Friday, April 04, 2014

Gordon Ramsay Mistress Got Slammed By Sarah Jessica Parker

It's not too often that Sarah Jessica Parker does anything off the cuff. She is pretty thorough about planning anything she does. That all changed when she was sent a Tweet by Sarah Symonds. You might remember Sarah as the former mistress of Gordon Ramsay. If you happen to live in Canada you probably have seen her show on Slice where she counsels women who are mistresses. Think of it as Tabitha's makeover show for women who sleep with married men.

Apparently Sarah Symonds said something about SJP's kids. The Tweet was deleted and it happened so fast that no one actually had time to get a screen cap of it. Sarah Jessica Parker's Tweets remain.


  1. Kind of hard to gauge when no one has any idea about what might have been said. For all we know SJP could have had a cup of extra bitchy that morning.

  2. You might remember Sarah as the former mistress of Gordon Ramsay.

    No. No, I do not.

  3. Anonymous8:20 AM

    Note to self: learn how to "slam" without using curse words.
    I would have, at the very least, called her a bitch.
    Huh...go Sarah.

  4. What kind of loathesome twat goes after someones little kids?

  5. The slam had something to do with SJP using a surrogate, and this "relationship analyst" said her kids don't even look like her.

    SJP went mama bear on her, and good for her.

    1. @7
      As soon as I see anything about Mamma Bears, I think of STFU, Parents blog .

      And then I giggle.

    2. ... but completely agree that SJP sounds like she was in the right. Unlike every Mamma Bear ever featured on STFU parents blog :)

    3. @Alita, I <3 STFUP! The "paternity party" post is hands down my favorite. :D

    4. @7
      Paternity Party is killer. You can get lost in that site for hours XD

    5. @Seven NOPE. The annual Valentines Day posts are both the best and worst things to ever happen.

    6. @Alita, IKR?! Then she links to her mommyish columns and there's a whole 'nuther box of giggle-snorting! I do avoid the placenta posts because ... ewwww, placenta smoothie pictures before I've ingested my coffee, nuh uh, no way no how.

      @Wigs, the one where the mom talks about about a candlelight dinner, a bubble bath, cuddling with a good book, and then BOOM! No better date than with Mama's sweet little boy! {whispers to self .... what just happened here ... }

    7. @Seven I never know if I want to hug the author or drop kick her into a swamp (I'm looking at you "umbilical cord artwork post")

    8. @Wig, that was so very very very very very wrong! I thought it was bacon, too, and that made it even worse!

      (Hey to anyone annoyed by this OT, we're being genially snarky up in here and cry your pardon.)

    9. Damn you Seven and Wig I can't tear my eyes away from that parenting site. I love the yoonique baby names, "Trexton Draze" "Sings Praise" "Ma'Kayla" "Comet Cook" "Xyvyn Xanyl-Xarryn" "Akeelies Ann and Aleesies Ann" "Adorabelle" just to name a few.

    10. @JSierra, blame Alita, too! Or is it Atila? :b

    11. Uff I'd not seen the Valentines ones ... bwahaha.

      Thanks @Wiglet and 7 :)

    12. Grrr alita I just discovered the bacon placenta heart

    13. Some things can't be unseen, JSierra ;)

    14. Don't forget the annual Fright Fest featuring poop in all 4 fundamental states of matter, boogers, eye boogers, cords, annnnnd the placenta round up! Make sure you haven't eaten any dairy or mozzarella sticks when you get to that.

    15. Mama Bear! Really? I think of THIS <3

  6. If you want to be ' in the know' around here enty, your enterns better be quicker on the jump!

  7. @SEven: If that is the case, I'm really impressed with SJP's handling of this. That other broad deserved everything she got and more. People are way to nosy and judgmental about other people's kids.

  8. @fancyscreenname its not hard for even people of mediocre intelligence to figure out how to do.

    that being said, goodluck with your uphill battle :/

    1. Anonymous8:34 AM

      howsabout u go find the nearest suicide thread to high Jack and throw a tantrum in? Its where u do your best "work".



