Thursday, April 10, 2014

Joe Francis Is Going To Be A Dad

Joe Francis is going to be a father. He and his girlfriend of two years announced they are having twin girls. Francis said they used IVF because they wanted to be able to select the gender of the babies and also to make sure they were "free of genetic diseases." He says he wanted girls because he respects women. Ummm.

2006-Slammed a female LA Times reporter against her car and twisted her arm behind her back telling her to give him a kiss.
2006 - His company admitted to using minors in films where they appeared naked.
2008- Pleaded no contest to felony child abuse and prostitution charges.
2008 - Four women sued him for filming them underage. During the trial he called one of the women a prostitute.
2013 - Francis was convicted of  three misdemeanor counts of false imprisonment, one of assault causing great bodily injury, and one of dissuading a witness which stemmed from a 2011 incident where he brought three women to his home. He called the jury that convicted him "retarded," and that they should be "euthanized."

Yeah, he really shows respect for women doesn't he?


Unknown said...

He is such a creep. Just looking at him makes my skin crawl.

Seven of Eleven said...

She apparently doesn't have respect for herself to procreate with this fine piece of work. I guess they're a match.


VintagePrincess said...

Hey, remember when Joe Francis was in jail and there were reports from other inmates that he was sitting in his cell crying all day?

I wanted to remind you all because it's nice to think about.

SugarTitz said...

He's broke too. Did she check that out?

Brenda L said...

Oh good God....he's passing on his zygotes and amoebas!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Is she carrying those babies? On couples therapy she admitted to an eating disorder and he seemed to prey on her self esteem. Messy

Lokita said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
LottaColada said...

Whenever I see a pic of Joe, I remember the time he got tied up and was forced to say he liked it up the butt.

Leekalicious said...

I wonder if his attitude towards women will change for the better, since he's having daughters. I've known men that have changed from rude, leering skirt-chasers to Father Bears who talk about how women should be treated with equality and respect. It's a beautiful thing when that happens, because they finally understand something about what it's like to be a woman.

JisforMe said... they used IVF to get rid of genetic diseases. what a slap in the face to Abby who has bulimia...a genetic disease. What a piece of crap this guy is.

Leekalicious said...

@JisforMe Gee, I missed that part about the genetic diseases, and his using the hated r word. He is truly a tool for the ages.

rajahcat said...

well the worst part of all of that is using IVF to rule out genetic disease---let alone choose the sex

is this what we do now??????

Rosie riveter said...

Fucking despicable

Sarah said...


Karen said...

@rajah cat, that's what I was thinking, too. Designer babies! And, yes, sure, if I had three boys, I'd wish that I could guarantee a girl next, but I wouldn't actually DO anything about it.

Unknown said...

I hope his twin girls make his life fucking miserable. I hope they are so high maintenance & do stupid shit to embarrass the fuck out of him their entire lives. If the universe is a karmic wheel in any way shape or form, then those twin girls will be his karma hell.

parissucksliterally said...


Unknown said...

I don't know the guy but he seems charming !

I'm shoked that he can use IVF just because he wants to chosse the gender of his babies...

Dani D$ said...

He doesn't boys who will grow up and beat the living ish out of him for being such a douche to women.

Wen said...

He is going to make POS PMK look like a saint. Those poor girls don't stand a chance with this POS for a father.

__-__=__ said...

He looks so happy!

Sherry said...

VintagePrincess you made me laugh!

Dallas Alice said...

This infuriates me on a number of levels...I HAD to undergo IVF because I could not conceive naturally (docs could never figure out why)--NOT because I wanted a vanity baby. What a sorry sack of shit he is.

auntliddy said...

Well, i cant stand this disrespectful to women piece of garbage, but we dont know what genetic diseases they are screening for. Could be tay sachs or something. Of course i dont know if hes jewish but cld be some disease in his genes. As for choosing girls, idk, what if he had a boy and treated him badly? He doesnt want a boy because he wants to be the only fox in the henhouse. Big baby doesnt want any competion. I cant stand him but i eish the babies well.

Dallas Alice said...

When you undergo IVF, they automatically screen the embryos. There are also genetic tests prospective parents can undergo to determine whether or not they are a carrier of a potential illness. Once I became pregnant, we waited like everyone else and found out the gender via sono. I HATE the idea of gender selection.

Murielle said...

He's the kind of guy who SHOULDN'T have kids. I hate everything he is and represents.

Diana said...

I would think the IVF would be more to prevent passing the STDs he most definitely has and she probably has to the babies. This will most definitely be a c-section so the babies don't get infected on the way out.

Alita said...

Bulemia is a genetic disease? Que?

The only genetic disease I see here is Joe Francis paying on his, you know, genes.

Alita said...

Yep he's probably all puppies, glitter, and rainbows now. Oh and respect for females. And regret that he ever made money from drunk boobie pictures. And ... Well I'll stop there.

I'm sure he's lovely and we should stop unfairly maligning him. Sorry.

Sincerely,Your Friend said...

You'd think she could dig for gold somewhere a little more healthy for herself.

Zeeky_Boogy_Doog said...

Joe Francis is a genetic disease!

Unknown said...

I got to believe he has kept at least one doctor in porsches just treated Joe's std's over the years.

Unknown said...


Erik said...

He's so gross.

Stefani said...

She is psycho and has been arrested before. There are hidden camera videos of her stealing stuff from a friends house. I saw them on the dirty, and then there were warrants out for her arrest a few years ago and she was on the run. But then she got back with this guy and it all went away. She has been with him for several years but is only in her mid 20s. I highly doubt she is carrying the babies.

Trashaddict said...

Enty you have spoiled my evening. Please do not post any more on this POS asshole, unless it's his obituary.

Unknown said...

/AGREE w/ @trashaddict!!


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