little and then get a good night's sleep. It never works out that way though and that midnight curfew you gave yourself turns into 3 am and then dawn and then 8 am before you crash.
The crazy thing is Miley has fired people from her tour who have missed a day for being sick, and for sure she would fire someone if they missed two days. When she fired the people she called their behavior unprofessional. When she does it though then it is perfectly fine because she probably thinks she works way harder than they do.