    2. #teamFancy

    3. Anonymous8:57 AM


    4. Someone had their extra cup of bitchy this morning didn't they?


    5. Breakfast, lunch and dinner at Bitch Fil A

    6. Anonymous9:10 AM

      She longs for attention but fails to realize that she's not that interesting.

    7. @Fancy. She should try Amazon. They sell everything. Surely she can find a personality there.

    8. Anonymous4:05 PM

      Can't believe I missed this!



  9. So Ramsey has been cooking with this. Guess I'd do her. I don't know. Maybe a couple of beers 1st. But then, after a couple of beers I'll fuck anything.

  10. Good on her. When someone starts in on your kids, you come back at them.

  11. @harryknuckles who said you could use a picture of me as your avi! >:(((((

    1. That's not you in my avi, headrot. You're way younger and prettier.

  12. I bet Apple made a special whinny to text app for SJP.

  13. Anyone who thinks that being a married man's mistress is an enviable position has not likely been one.

    Your treatment of fancy was uncalled for. Just stop it.

    1. Anonymous9:01 AM

      She's trying to make this the headrot show. Ignore her. She's a fucking drama queen. A lonely, bitter, stupid twat that thinks WAY too much of herself.

  14. i was just showing how its done. teaching through modeling is supposed to be the most effective method of knowledge transference, even for those with learning disorders.

  15. @headrot
    You claim to be in touch with all the latest in Early Childhood Education and then you make fun of learning disorders????

  16. when did i make fun of learning disorders? you need some help :/

  17. @lotta I was thinking the same thing, LOL!

    1. @MO Mama- they said it like if we're supposed to know! Lol

  18. I need to know what SS said to SJP? Otherwise, it's difficult to take a side...though, I'm kinda already against SS if she was Gordon's mistress. That's just skeevy in itself.

  19. The thought of riding on the Gordon Ramsay Express makes me throw up in my mouth a little.

    1. @Mickey
      Werd - agony in the brain is the only possible outcome to that mental tangent.

      Also - you have a great blog :)

  20. Oh, fancy. That trick can't even remember or take responsibility for something she did 30 seconds ago.


    Saying "Team Fancy" is fun!

  21. I'm confused. Oh, fiddle-dee-dee!

  22. Word, fancy - another day, another drama.

    BTW, every time I see your name, I hear that Reba McEntire song in my head - "here's your one chance, Fancy, don't let me down!" :D

  23. Me too Seven! I freaking LOVE that song.

  24. @fancy
    My eyes have been opened - I'm just sorry it took so long...

  25. wow Momma Lion

    get her

  26. headrot

    you are teaching how to troll?

    Do tell


  27. #teamrayforthewin

  28. such poor manners :(

    all i was doing was helping her out since she didnt understand how to do something.

    such a shame.

  29. No

    All you do is come in and pee in the pool.
    You don't contribute to the topic at hand and when people don't pay attention to you it's shit time and you hope everyone thinks it's a Baby Ruth.

    You couldn't troll well if your floating feces depended on it.

  30. you see what you want to see :)

  31. Funny I always think of the Reba Mac Song to when I hear Fancy.

    It WAS condescending an totally bitchy. I don't normally say anything but it wasn't necessary to even respond much less in the manner it was done.

    Everyone ignore. *Waits for my flaming*

    1. Anonymous11:25 AM

      Sherry this is not the first time this bitch has been inappropriately rude to me for no reason. I handle things the way I see f

  32. Do y'all know each other in real life? As a casual observer, it seems like y'all take this headrot stuff really personally...

    1. Anonymous5:34 PM

      Aeol, I think that several posters here have multiple IDs and start fights with each other just to get a thrill. At least one of them is probably the one with all the Karadashian accounts and just changes the names back to 'regulars' when it suits.


    2. Anonymous5:34 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. Thanks, Pepper Spink, now I have "Too Much Time On My Hands" stuck in my head...
      I'm not complaining, there are far worse earworms than Styx.

  33. @aeol happy to say i know none of them irl! crazy aint it?

