Heroes Producers Don't Want Hayden Panettiere Back
When Heroes returns to the airwaves next year with a mini-series, one person who won't be back from the original cast is Hayden Panettiere. The producers have made it clear they don't want her, even though she was one of the big stars of the show. Hayden told Cosmopolitan that she didn't even know they were doing a Heroes reboot until her cousin texted her. Umm, not exactly. Her agents knew the show was coming back. Her agents tried to get her a spot in the show because they know it will be huge and have great ratings but they couldn't get her on the show. So, Hayden will be stuck doing Nashville for the foreseeable future and watch as her former cast mates and new ones come back for Heroes. She says that if she is replaced on the show with someone playing her character that it would be like a dagger to her heart. I can't see the producers doing that, but I can see them just ignoring that her character ever existed. There was no exactly a lot of warm feelings between herself and the rest of the cast by the time the show finished filming. She thought she was the star of the show and should be treated as such and made it clear to anyone that she should be treated like the star.