  34. cause you've always been sunshine and rainbows to me, i am so sure. chuckle

  35. Anonymous11:29 AM

    @sherry. See fit

    @Head rot
    I don't comment to u so what are u talking about?

  36. selective short term memory! good to know.

  37. Anonymous11:35 AM

    Link please, bitch...

  38. i'm sorry, but you seem to have me confused with someone who would waste their time finding that. wasnt too far back though.

    sorry you cant remember. if youre motivated you can always find it yourself :)

  39. Anonymous11:40 AM

    Symonds probably attacked the paternity of SJP's kids because Ferris is gay. Hey, it works for them.

  40. Anonymous11:41 AM

    So on top of being a CDAN drama queen you are a liar?

    I shouldn't b surprised...

    Continue to have a rotten day.

  41. @jen i forgot about that! has their been any proof other than the rumors about his preferences?

    @fancy good luck with the name calling and inaccurate beliefs :)

  42. right on right on right on

  43. Im sorry, but not everyone is into what youre into :/


  44. Anonymous12:07 PM


    You didn't GET IT, how cute.

    This arguing shit turns u on that's why u do it. ((Internet drama queens))

  45. Anonymous12:09 PM

    We're done here, btw...

  46. @headrot
    You started this thing against fancy weeks ago. It's not fair to keep dissing another poster without even saying what you're mad about. And no, I'm not going to go back looking through your posts.

    1. Anonymous5:37 PM

      And why do you always step in and fight peoples' battles?

  47. @fancy um. yeah, ok. sorry, youre exhibiting classic transference of behavior. i hope you get help soon.

    @leek i dont get why youre sticking your nose in. but that seems to be what you enjoy. to each their own! but good luck to you with it, you really seem to need it :/

  48. Fancy: I meant for HER to say anything. I understand YOU responding. Don't blame you. That comment was directed to the group as to how someone started being ugly for no reason.

    Sorry Headrot: no +1 for you.

  49. @headrot
    Yeah, I get the feeling you say that a lot - whenever you hear something you don't like. Trolling people and telling people you hate them is not 'expressing yourself' - it's being a bitch.

  50. i stand by my +1 :)

    it applies better than you realize ^_^ i'm totally ok with how silly and hypocritical everyone on here is. it seems to be the hallmark of cultural acceptance here.

  51. It's not 'cultural acceptance', it's whether you go onto a thread attacking another poster for no reason. No one else does that on such a regular basis. Why do you think it's all right for you to do it?

  52. @leek sigh leek, i can only hope that some get a clue. for your own sake if no one elses.

  53. Im feelin u headrot
    it gets better

  54. @leek if you really think that, then you perfectly demonstrated your naiveté and ignorance. good luck! wishing you the best!

  55. @headrot, for someone who has no time to find previously made statements you sure have plenty of it to waste while you throw out mediocre insults to anyone who dare criticize you.

    Continue on with your gibberish insults while not actually saying anything. If you are going to use the word hypocritical make sure you are using it properly and that it doesn't actually apply to you.

    Troll away.

  56. @rose i choose what to waste my time with? does that not make sense? why should i prove something that i know took place to someone who i also know is too stubborn to pay attention if i did bother to find it?
    if everyone else is so interested, why dont they go find them? i certainly do not need to prove it to myself

    1. how have i insulted anyone who has criticized me?
    ex. Sherry criticized me, did i insult her? no.

    "of the nature of hypocrisy, or pretense of having virtues, beliefs, principles, etc., that one does not actually possess: "
    2. how have i been hypocritical?
    and yes, this definition demonstrates i used it properly ^_^

    thanks for your thoughts anyway! lol

  57. Enty needs to block some trolls.

  58. There's nothing about biological links that make you a better parent, and there is nothing about surrogacy/donated eggs/adoption that makes you any worse of a parent. It's in the actions not the blood. But of course a professional other woman would know a lot about ethics, right?

  59. Long time reader but soooo confused....I thought headrot was a goody?

    1. Anonymous5:41 PM

      Crazycatlady - most likely same person as any one(s) of the identities contained herein, just stirring things up to create a bit of "excitement". Would be interesting to see how often the same IP address pops up among multiple IDs in these comments.

  60. @crazy i recently got ganged up upon for expressing dissenting opinions and then further ganged up on for getting upset when getting ganged up on.

    i'm a troll because i express any dislike for any of the people who previously treated me poorly.

    as a result they like to dismiss me as a troll so that noone pays attention to their previous antics.

    i'm not terribly worried about it

  61. This comment has been removed by the author.

  62. Nah Headrot was just the flavor of the week. It is all about Lady H these days *jokesjokes*. People cant always get along 24/7. People make jokes that can be misinterpreted which snow-balls into a whole other barrel of monkeys. Sarcasm and playfulness does not translate well with strangers over the net...

    1. DH. Still not done ranting yet huh? And you call me the troll, you troll. I will not bring up your name again but do NOT bring up mine.

  63. @derek you said it way better than me. :)

  64. Listen bitches. Go to another thread for this crap. Any who. . Sjp. Had her eggs frozen with Matt swimmers a looong- time ago. They did several rounds of iv to conceive little James wilky. They most likely had plenty of extra embryos frozen that they used for the twins.
    It doesn't matter how old you are when you conceive or use a surrogate if the embryos that were used are still healthy you can use embryos from up to 20 years ago. No one knows but them when and how many embryos they had stored.

  65. Awww thanks @headrot & derek for taking the time to explain, I thought I'd overdone the wine lol :) I totally get the sarcasm and jokes, in a one text format, it doesn't always translate well (I've tried playful and sarcastic with a few colleagues via email and it resulted in "phone calls",:) Enjoy your night guys.

  66. Anonymous2:09 PM

    U are incorrect sir. Head rot goes out of her way to be a mean little bitch for no reason. Did u miss the Lwren Scott suicide thread? She was totally inappropriate to people trying to b nice to her.

    Her shit with me started about a month ago. I asked count a question about him seemingly trying to sway female opinion to his point of view. I wasn't rude, just asking a question and this head rot person took it upon herself to talk shit to me for whatever reason. She was insulting, not sarcastic and playful, she knows what she's doing. She's an angry attention whore with issues.

  67. #TeamFancydon'tletmedown

  68. Anonymous2:11 PM

    THANK U @Jeremy!

  69. @Fancy---I hear ya girl. I have never seen you be rude etc. and really like you. I was just commenting on how some people here (not you) switch their favorites and love to jump-down peoples throats when they are not involved in a discussion to begin with. But you of all people deserve a little back-up so I understand...I am only commenting about this cause I was once the target of her wrath but later on discovered she truly does not give a f*ck about how her opinion is perceived by others. She is going to state it whether it is warranted or not.

  70. @fancy
    I remember when it started now. I couldn't figure out what headrot was angry about, because you weren't even talking to or about her at the time, it was about something Count Jerkula had said.

  71. Anonymous2:24 PM

    The people who are speaking out against her are sick of her shit.

    Its not about ME. They are not fans of me particularly. They are tired of her drama queen tactics and rude demeanor.

    1. don't be so sure fancy,, :-D
      I get you as a pleasant glow when I read your posts.

    2. Anonymous4:37 PM


      U r too kind...


    3. I just like saying 'fancy.' It feels good in your head.



    4. @fancy: wroooong! I read your posts as if they were being narrated by Angela Davis. Keep doing you boo #teamFancy #oooohthatWASfun!

    5. ^^^ more proof Fancy be gangsta? That last post was #187 in a motherfuckin cop

  72. @Fancy---Yeah I was just commenting on how about a month or 2 ago people disowned me for making fun of her. Then I got mouthy about it and she basically said I dont give an f what he thinks--lol in a weird way telling people to back-off its just a circle thing I guess...but yeah I dont understand the dramatics--not everyone can be good ol'girls like us~~

    1. Actually Derek, I stopped thinking you are a good guy when you went after her like verbal acid in the face, you were Way out of line. You Just did the same to Lady Heisenberg over nothing but a misunderstanding on Your part.
      Yet, just like here, you act all innocent of the level of insanity you bring out.

    2. Anonymous5:44 PM

      Yeah, I agree. You're a nasty little poster at the best of times. Name calling and over reacting plays a big part in your book.

    3. That was the SECOND time that pearl clutching hypocrite started a witch hunt against me for no fucking reason, now it's a third. He attacked me on the grounds that I am a woman and specifically made derogatory comments about my feminist beliefs. It was deliberate fucking hate speech. I then threw his apology back in his face because I knew it was bs and even if it wasn't, no excuse!!! He even admitted his apology was bs & proceeded to attack my long term SO! Wtf, you leave so bad kids OUT! As I said earlier here, I want peace but that means he never mentions my fucking name again. Ever. Thanks teamLH. Do much love from Heusenberg

    4. Oh and look at the difference in how DH attacked me versus how sandy DID, then compare their apologies. #donewiththisnow

  73. Anonymous2:30 PM

    That's where her THING with me started. I don't know what that was all about. I thought she was drunk.

    She said waaay more to me that night than I did to her and even insulted another poster with a crude "joke" about the posters mother giving birth to her in an alley and having a stretched out vagina (not the word she used) as a result. This head rot person is a real piece of work. A nasty little being...

  74. and I am no longer invested in this...have a good night ya'll

  75. From the L'Wren Scott conversation:

    headrot said...
    i'm jealous that she had the conviction to go through with it.

    Sherry said...
    Headrot, I echo other peoples advice. Please don't even contemplate taking your life. It's a permanent solution to a temporary problem.

    headrot said...
    @sherry no shit sherlock. and thank you for moronically jumping on the bandwagon. never once did i claim to be suicidal. but thanks for verbalizing what i knew all along. people who are "antisuicide" are the fucking selfish ones cause they are more worried with "their feelings" than what is best for the other person.

  76. Anonymous2:35 PM



  77. Anonymous2:49 PM


    Sorry for the earlier confusion. I know you, of all people, don't involve yourself in this type nonsense.

  78. Headrot- it really does get better.


    1. Anonymous4:01 PM

      She doesn't want it to....

  79. No worries Fancy. I was trying to make it my opinion on the behavior and not be accused of calling out any one person. Unfortunately it could have been misconstrued as a statement to you.

    I don't understand why people want to be snippy and nor do I understand why people scream for help (or make it appear so) and then get pissy because people show they care.

    Sure no one "asked you to care" but couldn't we take that to large disasters where strangers help people out? Should we "interfere"? Yes we should because however selfish it may seem we could never forgive ourselves for not trying to have helped our fellow man. It's the best part of human nature.

    I'm never sorry I moronically extended a kindness. I'm never ashamed of being a softie. I'm never taken advantage of either. Mock me and try to turn it around to make me an idiot if that makes you feel better. Don't care. I'm secure enough to deal with it.

  80. well then learn to deal with the consequences, people thinking that youre lowlife sacks of shit for imposing your views and values on others.

    fucking dumbasses.

  81. and apparently you love the drama more than anyone fancy bc you've been continuing it for quite some time now.

    i seriously hope none of you have kids.

    1. Every comment you makes, makes me want to reproduce so freaking bad.

    2. Thanks boo :)


  82. @sugarbread
    Sorry about that. I'm not a bitch, but I would stick up for you too if you were attacked.

    Sorry that happened to you. You seem like a nice guy.

    When I started posting on CDAN, I also thought headrot was the wronged party and stuck up for her. I am sorry about that - I spoke up before knowing the whole story.
    I think of the Perez Hilton site and shudder to see what's become of the forums. It's amazing that this forum has continued, unmoderated, and that it flourishes. It means having common courtesy though (headrot) and I hope things can get back to normal. Headrot, a lot of your posts are fine - you just need to exnay the mean stuff and not pick on people bc they disagree with you.
    Sorry also to everyone for interrupting the thread, but since these are linear threads, it's impossible to stand up for a fellow poster without doing so.

    The mistress definitely had it coming.

  83. This comment has been removed by the author.

  84. @leek you really should stop talking, because seriously, i have never ever seen you post anything that i would consider to be of any kind of intelligence. in fact, everytime you post i not only cringe but do nothing but gain more and more distain for you.

    you of all people should not speak about common courtesy, because seriously, the idea of you actually speaking on that seriously is such a joke. you cant even demonstrate it yourself, as can be seen in the thread that was reposted.

    so shut the fuck up, you dumb fucking moron. i have no problems with people who dont agree with me. but it would take someone with a modicum of intelligence to see that, something that is incredibly apparent that both you and fancy lack.

    1. Headrot, go to a meeting.
      It'll get better.

    2. It does get better.

  85. Have a great weekend, sunshine!

  86. Of course, by tweeting about this SJP just fanned the flames. I for one would never have known about this if she hadn't.

    Still, she has a right to lash out at somebody taking pot shots at her kids.

    1. Anonymous5:47 PM

      Indeed ... "Streisand Effect"

    2. Anonymous5:48 PM

      This comment has been removed by the author.

  87. A little snooty of SJP to refer to the controversy about the "provenance" of her kids. Not technically incorrect, but a weird word to use when you're not talking about, say, artwork or rare books.

  88. @principessa it fits with her personality, imho

  89. Dissing or maligning kids, ALWAYS off the table. I guess I'll grudgingly say -TeamSJP. Always a first for everything.

    I'd like to go head to head with GR. I think I can out bullshit him and I think it sounds delightful. Bwahahaha!

  90. No one wants to read all of this 7th grade personal shit. Enty should ban every one of you for a month and see if you can get your acts together.

    1. Anonymous4:18 PM



      The thought of me being banned to "get my shit together" made me guffaw.

      Thanks for that.

  91. Who the hell has a show about the woes of mistresses? I guess Canada has its loser shows too.

    I think you're blaming the wrong people. It's sort of the unfortunate way in which schools blame both kids for fighting.

    1. Anonymous5:51 PM

      You're right - hopefully Enty just bans you, for meddling and getting up peoples' noses

  92. i am not suicidal, i havent been suicidal, and i really dont appreciate the instance that i am.

    1. You weren't the one with the blog? And you took it down after someone posted a link?

      Not you? Shit, my bad.

  93. @malibu you hit the nail on the head and i agree with you. everyone should be.

  94. @Steam--I apologized to Lady H for my misunderstanding and she never excepted my apology. In-fact she made assumptions and called me sexist etc. So whatever. She then accused me of calling her a troll which I never did. She seems to really get along with you. Wonder if Ms. Politically Correct would still share the same admiration after reading your charming Oscar remarks about Sidney Poitier. The fact that you still defend Headrot speaks volumes about your judgement. (No offense Head--really dont want round 2!).
    Now I guess I should wait for Lowkey to chime in and have her tell me how she does not like me for the 100th time. Though it will flip-flop every other week (and your right I really DONT care).

    1. Derek, you go off like a skyrocket. Do you blackout as to how hateful you become when pissed? Or do you see your actions as justified because " its what I feel, so deal" .
      Fine, I know you don't care. I don't lose sleep.
      I'm not defending headrot, you invaded her privacy on this site and used those details to make a point. Had she wanted those details known ,SHE ,not you would have talked about them.
      Its your methods and hostility that I am Speaking of,
      Your actions, not hers. It was ALWAYS ABOUT YOUR ACTIONS.

    2. Ray? Are you angry with me?
      I like to think we get along, did I step on a toe?

    3. No we're cool, I was fixing Derek's incorrect use of the word excepted when he clearly meant to use the word accepted.


    4. You accused me of having 90 user names! And what does telling me to fuck off on my "surfboard with Gloria Steimham" mean, followed by scaling me a"simple minded bitch." Sexist and a liar. Your words speak for themselves DH! You say you hate drama but coincidentally you seem to fucking love starting shit. Stop stealing you disses from
      Khloes twitter too. Heisenberg out!

  95. @derek none taken. i know i'm disliked, but as you observed, i dont really care.

    i actually respect you, unlike Leek and Fancy, because you can actually form an intelligent sentence, a coherent argument, and thoughtfully communicate your views without forcing them on others. you can also communicate disliking someone without being a rabid foaming at the mouth cursing lunatic :)

    a skill that seems to be lacking i others.

  96. @derek if you havent noticed, this crew are the real trolls. baiting plenty of people. but whatever :)

  97. Anonymous5:04 PM

    U are not the witty mind fucker that u think u are. You are a COMPLETE joke. Sadly, u r the last one to realize this.


  98. @leek was calling you a bitch. just generalizing that most people need to take a Xanax before typing that's all.. just kidding around- I try to beef with no one and just have fun.
    I can see this thread has jumped the shark so I will move on to the other threads..peace out

  99. @leek-- wasn't calling you a b..

  100. @Malibu no kidding. Whenever i open up the comments now I figure it's only 50/50 they will relate to celebrities at all. Half the time it's just people fighting nowadays.

  101. I just read the word fancy so many times it lost it's meaning.


    1. Anonymous6:03 PM

      Sorry. I KNOW WHAT U MEAN! The word FANCY will b an irritant for alot of CDANers for the next few days.

    2. #teamethorne

  102. @sugarbread
    Thanks sugarbread for clarifying...

  103. Anonymous5:50 PM

    Wow - 142 comments and not one mentioning the creepy Illuminati "all seeing eye" SJP has on her Twitter profile.

    1. @Step, you missed them. Jay Z made Enty take them down :(

  104. I tried to read all of these comments but then my eyes started blurring and I began fantasizing about which grocery store I could get my fave small boxed wines and a nice salad from.

    My feelings have gone from pity to just outright irritation and impatience. We get it, you are a deeply complex, dark and troubled individual. Life sucks sometimes but if all you do is sit around playing victim and blame everyone else on a gossip blog I can give you a 100% guarantee that your life will continue to suck. Also, if you want to brag about your superior intellectual abilities I suggest you find somewhere else besides a gossip blog. It's like being an obese person in McDonalds and complaining about how everyone around you is a fat cow who makes poor nutritional choices.

  105. @Principessa
    I guess by 'provenance', SJP meant the how, where and when of her kids' conception, as well as who carried the pregnancy. I worked in IT much of my working life, and it referred to the custodial history of a document lol.

    Ms. Symonds said that the children do not look like Sarah Jessica. I think they look like their dad.

  106. why would anybody say anything about those kids anyway, it is obvious they are mini Ferris Buellers. and wtf is up with ya'll- if I wanted bickering, I would call up some family instead of coming here for humorous musings on trendy folks.

  107. This comment has been removed by the author.

  108. @Pepper Spink: Blogger doesn't give the admins IPs with the comments, just email addresses.

  109. @count did you see the post i left for you on another thread?

  110. @Headrot: no I didn't. Which thread.

  111. Long-time lurker, posted for the first time today.

    @headrot is a career victim who trolls for sympathetic people so she can shit on them and act superior to them.

    I read the L'Wren thread where @headrot was at her troll-y worst, then clicked through to her blog which she has since taken down because HOW DARE YOU READ MY PUBLIC BLOG THAT I LINK TO ON HERE?

    Anyway, going from memory, she gave an inventory of sexual abuse starting in early childhood and continuing - wait for it - through to her late 20's. IOW the present day.

    Gee, victim much?

    I bet she could pick out the one person most likely to abuse her in a crowd of 200 people, and unlike the rest of us she'd make a bee-line straight for that person and then whine about it when - no shit sherlock - that person treated her like crap, or worse.

    She's over on another thread talking about how she is mean to people who contact her on dating sites.

    I have decided to completely ignore her after this, because I bet if we all decided to NEVER AGAIN RESPOND TO ANY OF HER POSTS she would eventually go trolling for attention on some other web site.

    Or enty could ban her.

    Whatever makes her go away fastest, I'm all for it.

    I mean, if she were INTERESTING? But she's not. She doesn't even know how to snark at other people in a creative way. She's just a black hole of vapid boring insults.

    And OMG talk about easy to rile up? She takes the bait EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's like drop in a quarter and watch headrot foam at the mouth. No self-control.

    I mean, what are the odds she will sit on her fingers and not reply to my post? ZERO.

  112. I don't blame headrot for taking her blog down. It was some heavy, personal shit that was dug up and dragged out when some people wanted to prove a point or win an argument.

  113. What kind of person trolls celebrity blind sites which are about the least important sites on the planet, and at the same time links to a blog with heavy personal shit on it?

    Somebody going "look at me, look at me, HOW DARE YOU LOOK AT ME YOU PIGS," that's who.

    And as far as I can tell, she went out of her way to imply that she wasn't opposed to suicide, which brought an outpouring of alarm and compassion and people trying to be helpful, then she turned on them for taking the bait, and called them all sorts of horrible names for basically being nice people.

    I wasn't surprised how that played out because somebody who repeatedly seeks out the worst people she can find, simply doesn't know how to respond appropriately to kindness.

    Although, I can't shake this suspicion that headrot is really a 45 year old virgin who weighs 300 pounds and farts a lot, living in an illegal in-law unit in her elderly parents' basement with orange cheeto powder all over her fingers, dreaming of the day her parents die so she can mortgage the house to get liposuction.

    oops, I'm a hypocrite, I said I wasn't going to talk about headrot.


    ignoring headrot in 3 ... 2 .... 1 ....

    OK NOW.

  114. Holy Moly

    I'm kind of afraid of you Prunella.


    (Glad you are posting though! Don't disagree with a word you typed. But..damn)

  115. I get what you're saying, I really do. A lot of well intentioned readers offered help and she reacted. I am not supporting that reaction.

    I don't remember headrot ever providing a link to her blog on a thread and I don't click on anyone's usernames. The only reason I ever read it or was even aware of it was when other readers posted it during an argument. I realize it was a public blog, but I'd be pissed if people took my dark shit and threw it in my face.

  116. She linked it in her profile Kristen.
    Concerned folks obviously clicked that profile to find a way (maybe?) to get in touch with her. Said blog was linked, they read it and became even more concerned.

    If you ask me, linking something like that is expecting others to read it. Ammirite?
    Be a jerk? Don't be shocked when what you offered out to the public is used against you.

    The internets...they is forever.

  117. Oh and I say that as someone who is a jerk more often than not, which is why I would never dream of linking my "Why we should bring back Scooby Doo" blog.
    Stories and everything! I have it more CSI-like and Sha


  118. @LadyH---You Go Girl! You win the internet. I did not say anything untrue and that negative about you on this thread so I really do not know why you are rambling on like an insane person. And all this #teamthis #teamthat is annoying as hell. We are not teenagers. I will of course be avoiding you like the plague. and why are you always bringing up Sandys name with me? *dont bother answering cause I dont care*. Enjoy your time here. I am sure you will be the boss of the weaker ones with

  119. Got it. I guess it just hasn't sit well with me the way it's been used as a tool. It comes off as not so much concern as a way to try and publicly humiliate someone.

  120. Yikes Kristin, I am sorry I misspelled your name :(
    (At least I didn't call ya Bibby).
    I hear you on that, being cruel or mean is never cool.
    Though I'm completely with Prunella in that headrot is a professional victim. Then when people try to be kind she takes a dump all over them.

    I'm really not sure what her end game is, as it is certainly not about forming friendships or even any sort of civil relationship with fellow posters.

  121. To add to that, it's not like we all need to be friends but I would think we could at least be decent to one another.
    We have the site in common and holy cow I just sounded like Jerry Springer.

  122. Well that lasted all of 120 seconds.
    Jerry Springer has left the building.

  123. I never accused you have having 90 user names. You said "at least you posted under your actual poster name and not under a different name" and I said yeah not all of us use other names---(thats for people like your bud Ray)-I never directly accused you. and then you went batshit and then thats when I called you simple minded bitch. After you basically called me a poser. So yeah thats that- you were a jerk and so was I. and yes Roger That.
